Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1162: Punish, ruthless

   Fang Xing was in a very happy mood, and when he returned home, he told Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai about the pitfall of Sun Xiang. The two smiling women couldn't stand up straight.

   After laughing, Zhang Shuhui asked: "Husband, my concubine heard that Sun Xiang is called Sun Buddha, and he is in charge of the Dongchang factory. He is so powerful!"

   Xiaobai blinked his eyes at Fang Xing and said, "Master, that Sun Fo is too powerful, and I will definitely not have good fruit in the future."

   Fang Xing blinked at her too, but unfortunately there was no teaser effect, instead it seemed that there was a problem with his eyes.

   Zhang Shuhui glanced sideways at Xiao Bai, and expressed anger at the two people's flirting behavior in front of her, and then said: "Husband should be more careful. Although our family is not afraid, we can live a long time later!"

Tudou rode the pulley outside with Ping An, Fang Xing took a look, and said, “If you are generous and generous for your husband, if you easily let go of the Dongchang factory, how can you stay in Daming afterwards? Sun Xiang also knows that after today, our family There is no grievance with Dongchang. As for whether it's worth it, he knows it himself."


   After Fang Xing left, Sun Xiang immediately went to Zhu Di to make a plea.

   "...Xinghe Bo squeezes narrowly, and the slave and maid are helpless."

   Zhu Di's eyebrows beat, and he said dissatisfied: "Dongchang has nothing to look for. Fang wakes up with the small belly chicken intestines, but the Dongchang has the fault first, go back and deal with it."

   Back at the Yamen of Dongchang, Sun Xiang immediately changed his compassionate face and asked someone to find Wei Qing.

   Chen Gui tentatively asked the reason, and Sun Xiang said, "His Majesty knew about that. Wei Qing must be punished, otherwise he would deceive the emperor."

   Chen Gui said sincerely: "Father-in-law, in that case, Wei Qing is afraid of complaints!"

   Sun Xiang shook his head nonchalantly, just as Wei Qing came, with his left hand still hanging on his chest.

   "I have seen my father-in-law."

   After Wei Qing saluted, he smiled and said: "Father-in-law, but did your majesty appreciate the merits?"

   Dongchang captured a lot of people who spread rumors, and their work efficiency was much better than that of the five-city soldier Ma Si, so when Zhu Di came back, the whole Dongchang was waiting for a piece of the pie.

Sun Xiang said indifferently: "At first, our family thought that Xing He Bo would not care too much, but he has made a great contribution this time in the Northern Expedition, and he should not be promoted, Wei Qing, you know the consequences of this matter. ?"

   Wei Qing said with a pale face: "Father-in-law, the subordinates know, Xinghe Bo Juixuan will report. If he is mad and wants to clean up the subordinates, his majesty will at most scold him a few words based on his credit."

   Sun Xiang nodded and said: "You have understanding, this is a good thing, this time it is a lesson, and you will do it well in the future."

   Wei Qing nodded, and then stood on the side waiting to be dealt with.

   Sun Xiang counted the beads and sighed: "What the **** is this! Come here."

   Several big guys came in outside the door, and Sun Xiang couldn't bear to shook his head and said: "Pull out the door, it weighs forty! In addition, letting everyone come to see it is also a warning."

   Wei Qing followed out obediently, and then lay on the bench, **** by someone, with a cork in his mouth, and a big man holding a stick stood beside him.

  The people at Dongchang's home all came and crowded around.

   A little **** was talking loudly about Wei Qing's crimes. He was probably acting on Meng Lang and almost missed the big thing.

   "Forty sticks! Hit!"

   "Puff! Puff!"

   Wei Qing bit the cork in his mouth and grunted, his eyes firm.

   "Puff! Puff!"

   Forty sticks, if you hit hard, it will kill you.

After    thirty sticks, Wei Qing was already a little confused, and then was awakened by a basin of water.

After    forty sticks, the two big guys put down the sticks and did not untie the rope, so they took out a porcelain vase and gave Wei Qing to treat the wound.

   "Master Wei, this is a good medicine that Grandpa Sun has been reluctant to use, and his old man is also a last resort! Hey!"

   The two washed Wei Qing's beaten **** with water first, and then applied medicine.

   Wei Qing's reaction at this time was greater than when he was tortured. Fortunately, he was firmly tied up, otherwise the drug application would really be impossible.

   Untied the rope, Wei Qing's face was blue and gray, and gritted his teeth and said: "Thank you two brothers to help me in."

   The two big men looked at each other, and both felt that Wei Qing was really ruthless.

   stumbled into the inner hall, Sun Xiang sighed when he saw it, "What the **** is this? Go back and heal your wounds, and come back again when you are done."

   Wei Qing broke away from his support, knelt on the ground with a thump, his body was instantly drenched with cold sweat. He endured the severe pain and said: "Thank you for the public's kindness, and I can't thank you enough. From now on, I only know that I am worried about the public."

   Sun Xiang shook his head and said: "This is wrong. We are all sharing our worries for your Majesty, go."

   The two big men helped Wei Qing out, and Chen Gui sighed: "If it wasn't for his father-in-law's mercy, the forty clubs would have killed him. If he knows something good or bad, he should look forward to the head of his stallion, otherwise he would be ungrateful."

Sun Xiang squinted his eyes and counted the Buddha beads, and said faintly: "Our family does not ask for repayment, as long as they think of your Majesty in their hearts. Chen Gui, you must also remember that we are all servants of your majesty, and we only do things for your majesty. , Don’t have selfish thoughts."

  Chen Gui hurriedly bowed and said: "Yes, the younger one just thinks that the side wakes up and runs, and your majesty is a little afraid of his great achievements, but instead made the father-in-law suffer a grievance, and he feels uneasy."

   Sun Xiang opened his eyes and glanced at him, and said, "Fang Xing has already pushed the prisoner, and your Majesty readily agreed. Also, do you think your Majesty will be jealous of anyone?"

   Zhu Di would be jealous if he didn't move at all, those honorable servants would have been killed a long time ago.

   Chen Gui said suddenly: "Small dull, thank you father-in-law for calling."


   Prison offerings used to be the matter of the Metropolitan Government. Later, the Metropolitan Government was abolished. After the five-armed captors’ office was left, the act of offering prisoners became civil officials.

  The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Etiquette!

   Jin Zhong’s busy nostrils smoked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Zhu Di sent someone to ask him what else could be improved in the prison offering ceremony.

   "This is forcing the old man to hang himself, Dehua!"

   Herbal tea can't extinguish Jin Zhong's anger, he said: "Your Majesty, is this disgusting with the old man's love store? No matter, the old man will come back and make a memorial, begging for the bones!"

Fang Xing did not hurriedly refilled him with tea, and laughed: "Why the Lord Jin is like this? This offering of prisoners is nothing more than playing kaile, declaring cloth, and then offering prisoners, asking your Majesty what to do with him. In the end, Shanhu Long live is over. Frighten foreign races, it's exciting! It's okay to think in this direction."

   Jin Zhong patted the table and grabbed Fang Xing's hand and said, "Do you teach me Dehua? Hurry up, otherwise if the old man resigned and went home without food, he would come with his family! You will be poor!"

   When people are old, they don't have any face anymore. Jin Zhong grabbed Fang Xing's hand and didn't let it go.

   Fang Xing said helplessly: "Actually, everything is fine to offer prisoners, but there are too many kneelings behind, which makes people headache, and Fang doesn't want to go."

   Jin Zhong liedly said: "It doesn't matter whether you go or not, the old man, you have to make an idea first."

  Why is Lao Zhu dissatisfied with the ceremony of offering prisoners again?

   Fang Xing said helplessly: "The purpose of offering prisoners is to deter neighbors and inspire people, so can we add some exciting links to this?"

   Jin Zhong's eyes were gleaming, where he looked like begging for bones, and he asked: "Don't sell it, just say it!"

  :. :

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