Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1085: Proud dragon

   There is a dense army formation in front of him, and the shouts of Long live are whistling in his ears. Zhu Di stood straight and waved his arms.

   Zhang Fu got up, turned around, and shouted: "Okay!"

   The flag waved, and the first array on the left began to move. Before the array exits, turn left and drive in parallel to the city wall!

   There were sound of footsteps. After the first array set off, the second array immediately followed. Gradually, a long dragon appeared.

  -a neat long dragon!

   These sergeants were armed with swords, guns and shields. When they walked downstairs, they shouted, and immediately the whole array shouted in unison.

   "Da Ming Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

   Zhu Di's body trembled slightly, and his eyes stared coldly as the array passed under the city.

   "Da Ming Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

   passed by one by one, the shouts were almost uninterrupted.

   The dark clouds have been dumbfounded. She stared at the arrays in the moving room, she suddenly felt a shock. When she was shocked, her body naturally reacted—turning around!

   On the grassland, when you hear this sound, it almost means that an enemy attack is right in front of you.

When    turned and turned halfway, Wuyun realized that this is the capital of Ming Dynasty, Beiping, not the grassland where the weak and the strong. This is the footsteps shaking the ground, not the sound of horses' hoofs.

   Jin Zhong's body also stood straight, and glanced at Yang Rong and others inadvertently. What he saw was not shock, but thoughtful.

   The glory of the soldiers will not empathize with them, they will only be on guard!

   Most of the array has gone, and the city is dusty.

   At this time, the sun has completely illuminated the earth, and the visibility has suddenly increased by a series.

   Just in this dust, Suzaku Guard is here.

   "This is Daming's Suzaku Guard."

   "I heard that it was even better than Jubaoshanwei when fighting against Japan!"

   "Tsk! Daming's powerful army is emerging in endlessly. Where will such a powerful front be directed?"

   "Grassland! Where else? Daming has two enemies on the grassland, and what else... Samarkand, although they are now ministers to Daming, they may have had ambitions for Daming before."

   "Look at the footsteps and the iron armor. Pay attention. The horse-drawn thing behind is the artillery that Jubaoshanwei gave us. It's really a weapon of the country!"


   Civil and military officials saw the array of Suzaku guards, their expressions slowed down. This is Daming's most powerful force at present. If it is released, ordinary small countries simply can't hold it.

   "Look, look, Jubaoshan Guard is here!"

After    Suzaku Guard is Jubaoshan Guard, their appearance not only attracted the attention of the people on the wall, but also the surrounding people craned their necks to see if they could surpass the power of Suzaku Guard.

   Among these people are the teachers and students of Zhixing Academy.

   Their position is better. On the side, you can see the front of the array.

"Puff puff!"

   Amidst the dull footsteps, Jubaoshan Guards lined up.

   "Qi said that I have no clothes, go with my son, Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and have my hatred with my son!"

   The ancient Chinese military songs echoed again under Peiping City!

   Zhu Di's eyes blinked, his hands propped on the wall, his eyes widened, and he stared at the approaching Jubao Mountain Guard.

   The vigorous military song gradually came, Yang Rong closed his eyes and clasped his hands tightly, only feeling a blood reverberating in his chest.

   "Fang Xing boldly changed the rhythm!"

   As a book of rituals, Qin Feng Wuyi Lu Zhen has never heard of this tune. But he still feels that the song can smash into a person's chest, and then oscillate back and forth between your throat and chest.

  ——The blood is boiling!

   The smile on Wuyun's face disappeared. She looked solemnly at the approaching Jubao Mountain Guard, and finally admitted one thing in her heart.

  -With this momentum, Mahamu's elite was not unjustly defeated!

   Zhu Gaochi approached the city wall curiously, looked at Jubaoshanwei walking slowly, and whispered to Zhu Zhanji beside him: "Is this song changed by Fang Xing?"

   Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "Yes, father, Xing He Bo changed it after a long time behind closed doors."

   Great talent!

   still through the rhythm!

   "Qi said that I have no clothes, and my son is in the same dress, Wang Yuxing, master, repair my armor, and go with my son!"

   Walking in front is the small banner department of Qin University. When seeing Zhu Di on the tower, Qin University suddenly shouted: "Go ahead...Go!"


  In an instant, more than two thousand people raised their legs together, and then stepped back heavily.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The musket was on his shoulder, and his left hand flicked.

   No one has ever heard these majestic and neat footsteps, and those tanned faces are full of determination.

   "To the right... look!"

  In an instant! Everyone held their heads up, their eyes turned to the right, and looked at Zhu Di on the tower.


   This is a proud look!

   This is the look in the eyes of the belief in victory after victorious battles!

   Zhu Di's body trembled slightly, he touched his waist, pulled out the knife, pointed diagonally to the front right, and shouted: "Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

   Hundred officials were taken aback, this is an unprecedented situation.

   But there are no fools who can stand here, and as Zhu Di yelled, they all shouted, "Da Ming wins!"

   Old Jinzhong waved his fists and shouted, his face flushed, Fang Xing worried that his blood pressure would burst his brain blood vessels.

   Fang Xing looked down so calmly, but in his mind he recalled the battle from Jiaozhi.

   in Jiaozhi, in the grassland, in North Korea, in the country...

   This army built by oneself is already used to victory!

   From victory to victory!

   Fang Xing looked up at the blue sky, and couldn't help knocking his right hand on the brick wall.

   The world is vast, and Daming’s army should measure the world in its own footsteps and compete for all resources for Daming and future generations.

   What's wrong with killing Yingye for this!

   So what if you want to cross the sea of ​​dead mountain and blood!

   Fang Xing slammed a fist against the brick wall, and the Qin University below roared: "Da Ming Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

   "Da Ming Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

   Powerful roar, firm footsteps, sharp eyes...

   "This is a strong army in the current world!"

   The dark cloud trembled, she compared the following Jubaoshan Guard with the elites under Tuohuan, and the result was desperate.

   The body of the Javanese messenger has never stopped trembling. He remembered the moment Fang Xing glanced at himself that day. Is that murderous?

   But Shi Jinqing is full of red light, and only thinks that the most enjoyable moment in this life is this moment.

  The queue passed by, and then there was a gun cart!

   The artillery was pulled by a horse, and followed briskly.

   This one doesn’t wink, but it’s the country’s most important weapon!

   "I heard that it can be eroded by a single shot?"

   "Yes, everything is indestructible!"

   "Hi! Daming is getting better!"

   "From the Jubao Mountain Guard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and now there are more Zhuquewei, Daming Fuyu, this kind of army can be formed at any time as long as they are willing, what should I wait for."

   "We are a vassal country, Daming will not build troops for no reason!"

   "But what about North Korea?"

   "North Korea was annihilated by the Japanese, and Daming sent troops to avenge the vassal country!"

   Several envoys are arguing about this, and the Jubao Mountain Guard below is already in place.

   Zhang Fu nodded, and the people around him waved the flag, and suddenly the loud shout came again.

   "Long live your majesty! Long live! Long live!"

   This shout is not Fang Xing's suggestion, it should be Zhang Fu's idea.

   Fang Xing glanced to the right.

   Zhu Di's complexion was stern, he took the knife in his hand, and then nodded slightly, like...

   is like a proud... dragon!

   The prestige of this dragon is accompanied by the footsteps of the Ming army, and the giant ship covering the sea spreads everywhere, bowing its head wherever it goes!

   He deserves such glory! ! !

   He deserves such praise! ! !


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