Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Form Xuanwu Guard

In the presence of envoys from various countries, Zhu Zhanji reprimanded the Javanese envoy. The news spread quickly. When it reached Zhu Di's ears, he was walking with Zhu Gaosui.

In the hot summer, the heat doesn't matter whether you are the emperor or the common people.

Zhu Di's impatient temper, coupled with rheumatism, can be said that he does not like it all year round.

Zhu Gaosui glanced at Zhu Di, who was expressionless, and smiled: "Father, Zhanji... is a bit reckless. After all, Daming is conquering Burma. These vassal countries must be well-worn in!"

Everyone understands the truth about the distance and the near attack.

Regarding the attack on Burma, Zhu Di insisted on his own opinions and forcibly suppressed those opposition opinions.

Zhu Di stood in the shade of the tree with his hands in his hands and said faintly: "Myanmar has repeatedly harassed and attacked Yun/Nan. If it cannot be resolved, it will be a hidden danger from now on. People are young and old, and this is the same for Da Ming. If he does not take advantage of his youthful strength now Go to clean up side troubles in the prime of life, and wait for future generations? I'm afraid it won't be done!"

At the beginning of the Yongle dynasty, Daming had a lot of side troubles: prairie duo, Japanese pirates, Jiaozhi...

Now the Japanese country bows its head, North Korea surrenders, and Jiaozhi merges, leaving only the grassland. As for Myanmar, it's not a big problem, it's like a mosquito, which bites people very annoyingly.

Zhu Gaosui took a peek at Zhu Di and said with a smile: "Father, but Java is lonely abroad, it is not good for Daming, and the children heard that Javanese are fierce, and the murder can be exonerated only by avoiding arrest for three days, common people. Killing each other at every turn, this country is truly terrifying!"

Wanwan hurried past with her ‘guard’ from the front. Zhu Di couldn’t help shaking his head when he saw it, and the **** went to check in the woods on the left.

When he came back, his expression seemed to be holding back a smile.

"Your Majesty, the princess just dug a hole in it. The old slave looked at it. There is a water basin next to it. He probably wants to grow something."

Zhu Di's beard curled up, his expression became gentler, and then he turned cold: "Da Ming has a fleet, an invincible fleet, what is fierce? I really want to see and see!"

Daming was in full swing at this time, looking around him, he couldn't find an opponent who could beat the whole country, he was so lonely!

Zhu Gaosui smiled and said: "Yes! Father ruled Daming far from Han to Tang, but overseas is dangerous after all, but... Father, Jubao Mountain Guard is very powerful, if they go, they will surely be able to beat them."

Zhu Di nodded and said, "Suzaku Guard is also good. I am going to expand the guards of this kind of guns and artillery. When 10,000 people are enough to destroy the country, I will be able to overlook the nations!"

Zhu Gaosui nodded and said yes, but his eyes were a little confused.

For Zhu Di, the rest was only temporary. When he went back for a walk, he summoned Meng Ying and Zhang Fu to discuss matters.

Zhang Fu has been silent for a long time, and he has become more energetic as he watched the books.

Zhu Di was practicing the knife, a long knife was made by him. The tricks seemed uncomplicated, but they were all tricks on the battlefield.

In fact, most of the current martial arts are born out of battlefields. They are all murderous tricks, which are practical, and you can't see those graceful tricks at all.

The last cut was a diagonal cut, and then the cut was closed.

After receiving the ice towel from the eunuch, Zhu Di wiped the sweat off his face and threw the knife at Zhang Fu.

A good Zhang Fu, his body moved slightly, his right hand accurately grasped the handle of the knife, and then he saluted Meng Ying.

This is a signal!

Zhu Di said with satisfaction: "It seems that you are not deserted at home, so prepare for it. I want to perform martial arts outside Beiping City!"

Zhang Fu stood up and said, "Your Majesty, how many people dare you to ask?"

There are many guards in Peking, if they all come together, the outside of the city will be crushed and only the heads of the people will be seen.

Zhu Di said: "During the Northern Expedition, I wanted to perform martial arts in Shacheng, but unfortunately, I didn't wait for me. Now Daming hasn't used swordsmen for a long time, it is time to pull it out and let the people take a look, so that they can feel at ease. Let the officials see. Look, let them not think that Daming's swords and guns will be returned to the library, and Ma will let Nanshan go."

"As for those messengers, let them see if they don't, then they should die and have no regrets!"

The emperor is itching again!

Both Zhang Fu and Meng Ying were aware of this. Zhu Di was not reconciled to such a comfortable life. He preferred the feeling of being a golden horse and defeating the enemy.

"What do you two think of Jubaoshan Guard and Suzaku Guard?"

Zhu Di gave the title, but Meng Ying and Zhang Fu were a little surprised.

Meng Ying said: "Your Majesty, the Suzaku guard is skillful in tactics, and the lead bullets are dense. If you go out alone, the minister thinks that you can attack North Korea. If it is expanded, the minister thinks that the number should be strictly controlled, and the guard station in the south should not be used. Change, at most, put a guard in Jinling."

Zhu Di nodded: "That's right, the south is peaceful, and there is more chaos."

The literati and gentlemen in the south are too close together. If there are too many firearms stationed in the south, if there is a change, then...

Zhang Fu sighed in his heart, knowing that this is suspicion, but the current army is like this. The instructor has only started to work soon, and it is difficult to reverse the notion that soldiers only eat food and whoever gives food will follow whoever eats.

There is also the problem of the estrangement between North and South.

The old Zhu's family collected heavy taxes in the south and went to appease the north. This is suppressing the south!

Zhu Di pondered and said, "Let's set up a guard first, and put it in Peking. Xuanwu guard, yes, it's called Xuanwu guard."

Suzakuwei, Xuanwuwei, will Qinglongwei and Baihuwei be behind?

Meng Ying felt that Zhu Di was already a little fanatical~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually put the name of the army on the body of the holy beast.

With the addition of Suzaku Guard, the two guards are ten thousand people, and this force can destroy the country!

Think of the muskets that don’t need matchstrings, think of the artillery that was fired and blocked by Piyi...

Meng Ying thought of another layer and looked at Zhang Fu.

Zhang Fu said: "Your Majesty, the side wall has been equipped with artillery, which is more than adequate, but it is not enough to be aggressive. Can I equip a small amount of artillery?"

Zhu Di shook his head and said: "If the muskets are changed on the side wall, Alutai will definitely join the Wara people! And the Northern Expedition will not help, you have to remember, don't underestimate your opponents, if they are cruising to deal with it, Daming can how?"

The enemy in the grassland is more mobile than the Ming army. If they want to avoid the decisive battle, then the northern march will be a waste of food and grass.

This is the horse **** king Zhu Di!

He is not the emperor who grew up in the hands of women in the deep palace, but the prince who led his army into the grassland many times when he was young to conquer the remnants of Meng Yuan.

The several personal expeditions after he took the throne have stabilized Daming's northern line of defense, allowing Daming to recuperate.

So those guys who say that Zhu Di is a military militant are stupid!

For the alien races in the north, as long as you don’t conquer or suppress them for ten years, a new opponent will appear after ten years. By then, it will not be the little money and food that the Beizheng spent.


After Zhu Zhanji came to the throne, he was unable to suppress the north, and then his son was unlucky. The one who was rehabilitated and integrated with the grassland forces almost wiped out the country first!

Zhu Di stood up and said with his hand: "Although the world is safe, you can forget the battle and you will be in danger! Go and prepare. When performing martial arts, just look at which one is more elite, and then pick it out and form a Xuanwu guard!"

Zhang Fu and Meng Ying hurriedly bowed to take their orders. Before leaving, Meng Ying looked back at the figure from the back-it was still wide and reassuring!

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