Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: Pitted Sun Buddha 1

   When Fang Xing appeared outside the palace with potatoes, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

   Zhu Di only came back, but he couldn't take care of the rest, so he hurriedly dealt with the political affairs accumulated by the Beizheng so far. Hearing Fang Xing brought potatoes to ask for a meeting, he said, "It's here to shirk it, no matter, let his father and son come in."

   This time I entered the palace potatoes performed well, very calm.

   After seeing Zhu Di, Fang Xing did not sell Guanzi, and said directly: "Your Majesty, the minister is not suitable for offering prisoners."

   Zhang Fu and Xue Lu are good, they are Wuxun, but Fang Xing's position is a bit awkward.

   Zhu Di looked at Fang Xing, and asked for a long time: "What are you afraid of?"

   Fang Xing said frankly: "Your Majesty, the minister's limelight is already big enough. If you go to offer prisoners, it will be a raging fire to cook oil. The minister dare not do it. That is not a long-term way."

   Zhu Di nodded and said: "That's it, you can go."

   I said! When has Lao Zhu been so talkative?

   With questions, Fang Xing went to find Zhu Gaochi, and asked Tudou to play with Wanwan by the way.

   "Uncle Xinghe has done a great job this time and is about to be promoted."

   Liangzhong said with a smile.

   Fang Xing took the potato and said: "Lao Liang, you are not authentic, you don't know, I don't care about knighthood, promotion is a whirlpool, don't think I step in!"

  Liangzhong said with a stern face: "You can see clearly, our family is plainly worried about you. I heard that you brought back a lot of jerky from the grassland. Later..."

   Fang Xing was holding a bag in his hand, winking his eyes and said, "Lao Liang, all of this is jerky. Have you finished eating?"

   Liangzhong looked at no one on the left and right, then whispered: "How long has our family not eaten beef? Hurry up."

   Fang Xing smiled and gave him the bag, then squatted sideways and said to Tudou: "Do Tudou go to Aunt Wanwan, okay?"


  Tudou was reminded by Zhang Shuhui early in the morning not to stare at him, so he looked like a little soldier at the moment, very serious.

  Liangzhong called two court ladies and asked them to bring potatoes.

   The two entered the hall together. Zhu Gaochi's case was all jerky, and he was having a headache.

   This is beef jerky. As Daming's prince, if he takes the lead in eating this thing, his reputation will be stinky.

   Fang Xing saw that it was Zhu Gaoxu's handwriting, and said: "His Royal Highness, there were a lot of cattle and sheep who accidentally injured them.

   Zhu Gaochi shook his head, letting people throw away the jerky.

   This is a prince who has been under pressure for a long time. Sometimes he acts boldly and sometimes cautiously. On the one hand, he has to maintain his elegant and benevolent image in order to gain the support of hundreds of officials; on the other hand, he has to be careful and careful not to make such low-level mistakes.

   But as a senior foodie, Fang Xing saw that Zhu Gaochi was a little bit reluctant, so he persuaded the donkey as a horse: "It's just some mutton, it's okay to eat."

   Zhu Gaochi shook his head and said: "If there are too many small mistakes, they will accumulate into big mistakes. If a house is dead, why is the world and the country? If you don't cultivate one's own morals, it will inevitably lead to catastrophes in the long run."

This person is about to start a long talk, but if he can talk about his family and the world in front of Fang Xing, that means he hasn't treated him as an outsider, so Fang Xing had no choice but to say, "Let's bring some more when Wanwan goes to the minister's house. Anyway, the minister’s unruly behavior has long been known, and he is not afraid of a little rumors."

   Zhu Gaochi was a little moved, and said straightforwardly: "I heard you killed the prisoners?"

   "Nothing, my lord!"

   Fang Xing suddenly turned into Dou E, shouting injustice: "Who said that? The minister will not rest with him!"

   Zhu Gaochi turned a **** and asked, "What will happen to Wala?"

   Fang Xing's heart trembled slightly. Is this preparing for his ascension to the throne?

   It seems that Lao Zhu’s illness still spread to the capital, but I don’t know how many people knew about it.

   "His Royal Highness, Wala will inevitably go through a major change inside, attacking each other, and then their goal will turn to the Tartar side. At that time, Da Ming must plan a strategy to solve this enemy in one fell swoop!"

   Fang Xing This is flicking, the Vara people are no longer considered a major enemy at this time, even if they can really dominate the three of Vara, how dare he come to Da Ming to ask for wildfire!

   Zhu Gaochi shook his head and said: "That will be at least ten years, nothing more, let's not mention this for the time being, but Alutai is a bit tricky. Should we kill or be banned from Peking..."

   Fang Xing's expression straightened, and said: "His Royal Highness, the prairie people admire the strong, but the strong must not have that kindness, otherwise they must think that Daming is good for bullying. This is to encourage them to boldly challenge the side."

   Zhu Gaochi's fat face was trembling with anger, and he pointed at the door and shouted, "Get out!"

   Okay, Fang Xing's words about women's benevolence angered Zhu Gaochi again. He had to plead guilty, and then walked away desperately.

   When I got outside, Tudou was still in Wanwan's side, Fang Xing had nowhere to go, just waiting bored outside the womb.

   Since moving to Peiping, the people in the palace seem to be a little bit happy.

   Looking at the eunuchs and palace ladies passing by with a relaxed expression, Fang Xing couldn't help thinking about the influence of Feng Shui on the palace.

   "Uncle, Sun Fo is here."

   Fang Xing's thinking was diverging, thinking about how many dragon spirits would have to be in Peiping since then, so he calmed down and saw Sun Xiangzheng slowly pacing over.

   "I have seen Xing He Bo."

   Fang Xing thought that Sun Xiang was passing by, but who knew he was here to find him.

   "Grandpa Sun is too polite."

   Fang Xing handed his hands freely. Dongchang was the emperor's direct institution, and he didn't want to have anything to do with it.

   Sun Xiang counted the beads and said, "Could Xinghe take a step to speak."

   The two walked to the side, but did not go to the corner to avoid suspicion.

   The days of high and refreshing autumn are most suitable for traveling, and Fang Xing feels that his breathing is a little easier.

   "Xing He Bo, someone in our house acted a little eagerly last time and caused some trouble to Di Xian. Please forgive me Xing He Bo Duo."

   Fang Xing went home and heard about it. Zhang Shuhui said that Sun Xiang also sent someone to send a gift to apologize, but she confiscated it for fear of delaying Fang Xing.

What does   孙祥 mean?

   Fang Xing said casually: "I heard that Dongchang intends to stay in No.1 Fresh Lane? It's just a small business, it can't stand the tossing!"

Sun Xiang paused when counting the Buddha beads~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then said: "That's a rumor, our family has been given your majesty's importance and control of the East Factory, how dare you act recklessly? Those are the alienation from the outside world, Xing and uncle must not do anything. Fooled."


   Fang wakes up and smiles calmly and said: "That couldn't be better, the Sihai Bazaar has made less and less money recently. If the first freshman makes some mistakes, Fang is afraid that he will go to his Majesty and cry for poverty."

   Sun Xiang squeezed the Buddha beads vigorously, nodded and said: "The first freshman is the top spot in Peking. I think it will be smooth sailing in the future."

  Fang smiled and said: "Then Fang X would like to thank Grandpa Sun for his auspicious words. If one day develops, he will definitely not forget Grandpa Sun."

   At this time, two eunuchs were passing by. Hearing Fang Xing's words, the two looked at the palm print **** Sun Xiang of Dongji Factory opposite Fang Xing. They were so scared that they turned pale and their legs trembled.

   Dongchang is Zhu Di’s confidant organization, but now this confidant organization actually colludes with Fang Xing.

   If you don’t know this, it’s a disaster if you hear it.

   Misfortune comes in my ears!

   Fang Xing was a little stunned, and hurriedly defended: "Oh! Ben is just talking about the parents' short stories with Grandpa Sun. Don't get me wrong if you wait!"

   Fang Dehua! ! !

  Sun Xiang’s face and mouth finally broke, and Fang Xing’s words just added fuel to the fire.

   There is no silver three hundred taels here!

  :. :

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