Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: Awe, Java and Old Port

Thanks to the book friend: "160527232051207" for the great reward!


The private rooms in Changyue Building are square, with calligraphy and painting hanging on the walls, and sound insulation is done well. If you don't raise your voice, you can basically keep it secret.

Alone men and widows are alone in a room, but the atmosphere is not embarrassing, and some are just killing.

"I am afraid that Tuohuan is thinking of Daming's flowers and mountains! Prepare to wait for the opportunity to come in and grab a hand, just like your ancestors, riding on the Central Plains. This is the goal you are tirelessly pursuing, right?"

Wuyun is silent, this is an undeniable fact-every time the grassland alien race is strong and strong, his eyes will immediately move south, no exceptions, no exceptions!

If you are dealing with civil servants, then everyone will only attack from side to side instead of going straight to the point of disagreement between the two sides.

But Fang Xing was different. He seemed to despise the two major forces in the grassland, disdainful and indifferent.

Fang Xing got up and said, "Don’t grind, what is the idea of ​​getting out of love? Don’t tell me, Daming will also send scouts to investigate. Don’t forget, your Majesty and Daming have rested long enough and are searching around. The next opponent. I hope it won't be you! So do it yourself!"

The dark cloud's complexion did not change, and he stood up and said, "Don't worry, Xing Hebo, the little prince is trapped in the other two parts of Oala, and there is Alutai outside. I only want to not be annexed in this life."

Fang Xing nodded and said: "Being in Beiping, it is not easy. You can live a little better. Next time I hear that you break the hands and feet of the Daming people, I will chop off your limbs and make bacon to give away. ."

Wu Yun Qiang smiled, thinking Fang Xing was joking.

But Fang Xing's expression was cold, and he squinted at her, as if staring at a...prey!

"The one in the front is that they don't live up to it, so I will let you go, and you will try again in the back?"

Wuyun has become accustomed to being unscrupulous in the break-up club, she almost blurted out and tried, but she finally swallowed it back.

The number of Jingguan cast during the Southern and Northern Wars probably won't be surpassed in the Ariake Dynasty. What will later generations say?

Butcher? Or a hero?

The dark cloud came to the door blankly, watching Fang Xing walk away.

A few guests came out of the room and just saw this scene. Since dark clouds are often in the Changyue Building, everyone is familiar with each other, so guesses inevitably happen.


Although the process of Jinling's exchange of silver was thrilling, it had an unexpected benefit.

"Those people in the south have disappeared."

Zhu Zhanji looked a little radiant. In the Southern World War, he decisively defeated Xu Qin and suppressed the gentry in the south with thunder means, and his prestige among the people gradually increased.

Here is the camp of Jubao Mountain Guards. Rows of soldiers lined up. Wang He read aloud the meritorious people on this trip to Shandong and Jinling, and then awarded the prizes.

Shi Jinqing, the Javanese messenger, and the messengers from various countries who came with Zheng He this time were all standing by the side, but the atmosphere between the two was a little weird.

Zhu Zhanji glanced at the two men and said: "Since the old port Xuanweisi is the place of Daming, how can he be a minister to Java?"

Fang Xing said: "It's just a strong neighbor. The Old Port is located at the throat of the strait, but Daming has no garrison. This gives those people a chance to covet it."

Zhu Zhanji said, "But didn't Zheng He just go there? Isn't the king of Java so courageous? Huh! I see."

After the appreciation is completed, the next step is to practice-a specially held practice.

The array was neat, the rotation was skillful, and a live ammunition exercise was carried out at the end.

Amid the intensive gunfire, Zhu Zhanji summoned the Javanese messenger and Shi Jinqing, pointed at the array and asked: "Is the power of Ming Dynasty powerful?"

Shi Jinqing smiled and said, "The Ming army is unparalleled in the world. If there is such an army in Old Port, your Highness, that strait will belong to Da Ming!"

Fang Xing glanced at him, although his face was radiant, but there was a slight sadness between his brows.

Is this a problem?

There were two dads in Jiugang at this time. One was Daming, the son crushed by Zheng He's fleet.

And the other one is Java, also called Manzhe Bo Yi, which is not taken by Da Ming, only Java.

The Javanese envoy said with a face as usual: "Da Ming is a powerful country, and I dare not rebel."

It's very difficult, and very blunt, with a little bit of resentment.

Fang Xing looked at Man Riga’s messenger and said, "I heard that Man Riga also wants Old Port?"

The envoy of Manjaga was already frightened by the army in front of him, and hurriedly denied: "Xinghe Bo, if there is nothing, the country will be banned. I just want to surrender to Daming and live a stable life. If you covet the old port, Tomorrow, a **** will be sent, and the country will be vulnerable to a blow!"

This Chi Guoguo's allegiance statement proved that between countries, what is needed is deterrence, and Huairou is only assistance.

If anyone got this order wrong, it would be Mr. Dong Guo. And when you weaken, these countries with low brows and pleasing eyes will change into hideous faces, and will rush to bite your flesh and blood.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji looked at each other, and everyone watched the artillery exercise.

The twelve artillery pieces were lined up neatly, and when Shen Yao saw that it was loaded, he swung his knife and roared, "Ignite!"

The primer ignites quickly, continues to burn in, and then...

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The huge roar made the heart beat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the wooden targets in the distance were crushed one after another, and the sawdust was flying.

After landing, the shells bounced again swept everything, and the power seemed to destroy everything in the world.

Fang Xing turned around and took a look, seeing nervousness, admiration, fear... and... his eyes flickered.

This is the Asian jungle. The rule of respect for the strong must be followed in the jungle-you will be beaten if you fall behind!

After the three rounds of artillery, the wooden target was almost invisible in front.

Then there is silence, deathly silence!

"Return to camp separately!"

The silence was broken by Lin Qun'an's orders, and the envoys began to whisper.

Let them watch this play today, there must be a taste of shock in it.

So who does Daming want to shock?

With all kinds of eyes flying wildly, Zhu Zhanji asked faintly: "What does the Java country think?"

The Javanese messenger was thinking of things with his head down, but he was shocked when he heard the words.

Worship or something, although it is not as exaggerated as it used to be, these messengers will still take advantage of them every time they come.

Who is this to enshrine to whom?

Zhu Zhanji said majesticly: "Since the original intention is the barrier of Daming, why does your country want to persecute the old port? There is Daming's Xuanweisi, what does Java want to do?"

The Javan messenger glanced at Shi Jinqing, who was pretending to be stupid on the side. He must have sued!

But the mighty power took the lead. He didn't dare to expose his emotions, so he could only plead guilty: "His Royal Highness, it's just a little dispute. I have no intention of annexing the old port. This heart is a lesson!"

Zhu Zhanji frowned, shook his head and said, "Daming warned your country the last time I came here. Is it just a breeze? Huh?"

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