Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: Daming sea, mountains whistle tsunami

   With the sound of footsteps, the army approached.

   Jubaoshanwei and Suzakuwei are separated in front, which shows the military's recognition of them.

   Lin Qun'an led the team into the arena, saw Fang Xing on the side, bowed his hands, and ordered the whole team.

   Suzaku Guard also came. There were many people, and he overwhelmed Jubaoshan Guard in aura.

   Song Jianran arched his hands at Fang Xing, then roared and ordered the officers below to regroup.

   Then hundreds of civil and military officials also came, and they all went up to the tower.

   After seeing the presence of envoys from various countries, Fang Xing waved to Jubaoshan Guard, then entered the city and went upstairs.

   went up to the tower, the messengers stood on the right, all kinds of clothes looked a little weird.

   Fang Xing saw the dark clouds. This woman was wearing a Ming Confucian shirt, which made the people nearby peep at him from time to time, but the officials of the Ministry of Rites did not stop it.

   You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery, and the people watching the scenery look at you upstairs.

   Since Fang Xing entered the city, the people upstairs have been staring at him until now.

   in iron armor, a knife at his waist, sharp eyes!

   Fang Xing like this made the weak officials and the old officials feel a little dazzling.

  The dark clouds faced Fang Xingying Yingfu body, and the figure was slender against the tight blue shirt, Fang Xing heard the voice of swallowing saliva in the messenger group.

   Fang Xing nodded to the dark cloud, his eyes swept across the messengers, and he stayed on the Java messenger for a moment before he went to the civil servant.

   The Java messenger who looked at it was cold in his heart, and Shi Jinqing's heart was also cold, but it was the cold of summer, which was extremely comfortable.

   The emperor grandson scolded the Javanese messenger, the leader of the new generation of the Ming military, Xinghe Bofang Xinghe was also cold to the Java messengers, this is to support me!

   Wuyun watched this scene with interest, especially the expressionless face of the Javanese messenger. She thought it was really interesting.

   Daming rested for a while, is he about to start the conquest again?


   Fang Xing squeezed into the group of civilian officials in a uniform, and there was a sudden protest.

   "Uncle Xinghe, your body armor is too hard, and your life hurts when you hit it."

   "And it's dazzling!"

   At this time the sun came out, and while swaying the heat, the light shone on Fang Xing's polished reflective iron armor, suddenly like a polygon mirror, no one dared to look at him directly.

   Jin Zhong turned his face and beckoned: "You are here to be hated? If your majesty is dazzled by you, your sin will be serious."

   Fang Xing stood beside him, proudly said: "Your Majesty is in the middle of the front, and I am standing here, the reflected light will not shine there."

   Jin Zhong smiled and said, "You are an inexhaustible strategy, but today you may calculate the purpose of your majesty's martial arts?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Exercising martial arts has never had a single purpose. There are not many foreign troubles at this time. His Majesty ordered the martial arts, and most of them have the intention of deterring some people in the country. You know, the exchange of silver recently has caught many people. The most are the literati, the rabbit and the fox are sad!"

   Jin Zhong teased: "Didn't you go to dig the corner of the saint's mansion and make them angry?"

   Fang Xing smiled and said, "I didn't dig it. Qufu's own words came out, it was a scourge."

"Heaven’s censure is not censure, let’s just ignore it, but your Majesty sits and watches Taisun beat the Java messenger. What does this mean? It must be the old man who is getting old. I don’t even know about these things, hey! Domestic son, go!"

   The old guy is acting as a demon again, Fang Xing doesn't believe that he can't guess these things.

   "It's just a beating, you can attack, you can retreat and defend. If Daming wants to do something against Java, this is a ready-made crime, and the teacher has the right way!"

Fang Xing said vaguely, but Jin Zhong squinted his eyes and stared at him, hehe sneered: "Do you think the old man doesn't know the plan you put forward? It's a big appetite, and he wants to turn that sea into the inland sea of ​​Da Ming. In this way, the scale of the navy will inevitably be expanded. Do you know how much food is consumed in it? I don't know how expensive firewood is if I am not in charge!"

Fang Xing said faintly: "Master Jin, do you know how many resources are in those places? Not to mention, there is no shortage of food in those places, and the second thing is the gum I mentioned. It grows in tropical places, if you don’t take Java and other places, that’s a fool!"

   Jin Zhong asked, "Is that gum really so useful?"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "That thing grows in the tropical jungle. As long as we get a lot of seeds, we can plant it. As for its usefulness, Lord Jin, you have seen the gum that I boiled with poplar trees last time. Things are indispensable!"

Jin Zhong caressed his beard: "But this is not enough. It is impossible for Daming to conquer overseas for this illusory thing. You have to remember that before the matter is confirmed, don't be impulsive, or you will fail, you will be the prince! !"

   "Yiqi Hongchen concubine laughs, no one knows that it is lychee! I understand this!"

   Fang Xing certainly knew that Jin Zhong’s advice was kind, but he knew the importance of rubber trees, so he would not compromise.

   Although Zhu Di did not make a clear statement, after the capture of North Korea and Yingzhou, the silver and copper mines, as well as human resources, have already moved the ambitious emperor.

   The copper mine resources around Java can throw Daming a dozen blocks away, and the bauxite mine over there is what Daming needs afterwards.

   I remember that in the future, most of the domestic bauxite mines will depend on that side. Taking it at this time can be regarded as making up for this mineral shortcoming.

   Jin Zhong knew that although Fang Xing seemed impulsive in doing things, in the past few years, nothing was messing around, so he nodded and changed the subject.

   "I heard that you have an idea for performing martial arts? What is it?"

   At this time, someone whispered: "Your Majesty!"

   Fang Xing turned to look inside the city, and whispered: "Now it's boring to say, wait and see."

   Jin Zhong is the most annoyed of these sellers, and muttered: "Nengchen! I see you are getting more and more like a nunchen."

   Fang Xing smiled, bowed with everyone, UU reading www.uukanshu.com greeted Zhu Di.

   "Long live your majesty!"

   The shouts of the civil and military officials sounded neatly, but after the envoys shouted with various accents, it felt...Anyway, Fang Wake felt too unpleasant.

   Behind Zhu Di is Zhu Gaochi who is being supported, Zhu Gaosui who is slightly behind, and Zhu Zhanji behind.

   Zhu Di nodded slightly, and then walked to the edge of the city wall first.

   Everyone moved to the left and right, performing martial arts, started!

   Zhang Fu was downstairs. Someone told him about the situation. After hearing that Zhu Di was in place, he had more than ten steps before, then turned around, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly: "Long live your majesty!"

  In an instant, the soldiers in Fang Xing's line of sight were all short.

   "Long live your majesty!"

   Long live the sound like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and it is a bit of agitated momentum.

   The dark cloud looked at the array below which was invisible at a glance, and he was secretly shocked.

   There must be more than 50,000 people at least!

   And this is just the strength of the troops in Peiping, and there are heavy troops on the side wall of Daming.

   The dark cloud looked around carefully, and saw that the faces of the messengers were earthy, and even some of their legs were trembling.


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