Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1126: At the last moment, who is it?

Chapter 1126 The Last Moment, Who Is It?

Thanks to the book friend: "Yi Bing" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "The Source of Yuanyuan" is a great reward!


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The air wave of the explosion of the drug packet suddenly broke out under the city with the rubble.

Xinbang Zhao poked his head out, just as a gravel flew up and brushed his cheek.

Touching the wound on his face, Xinbang Zhao forgot his fear, and just looked at the blood and blood **** under the city until he was pulled back.


Xin-Zhao sat down at the top of the city, his eyes horrified and said: "What a special! What a special! That is the weapon of the Demon God! That is the weapon of the Demon God!"

Zhang Yu also took a look, and the shock of the city wall almost scared him to death just now.

With the explosion point as the center, there are almost no people in good condition.

The corpses of the centaurs in the city were piled up, and outside the radius of the explosive damage, the prairie cavalry were struggling to control their mounts.

A war horse that has never experienced this kind of power explosion can be controlled. For a while, there are horses neighing outside the city, and then the world is running around.

Alutai stared at the scene blankly and shouted: "Don't go back! Go! Drive them back!"

But under the chaos, who would listen to him, finally had to send his confidant to lead the team to gather the people.

"Little prince, if there were enough troops in the city just now, Alutai would be defeated with just one attack."

Tuohuan nodded slightly and said in a low voice: "Now we are in a group, don't say such things."

The confidant smiled, don't say, but you can do it.

Watching the reinforcements of the Ming army keep advancing, if Xinghe Fort can't be attacked in the end, the fun will be great!


"God bless you!"

There was a sound of prayer above the city, and even Tang Saier, who had been acting very well, couldn't help putting his hands together after seeing the power of the enemy just now, and silently chanted the name of the Buddha.


"If you can't get Xinghepu, we will lose this trip! Understand?!"

Alutai scolded the leaders, "Will you give me compensation for the dead and injured? Who will come out with you next time if you don't?"

There are many reasons for maintaining tribes, but there are two important points: First, it can give everyone a sense of security.

The large and small forces on the grassland are just like the stars in the sky. These forces are jungle units.

Kill! Loot everything!

If the Central Plains Dynasty is strong, this is the main theme on the grassland.

The second is interest. As the leader can bring benefits to everyone, then everyone will support you. On the contrary, you'd better sleep with one eye open at night, otherwise your head will disappear overnight.

You don't rely on either?

Damn Nima! Let's take your head to go to the new leader, I heard that you can eat mutton once a month!

So Alutai's words are a bit of a rogue, but they are extremely useful, and the leaders have sent their confidants to gather the people.


A group of scouts in the distance rushed over quickly, Alutai's complexion sank, and he shouted, "Shut up!"

This group of scouts looked like frightened chickens. Not only did they not shut their mouths when they heard the words, they said hurriedly: "Master, the speed of gathering Baoshan Guards has increased!"

Alutai gritted his teeth and stared at the person: "Nonsense, come, kill!"


A scimitar cut off the head and blocked the person's follow-up words in his throat, spurting out blood.

Alutai turned around and looked at the leaders and said, "If you take down Xinghe Fort, you can get 10% more food and grass!"

With 10% more food and grass, more people and livestock can survive in winter. This benefit can be seen by everyone.

With eyes flickering, the horses and horses in the distance gradually moved closer to this side.

"He should send someone to sniper Jubaoshan Guard, at least to slow down their progress!"

Tuohuan shook his head slightly on the periphery, and his confidant nodded and said: "He is desperate. Unless he sends his own troops, others will not intercept Jubaoshan Guards."

Now the battlefield situation is complicated, and no one wants to be cannon fodder.

Tuohuan sneered and said, "Alutai said that our ministry can be dispatched today, so that people will go to investigate the whereabouts of Jubaoshanwei."

The siege continued, but under the deterrence of the gunpowder bag, those people were a little timid. As long as they saw the pill bag dropped on the city, that place would instantly become a battlefield for cannibalism.

Half an hour passed...

An hour has passed...

The blue sky seemed to begin to dim, and Alutai sent a supervising team.

"Kill the retreat!"

The supervising team has a great effect, at least the attack speed is a few points faster.

The ants attached to the city caused heavy casualties, everyone knows this, but the Ming army in the city is not much better.

"Master! Look at the top of the city, there are a lot fewer people in the Ming army!"

Alutai saw it, and he exhilarated: "Stay harder, the first to attack the city, reward a hundred cattle and sheep, and ten women! After the attack, slaughter the city!"

A hundred cattle and sheep, this is wealth, and ten women, this is the embryonic form of the small tribe.

So the warriors of the steppe all yelled, and the frequency of suppression of bows and arrows under the city became higher and higher.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

After the gunpowder bag was cleared again, it never rang again.

Alutai is really ecstatic this time, this Nima is at most half an hour, if he can't attack, he will kill himself immediately!

"Take the Xinghe Fort and massacre the city..."


Zhang Yu was desperate, and when the gunpowder ran out, he lost the weapon he relied on.

There are no more than three hundred people who can stand up on the city, one third of whom are civilians, and a few women.

Tang Saier is cheering up those women.

"Don't think about kneeling down and begging for mercy, those prairie people will ravage you to death, holding knives, let's fight one by one."

Several women took the long knives numbly, and dropped one with a clang.

"I don't want to die! Husband! I don't want to die..."

The woman dropped the knife and stumbled down the city.

"Forget it, let her go!"

Tang Saier saw Lin San coming, and smiled: "Husband, shall we die together?"

Lin San suffered multiple injuries. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go underground and be a husband and wife."

"The enemy is coming..."

Tang Saier held on to Lin San, held the long knife tightly, and waited for the final moment to come.

The sky was already dark, Zhang Yu finally encouraged: "Through the night, there will be hope..."

But he didn't even believe this, and the hope of darkness was even smaller.

"Be martyred!"

Xinbang Zhao took off his armor, but he couldn't carry it anymore.

"After today, Your Majesty will definitely march north. Alutai is making trouble for himself!"

"As long as your Majesty is here, there will be no peace in Alutai."

Xinbang Zhao’s voice is getting louder and louder: "Everyone is fighting, don’t kneel down and beg for mercy. Your Majesty will beat Alutai like a wild dog. He will become a bereaved dog and there is nowhere to go!"

The survivors all stood up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and waited in silence.

Xinbang Zhao summoned his last strength and shouted: "Da Ming wins!"

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The voice was sparse, and there was no anger at all.

Zhang Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Fine, be loyal to the country!"

"There is a fire on the left..."

A scream pierced the silence, and Zhang Yu suddenly lay on the head of the city and looked to the left.

"who is it?"

Alutai is also asking this question.

"who is it?"

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