Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: Died in battle

Chapter 1125

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"Scout out!"

On the vast grassland, a huge motorcade encircled Jubao Mountain Guards and three thousand cavalry soldiers advancing non-stop.

Fang Xing put down the telescope and ordered.

Looking around, except for the sporadic enemy rangers, no one can be seen at all.

It was past noon. Just now everyone had a meal of dry food, and by the way, they slowed down and fed the cattle and horses.

Zhu Zhanji glanced at the sun, calculated the distance, and said anxiously: "If this goes on, we won't be able to reach Xinghe Fort until Xushi."

The difficulty of marching at night is too difficult, and the night is more convenient for the enemy's sneak attack.

Fang Xing nodded and watched the cavalry rush out of the convoy towards the four directions, and said: "Alutai is not a fool, and he will be saved when attacking the enemy. If he captures there before we reach Xinghe Fort, we are the fish on the chopping board. Slaughtered."

Zhu Zhanji was anxious: "The enemy's speed is more than twice that of ours. They must be attacking Xinghe Fort at this moment. How long can they carry it?"

Fang Xing said: "A thousand households, plus thousands of people, if Alutai attacked with all his strength, it would take half a day!"


Zhu Zhanji said disappointedly: "In other words, when our army arrived, Xinghe Fort probably fell."

Fang Xing said as usual: "Yes! But even if it falls, we can get it back!"

Under the offensive of artillery and muskets, the prairie people who are still enjoying looting are hard to beat!

Before long, the scout came back with a ‘good news’.

"The enemy is cruising around, and the total number is about 20,000."

Fang Xing said: "The enemy is cruising around and not attacking. The enemy is scared. As long as we don't turn around, they won't attack. Send orders and speed up!"

The fleet increased abruptly, and Zhu Zhanji sneered: "Alutai has a high self-esteem. I remember that Xinghebao stocked a batch of gunpowder. If Zhang Yu remembers, Alutai will get a surprise."


"Gunpowder! Go get the gunpowder, wrap Lao Tzu into a small bag, cut the fire to ignite it and throw it down, hahahaha! Lao Tzu is smart!"

Zhang Yu looked like a ghost at this time, with a deflated shoulder armor and a few scratches on the armor on his chest.

At this time the enemy has retreated and the next wave of offensive is brewing.

The storeroom opened, and the women wrapped gunpowder with thick cloth and oil paper, and then inserted the fire twist.

No one is afraid, some are just urgent.

There was another cry from outside the city, and the women's long-standing life outside the Great Wall had long tempered their nerves into steel.

When you get here, you are half dead!

"Two hundred!"

A woman was counting, shouting with satisfaction, and then dozens of sergeants rushed in outside the door, they packed the medicine in baskets, and ran towards the city.

At this time, the head of the city had turned red, and the blood of the enemy and us was splashed there, slowly solidifying in the sun.


Zhang Yu had already given up the long sword, because he had taken the lead many times, and his stamina was already low.

The spear pierced forward and pierced in from the mouth, and the surprise on the enemy's face turned into amazement.

Pulling his spear laboriously, Zhang Yu saw Tang Saier wielding a long knife, lightly, like a dance-like murder, and his body softened.

"grown ups!"

Yu Sanhuo pushed Zhang Yu away, struggling to block a knife.

The incoming man was as flexible as an ape. With a leap of his body, he was already on the head of the city, and then he didn't hesitate to stab Yu Sanhuo a few consecutive times.

Yu Sanhuo's obese body dodged from left to right, and the long knife slashed diagonally, but was easily avoided by the opponent.

Zhang Yu saw that there were continuous follow-ups at this crenellation, so he shouted: "The medicine package! Has the medicine package arrived!!!"

"Long spear..."

A Hundred Household Officer with a spear team rushed over from the left, and was baptized once by the arrow rain under the city on the way. Only more than 30 people were left to reach this side in the end.


The spearmen marched in three rows. The flexible enemy just now was forced to retreat to the head of the city, and Yu Sanhuo escaped.

He picked up a throwing knife and threw it over, seeing that the opponent was stabbed to death with a spear after being distracted, Yu Sanhuo couldn't help laughing.


Zhang Yu heard the sound and saw that a crevice on the right had been breached, and more than a dozen enemies were expanding their footholds.

"Yu Sanhuo! Drive them off!"

Zhang Yu couldn't make a move, so he called out Yu Sanhuo, who was timid and feared of death, and was usually the laziest, and even his subordinates were unwilling to practice.

"My lord, don't worry, leave it to me Yu Sanhuo! Kill!"

Yu Sanhuo summoned his courage and led a team of sword and shield fighters into the enemy group. After a period of melee, he finally drove off the sudden enemy army.

"Three fires!"

This wave of offensive was finally suppressed, Zhang Yu looked at the remaining subordinates at the head of the city, and finally found the fat body in the crowd.

He stumbled over and knelt down in front of Sanhuo with a puff.

The fat face was all stunned, as if he didn't believe that he would die.

The fatal wound appeared on the belly and penetrated the back.

Xinbang Zhao is also here, he stands beside Zhang Yu and looks sideways...

"Would you not hide?"

Zhang Yu murmured, Yu Sanhuo's fat face that he looked at in the past was annoyed, and now he can no longer spit out those strange words that make people hateful, and his fine eyes stared at the sky blankly...

The sky is so blue!

Under the blue sky, enemy troops are all within sight.

In the distance, a cow is slowly coming up with the built ladder, and from time to time, he lowers his head to eat the last of the pasture.

By the end of autumn, there would never be such a delicious pasture to eat.

Not far away, a group of people were pointing at the head of the city, and then an enemy cavalry rushed out to deliver orders everywhere.


The command is simple.

The officers were shouting, summoning their subordinates, and then lined up.

"What do they want to do?"

Xinbang Zhao was puzzled.

Immediately, ten thousand horses galloped, and those enemy troops slowly formed a large circle, and rushed to the small circle of Xinghe Fort amidst the sound of horse hooves shaking the earth.

Xin Zhao stunned for a moment, and then shouted in despair: "The enemy's general attack..."

Zhang Yu wiped Yu Sanhuo's eyelids, got up and saw the sergeants who were carrying the baskets running wildly towards this side, and said faintly: "Let's give Alutai a surprise!"

The paper bags are distributed to various places in the city, and the simple usage is easy to learn.

"Light the fire and throw it down the city. Remember, don't slip your hands, or you will die."

Down the city, the knights on horseback began to shoot bows and arrows.

In the city, torches were lit one by one, and medicine packets were held in those big hands.

"My lord, there are some gravel in the medicine bag, I don't know if it's useful!"

Zhang Yu looked at the approaching enemy rider. He had never seen the tide, so he couldn't describe it in words.

"It must be useful!"


The range of the top shot is not enough, so it must be rushed to the bottom of the city, and it will inevitably pay casualties.

Alutai said smugly: "Cavalry can also become pawns. After being suppressed, they will attack with horses. This Taishi will enter the city for tea after half an hour. Would you like to join me?"

Those tribal leaders all smiled and flattered. This wave of offensive is not just their men, but Alutai's subordinates have taken the most part~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is near! "

Alutai pointed to the proud road at the top of the city.

Everyone saw that the big circle in between had already overlapped with Xinghepu.

The time for attack is here!

"Master, what is that?"

At this moment, more than a dozen black spots were thrown down from the top of the city.

Alutai frowned and said, "Could it be what..."

More than a hundred black spots fell into the cavalry group preparing to release arrows, and then...

"Boom boom boom boom..."

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