Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1083: For the way


Wuyun sat up lazily on the bed, wearing only a thin gauze to his upper body, and the eyes of the man who came to the report were straight.

Ying Ying Chuo Chuo is the most moving!

Wuyun didn't care that her body was seen. She covered her mouth and yawned and asked, "How many people?"

The man said: "I don't know, but looking at the level of the ground outside the city, I guess there are a lot of people."

Wuyun rubbed his sore neck and frowned, "Ming people are in many guards in Peking, is this a demonstration?"

"Who did you invite?"

After Wu Yun finished speaking, he shook his head and said: "Forget it, even a great dynasty meeting of the Ming Dynasty must be seen by us. This martial arts performance will definitely show off, and it is indispensable."


Performing martial arts has a status comparable to sacrificial rites in Chinese history.

Before dawn, Fang Xing had already gotten up, facing the earl's uniform and Ming's uniform, he finally chose the uniform.

"Hang it up!"

At this moment, Xin Laoqi can make an exception to enter the inner courtyard and enter the room. He will put on armor for Fang Xing, this is the glory of a general!

And even if they can put on half-length armor, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai can only stand on the side, watching their husbands little by little, slowly becoming a general!

Fang Xing was unwilling to wear his earl suit at this moment. He felt that he would let himself drift into the clouds until he lost himself.

A set of half-length armor made Fang Xing feel uncomfortable. He turned around and asked, "Whether you can be a hero?"

Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai both nodded frantically: "Husband, after you hang up, you look like a general."

Tudou said enviously: "Father, I want too! I want too!"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "You are too young, and your armor is too heavy. Wait for a bigger one."

Fang Xing always said to be a strict father, but in action he was a loving father.

Now, Tudou is still willing to get close to Fang to wake up, because Zhang Shuhui is sometimes too harsh.

Tudou shouted: "Father, I'm older! I'm older!"

The child's enthusiasm is always short and hot, Fang Xing smiled, leaned over and rubbed the top of his head and said: "That potato can't complain!"


Potato raised his small face and agreed seriously.

That little face...

"Shuhui, Tudou's eyes are like you, but his mouth is like me."

Fang Xing's heart was soft, and he immediately agreed, and casually ordered Xin Laoqi: "When you come back, you remember to call Zhu Fang home and ask him to measure the size of the potatoes and make a thin half-body armor."

The young master likes martial arts, so Xin Laoqi promised without a word, saying that he must personally stare at Zhu Fang to make the half body armor. If there is a slight omission, he commits suicide and apologizes!

Fang Xing coughed dryly and stopped Xin Laoqi's flattery to the young master. He turned around and said to Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai: "Today's lunch may not necessarily be eaten at home. Don't wait for me."

This is the same as the common people's words in Fang's family. Xiaobai still wrinkled his nose and said: "Master, we have cold noodles at noon."

The cooked noodles are washed with cold boiling water, and various ingredients are added, and finally the red chili oil and green onion...


Fang Xing touched Xiao Bai's face, and then said, "Save me some!"

Zhang Shuhui took the family, even Ping An was held by Xiao Bai, and together they sent Fang Xing to the gate.


Outside Deshengmen, the Ministry of Industry suspended the construction of the big market and transferred the civilians. After emergency construction, the ground was finally leveled.

When Fang woke up, there were only a few officials from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites discussing the matter in that large open space, and many people began to gather outside the open space.

The sergeant on the tower stretched along the city wall to both sides, without seeing the side at a glance. In the middle position, more than a dozen people are pointing at the bottom.

An official from the Ministry of Rites stopped Fang Xing and said, "Uncle Xinghe, please dismount and enter the city."

As Xinghebo, Fang Xing has a position on it. This position represents the core, the core of Daming.

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "I have to wait until Jubaoshanwei arrives."

At this time, the place below has been taken over by the people from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites, and now they are the largest. The official of the Ministry of Etiquette frowned and said, "Uncle Xinghe, there is no such rule, go under the official...Ay! What are you doing?"

An official from the Ministry of War came and pulled him away, and the other party woke up with a smile: "Uncle Xinghe, please feel free."

Fang Xing nodded slightly, competing against this kind of official was not a slap, but a fool!

Where other people's duties are, you have to feel that you have been insulted and have to slap in the face. There is nothing more than to show that you are shallow and ignorant.

The official of the Ministry of Rites felt uncomfortable and said to the person who pulled him: "Brother Li, we have the final say today, so why Xing He Bo can be an exception!"

The military officer whispered: "You are a novice, don't know. When your Majesty used to perform martial arts in Xuanfu, those generals waited for their subordinates to go up after the battle."

"This is the public head of the United Kingdom. He said at the time that he wanted to stand in that array, so he had to wait for the array to be ready before he was willing to leave."

The official of the Ministry of Rites murmured: "Is this the way to generalize? Hey! Looking back, I will read the military books, and I may have the opportunity to lead soldiers someday!"

The military officer said helplessly: "That was talking about soldiers on paper. I have been in the military for many years, let alone military books. How many times have I read those exercises? But since I followed your Majesty’s northern march, I never dared to boast about knowing the soldiers. Hey! It's so shallow on paper, I absolutely know that I have to do it personally!"

The second one is Zhang Fu. Today he didn't wear a national official uniform either. He was dressed up and looked majestic.


Fang Xing turned around and saw Zhang Fu's attire, and asked, "Is it the eldest brother or Meng Ying performing today?"

Zhang Fu smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked gentle and gentle, which made Fang Xing a little uncomfortable, and then he said: "Your Majesty is kind, let me order today for my brother."

Fang Xing clasped his fist and said, "Congratulations, big brother!"

Zhang Fu smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just showing up."

But this kind of appearance is of great significance. Directing the exercise in front of Zhu Di and hundreds of civil and military officials, foreign envoys, and the people of the capital, which means that the status of the military's top general, this role can be greatly enhanced.

Zhang Fu and Fang Xing stood side by side, sighing: "Brother Wei is consciously in the same year. Look at you. You are in your twenties, but your record has made Wei brother ashamed! If it wasn't for you to be younger, if it wasn't for your majesty to keep you For the prince and grandson, you should stand in front if you are not sure today."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "The elder brother is humble. The younger brother only knows a little about the firearms army. This kind of sword-and-gun warfare is a layman and is totally useless."

Zhang Fu's eyes lit up and said, "Judging from Jubaoshanwei's record, Daming's army will inevitably use firearms in the future. Dehua, that's where you can use your abilities at that time!"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "At that time, it must be Taisun's superior. If I lead the army all the time, I will be uneasy. Firearms will be passed on slowly in the future, stronger than me, as Jiang Zhiqing, why should I succeed? !"

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "This is what you said from the bottom of your heart. Being a brother means that the time leading the army is too long. After returning, your majesty will be compassionate and let me rest at home. Therefore, it is best not to lead the army and the time should not be too long."

Even in the future, they will use the method of changing positions to prevent and control monopolies. It can be seen that this military power has been a thing of fear from ancient times to the present. Unless it is a world of great controversy, it is better to know some measures.

At this moment, both of them felt a shock, so Zhang Fu said: "Let's lean a little bit to the side, let's go ahead for my brother."

As the military commander in chief, Zhang Fu needs to coordinate all parties first.

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