Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: Run away

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It is not the first time that Zhu Zhanji has seen Zhu Di's majesty on the battlefield, but at this time he still admires him.

"Grandpa Emperor!"

The excited Zhu Zhanji made Zhu Di dissatisfied. He snorted coldly, "What is it? With me here, the sky can't fall down!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded, only feeling that he had never felt at ease before, and he explained a series of situations after entering Wanquan.

"...The grandson was not decisive enough at the time, and in the end Xinghebo decided to rescue Xinghepu. Since then, his grandson has not done much, but he has learned a lot about the battlefield."

Zhu Di's eyes were deep: "Talk about it."

Zhang Fu chased Zhu Gaoxu, trying to stop Zhu Gaoxu's brain that can't stop once he gets crazy.

"Grandpa Emperor, what you need to fight in battle is courage. Of course, the more important thing is to keep calm in the chaotic army. The pros and cons must be measured from the overall situation, not to be partial, not to shrink, but more is to be balanced. Just like the rescue of Xinghe Fort this time, it seems impossible to pay, but from the situation of Daming and the grassland, it is a second move. The main force that can hold Alutai is victory..."

The grandfather and grandson were close together, and Yang Rong watched with mixed feelings from behind.

In the distance, those Ming cavalry were chasing the defeated soldiers of the Allied Grassland.

The gate of Xinghe Fort opened, and Zhang Yu was leading the survivors to greet them.

Big win!

The first two Northern Expeditions are not comparable to the big wins!

But these were all supported by the sixtieth old man alone, from the court to the military, he supported Daming's continuous attacks on the grassland alien races with one hand.

And these attacks made the north of Daming feel so peaceful, so that he could rest and rest calmly inside.

"Where is Fang Xing?"

Zhu Di was very satisfied with the other side's words and deeds on the way to wake up, but he asked without seeing him.

Zhu Zhanji didn't know, just seeing Xin Laoqi, he beckoned him to talk back and forth.

"Your Majesty, my master has gone to chase Arutai."

Zhu Di frowned and said, "Fang Xing never likes to fight for merit, why is this?"

As an emperor, if you don't have a pair of eyes that can see through the mist, then you are not far from luck.

Old Xin Xin said straightforwardly: "Your Majesty, Fang San has gone, and his head was chopped off. The master vowed to use Alutai's head to let him rest in peace."

"This fool!"

Zhu Di shook his head. When a qualified householder encounters such a thing, the best solution is to show his grief, and then thicken his compassion, letting people know that he has a boundless future.

In Zhu Di's view, Fang Xing's behavior, which was similar to madness, was a little bit arrogant.

But this is a good thing, so Zhu Di said: "Since he died for Daming, let him go abroad later, and his wife can also seal a ruling."

Xin Laoqi said sadly: "Your Majesty, Fang San's wife has already gone, leaving only a five-year-old child."


Alutai believes that he is the proud son of heaven, and he belongs to the destiny. In the eighth year of Yongle, when Zhu Di made his first Northward Expedition, he was full of pride, but he was beaten out of shit. In the end, he had to bow his knees and accepted the title of King Hening.

Afterwards, the battle against the Waara people was evenly divided, but Mahamu was defeated by Zhu Di for the second time, allowing him to find an opportunity, and thus flourished on the grassland, without any difference.

But Daming's development is passing day by day. When Jiaozhi is completely returned to Daming, he can still say that he is a barren land, which is not to be feared.

Then came North Korea and Wa State. After these two places were taken, Daming had more places in the north, and Wa State was said to produce a large amount of gold and silver.

Such a Ming, if he were to integrate it for a few more years, Alutai knew that Zhu Di would inevitably have a third personal enlistment.

Everyone knows the truth about the first to be strong, and then to suffer.

Therefore, Alutai wanted to integrate the forces of all parties in the grassland with these news, and by the way gave Daming a prestige.

Unexpectedly, I met Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing, and even met Zhu Di personally.

Alutai looked up at the sky, roaring silently.

This is luck, not a crime of war!

There were still seven or eight thousand people on the way to flee, but the Ming army behind them was chasing after him. After Alutai separated a group of people to stop the pursuers, the others were all separated and fled, and no longer cared for the famous Tatar Taishi on the grassland.

Just like Mahamu who betrayed his relatives back then!

Looking back and looking behind him, Aruta's heart was cold-less than five hundred people.

Is this the downfall of the King of Tartar?

Get off!

Alutai becomes furious when he thinks of having fun.

That cunning kid, shouldn't have given princess Samur's face, just kill him.

Tuohuan ran away before noticing the reinforcements of the Ming army. He took his men and two tribesmen and horses.

This is a cunning person, and with him, Alutai feels that it will be much more difficult for him to make a comeback.

"Should have killed him long ago!"

Alutai swears that as long as he waits for him to get out, he will do his best to kill the little bastard/species of Tuohuan!

"Master! The Ming army is here again!"

Alutai looked back again and saw that a Ming army had caught up.

"Teacher, take care!"

Suddenly, a thousand-household official led his own subordinate of more than a hundred people around in a circle from the left, and then turned around to intercept the pursuers.


The corners of Alutai's eyes were wet, and he swears that as long as this person can go back alive, he will use money and beautiful women in return.

The moist corners of his eyes were dried by the oncoming wind, and Alutai turned his head, forgetting this person in his mind.

Flee! Flee!

Alutai ran desperately along a river-without water, he would lose his horse, and he could not get out of the vast sea on his legs.

After the sky gradually dimmed, Alutai finally relaxed a little after seeing that there were no chasing soldiers, and ordered to dismount and rest.

Alutai slumped on the grass as soon as he got off his horse, watching several sergeants go to the river to fetch water.

"Master, eat some."

A guard brought a bag of goat's milk wine. After Alutai, who used to like Central Plains wine, took it, he opened the stopper and drank it greedily.

After drinking half full, Alutai plugged the stopper and stared blankly at the sunset in the distance.

"Is Emperor Ming Zheng Beizheng? Who is it aimed at?"

After calming down at this moment, Alutai began to think of Zhu Di's target.

If he doesn't walk Yehuling, he is ready to walk away and level.


"Why is it still me? That old fellow! Why is it still me!"

I thought that Zhu Di was getting older, and the Northern Expedition might be interrupted.

But he didn't expect Zhu Di's army to come when he just wanted to integrate the grassland, and Qingqi still attacked.

"That old guy dared to toss like this, isn't he afraid of dying halfway?"

There is no dinner ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of the two hundred people left, only a small number of them carry dry food with them, which is useless, and it is easy to cause conflicts.

"Divide it all, I won't eat it anymore."

Alutai's generosity won some grateful eyes. According to the usual practice, Alutai controls the distribution of food, but he actually does not eat.

After a hiccup, Alutai asked to search for some food.

No matter what it is, as long as they can eat, they need to save up now, otherwise they will have to starve to death once the weather changes.

A quarter of an hour passed, and those who went looking for food still did not come back...

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