Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1132: He is a born emperor

Thanks to the book friend: the leader of "Flowing Clouds Doesn't Change" for a reward! The nineteenth place!

Zhu Di rushed to a high **** and watched the gunpowder in the distance. He couldn't help but say, "Is Fang Xing crazy? He went out of the fort to fight Alutai! Could it be that Alutai is going to run?"

Zhu Gaoxu and others followed and watched as a cavalry rushed out of the Ming army to the enemy's flank.

Zhang Fu, the veteran on the battlefield, said: "Your Majesty, the enemy is following one after another. The guards of Jubao Mountain are not strong enough, so they can only be restrained from the flanks."


Yes, Fang Xing went with the idea of ​​containment.

As long as the right wing of Alutai is disturbed, the pressure on the front will inevitably be greatly reduced.

But Alutai was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and upon seeing this, he ordered the right wing to separate two thousand cavalry to intercept it.

Only then did Fang Xing realize that his actions were just lunatics in the eyes of others.

But what about the lunatic!


The cavalry rammed in, almost all of the front row fell.

Fang Xing waved his knife smoothly, picked up the bargain to kill one person, and then shouted, "Capture Alutai alive!"

"Capture Alutai alive!"

These crazy slogans only resulted in Alutai's sneer.

The battlefield is no longer the decisive factor when personal martial arts are the decisive factor. The kind of small elites who can behead the flag can happen thousands of years ago, and it can only happen when the opponent is weak and the people are indistinguishable. Case.

Otherwise, let's not talk about bows and arrows, and stab you to death!

A thousand cavalry rushed in and was immediately surrounded. Fang Xing was caught in the middle. He watched helplessly as the enemies around him were circling in a circle, and arrows kept flying in.

This is one of Mengyuan people's unique tricks: riding and shooting!

Wandering and shooting, and after cutting off the morale and strength of the enemy army, the heavy cavalry will make the final assault.

Alutai’s heavy rider suffered heavy losses in the camp a few days ago, but there are still some remaining, and at this time, he is waiting for the opportunity outside.

A thousand cavalry soldiers slammed to Alutai without hesitation... the road was constantly being consumed by arrows.

"Master Tai, Fang Xing!"

Someone recognized Fang Xing, but Alutai said: "Just stop it, Fang Xing is nothing. If Zhu Zhanji is held by us, he will die if he goes back!"

The flanks were in a stalemate, and on the front, the enemy's arrows that finally rushed into the range were like rain, pouring toward the Jubaoshan Guard.


No matter how strong the protection is, there are loopholes. After a round of arrows, more than 20 people fell. Two of them had arrows in their eyes, and most of the others were arms and legs.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

This round of muskets still fired smoothly, but they couldn't contain the opponent who was getting closer, and the arrow rain struck again.

Shen Yao was going crazy, the artillery bombarded continuously, and the temperature rose linearly, lowering the firing frequency.

"Put it in, and blow it up!"

"My lord, it's too late..."

Someone shouted, Shen Yao looked up and saw that on the front battlefield, a group of enemy riders took advantage of the opportunity that a musketeer was shot over by arrows, and finally rushed out of the musket blockade.

With a sword swing, a big loophole will appear on the front in the next moment, and the experienced enemy will not forget to expand this loophole until the collapse of the Jubaoshan Guard.

"His Majesty……"

Lin Qun'an raised the sky and shouted silently.


Zhang Yu on the top of the city suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted frantically.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

At this moment, Zhu Di rushed down from the slope. The Ming army was all around him, and the coalition scouts were running wildly everywhere.

——The Emperor Ming's personal bid, Alutai is about to be stabbed in a chrysanthemum! Who will go back to report? A fool!

"Da Ming Wan Sheng..."

The sudden shout made both sides of the battlefield stunned, knowing from the direction of the sound...

"The Mingren’s reinforcements are here! Great Master."

Alutai turned his head pale, and the horse under his hips turned restlessly.

The flags were flying in places where there were more than two miles away.

The cavalry who couldn't see the side were rushing turbulently, but the direction they came was not in Yehuling!

"It's Emperor Ming!"

Alutai's lips trembled, and the pride and determination just now disappeared: "That old thing! He is sixty years old! That old thing!"

At this time, the battlefield's teeth were criss-crossed, and the Ming cavalry on the right flank heard the sound and their morale was greatly boosted, while those coalition forces saw the Da Ming reinforcements all over the mountains, and their momentum was greatly reduced.

At this time, Alutai needs to make a judgment immediately, whether to meet or...


After yelling, Alutai's guards opened a passage in the crowd and escorted him to flee.

——He dare not face Zhu Di directly!

Just at this time the artillery was reloaded, and seeing the enemy troops fled in all directions, Shen Yao shouted: "Ignite!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

This round of shelling is more like seeing off.

Zhu Zhanji pointed at the front and shouted: "The whole army will attack!"

After the cavalry, Lin Qunan did not miss the opportunity to launch a counterattack, but the infantry couldn't catch up with the cavalry, it seemed to be cleaning the battlefield.

When the reinforcements rushed into the middle of the grassland coalition forces, the familiar figure appeared.

Zhu Di brandished a long knife, and blood splashed on his face, but he felt that this is the strongest time in his life.

"Father, get out of the way!"

Zhu Gaoxu finally lifted the ban, he was almost blushing, a long knife slashed in all directions, invincible.

Zhu Di didn't dare to take the lead, and Zhang Fu just happened to grab his horse: "Your Majesty, our army has won a great victory, and you still need your command!"

Zhu Gaoxu led a team of cavalry all the way to the rush, Zhu Di glanced at Zhang Fu, and said: "Today I want to make Alutai a bereavement dog!"

Zhang Fu released his hand, Zhu Di turned his horse's head, and rushed towards the thousands of enemy troops who were being chased by Sun Yue.

Zhang Fu understood Zhu Di's meaning in an instant. He ordered a cavalryman to follow, but he led someone to chase Zhu Gaoxu.


Sixty-year-old Zhu Di slashed with a knife, slashed under the ear of the opponent who crossed him, and cut off half of his neck.

Zhu Di easily retracted the knife with the help of the horse speed, blocking the oncoming knife, and immediately the blade sank and tilted up.

There was a deep wound from the opponent's chin to the bridge of his nose. Zhu Di didn't even look at it. He pointed at the front with a knife and shouted, "Kneel down and don't kill!"

It stands to reason that Daming soldiers will immediately follow the call.

However, the soldiers of Sun Yuebu and Jubaoshanwei who were chasing in the front were stunned by Zhu Di's series of killing actions just now.

Sixty-year-old Zhu Di actually dared to break into the enemy's line by one step. This...

"Long live your majesty!"

Fang Xing, who had escaped a catastrophe, really hopes that Zhu Di can live a long life at this moment, even if he becomes faint in the future!

"Long live your majesty!"

The fanatical cheers were contagious, and Zhu Di, as if a **** descended to the earth, rushed into the enemy group with a blood stain, and Wang Fusheng leaned against him tightly.

"Long live your majesty!"

The cheers extended from the front battlefield to the chasing Da Ming soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They shouted, frantically slashing the broken soldiers.

Fang Xing looked at the direction in which Alutai was fleeing, and suddenly summoned Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao, and the three of them led scouts to pursue them.

After numerous encirclements and suppressions, most of the more than 4,000 enemies who had just attacked the Jubaoshan defense line finally dismounted and asked to surrender.

Looking across the grassland, a group of captives kneeling down.

Zhu Di sat on horseback and looked around, even if his body was stained red with blood, his majesty was not diminished in the slightest.

——He is a born emperor!

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