Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1080: Dark clouds, men and women

Fang Xing returned to the study and closed his eyes on the recliner to rest.

Zhang Shuhui personally came to invite him to dinner, but when he saw the frown between his eyebrows, she quietly stepped out, and whispered the knife to watch outside.

Once Fang Xing is in this state, he must be thinking about a problem, and it is still a difficult problem.

The knife stood outside the door, his eyes turned from time to time, thinking about the coquettish and beautiful Chunmei that day.

After he imagined that he had a dozen children with Chunmei, footsteps came from behind him.


Fang Xing nodded, his expression calm.

Rheumatism can cause organ damage, and Zhu Di’s rheumatism is considered to be relatively serious, and he was beginning to be judged as'atrophy' by the imperial doctor. This atrophy is not that atrophy, but refers to limb muscle atrophy, similar to muscle weakness. symptom.

Later, the imperial physician Sheng Yin determined that it was rheumatism, and Zhu Di said that he used to travel to the grasslands frequently in the north, suffering from dampness and cold, and was symptomatic.

This is also the reason why Zhu Di's current condition is still stable.


Fang Xing circled around the place, thinking about Zhu Di's ultimate cause of death.

Rheumatism must be the dominant factor. The emperor was stubborn and had to conquer the grasslands himself.

Now that the two wolves on the grassland have an ambiguous attitude, will Zhu Di take action?


Fang Xing found Jia Quan and asked about Wuyun's situation.

"The new messenger has not come yet, and the dark clouds are free in the city of Beiping every day, with a lot of money."

"That's it!"

Fang Xing asked, "Where does she like to wander around?"

Jia Quan said in surprise: "Uncle, you don't want to **** that woman? I heard that the woman is very sturdy! A man thinks she is rich and beautiful, so he went to tease her, and was beaten. He threw his hands and feet out. That's a tigress!"

Thinking of the tigress in Fang Xing's house, Jia Quan felt that he could not deal with this matter.

"What do you think? Fuck off!"

Jia Quan was anxious to flash people, and ran away as soon as he heard the words.


Changyue Tower, since being tossed by Fang Xing once, the popularity here is no longer there.

He didn't ask who the new boss was, and there was no need to ask, because to Chang Yuelou, he was the **** of plague.

So when Fang Xing appeared, the guests in the lobby were a little sluggish, and they couldn't help but look at the middle of the lobby.

Xu Jingchang didn't dare to take over, so the new boss didn't dare to do singing and dancing anymore.

In the middle of the lobby, the original singing stage has been demolished, and several tables have been placed.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to come over, so he told his buddy to take care of this uncle, so as not to let Changyuelou be tricked by him again.

"Uncle, are you going to use rice?"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "I have an acquaintance on the second floor, so you don't need to lead the way."


Dude think about the guests on the second floor today. After much deliberation, I can't think of this uncle's acquaintance.

Fang Xing climbed up the level, and Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao followed, with some momentum.

The second floor was still the same structure, and the knife walked in front and found the room along the corridor.

"Knock on the door."

Fang Xing wanted to let the knife kick the door, but he didn't want to become a plague god.


A woman's voice came from inside.

The knife said solemnly: "My master is Dang Chao Xing and uncle, open the door!"

The door fell silent for a while, then opened, and dark clouds appeared.

"I have seen Xing He Bo."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Will it be a hindrance to the uncle going in?"

Wuyun was a little confused, but she couldn't ask for a conversation with Fang Xing, so she hurriedly turned sideways.

As soon as he entered, Fang Xing saw two women standing on the side, standing with hands.

Moreover, the faces of these two women were crimson, and their **** were a little open and wrinkled.

Fang Xing sat on the main seat as usual, pointed at the opposite side and said, "Sit down."

What is called "noisy", that's it.

But Wuyun, who had already had a reputation in Beiping City, sat down obediently, and asked, "Uncle Xinghe, I'll ask someone to change the table again."

"No need!"

Fang Xing frowned and looked at the two women, and asked, "Where did you come from?"

The two women were nervous, and one of them said: "Uncle, the two girls are... but..."

Wu Yun said nonchalantly: "They are just my pleasure. They serve men in the yard on weekdays. Today I just called them out. Men can scream, can't I scream?"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Of course you can call. Give the money and let them go."

Wuyun unwillingly took out the treasure to pay the bill.

"You are not allowed to use gold and silver, and I have to go to the household department to exchange the treasures for the harm, it is really troublesome!"

Fang Xing ignored her and asked the two women, "Does the money count?"

An uncle actually cared about secret prostitutes, and the two women were panicked and nodded and said: "Logarithm, uncle, logarithm."

Prostitutes, this is an ancient profession, you can't completely ban it, at best you can restrain it.

Fang Xing nodded. After the two women went out, he looked at the dark clouds and asked, "Where is the messenger of unhappy?"

The dark cloud froze for a moment, and then said: "I don't know, maybe it was a delay on the road."

Fang Xing sneered and said, "It's just that way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's time to climb to Daming!"

Wu Yun retorted: "But there are many people in Alutai. If the messenger is intercepted halfway, our little prince doesn't know!"

Tuohuan doesn't like the title of Little Prince at all!

Fang Xing looked at the hardly touched dishes on the table, and felt that it was a waste of food for these people.

But Wuyun was a little unclear about Fang's intentions. She tidyed up her skirts, and unknowingly pulled the skirts apart, revealing a touch of whiteness and tenderness.

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly became charming.

Fang Xing's gaze swept across, coldly, then he tapped his fingers on the table and said in a deep voice, "Take it away."

Wuyun's face blushed, and he hurriedly closed his clothes back, shocked in his heart.

Relying on herself as a messenger, she has acted a bit high-profile recently.

Recently, the DPRK and the Central Government are busy exchanging treasures and dealing with Shandong affairs, but they have forgotten her messenger, which made her a little forgetful.

And in front of Fang Xing...

The dark cloud looked at Fang Xing with a complicated look. The man in front of him had once defeated Mahamu's most elite cavalry, and even saved Zhu Zhanji, and also saved the battle.

And during this time in Beiping, she wandered around on the surface, but secretly collected all the information of Daming.

The information is a bit complicated, but this uncle Xinghe seems to stand out from the crowd.

Zhixing Academy, the teacher of Emperor Taisun, the demise of North Korea and the Kingdom of Japan are also directly related to him, as well as Jiaozhi.

——This is a dangerous guy!

"Do you want to have **** with each other? Or does he want to be an enemy of Daming?"

Wu Yun looked up at Fang Xing and saw a pair of cold eyes. She jumped in her heart and hurriedly denied: "No, the little prince has long admired Daming's demeanor. He only wanted to hold Alutai for Daming. It means that Ming is an enemy."

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