Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Guilty

  Thanks to the book friend: "The Sunshine of Fingers" is a great reward!

  Thanks to the book friend: "Abby V" is a great reward!


   Jin Zhong has gained something, and immediately turned his face to deny him, saying that he wanted to go back and make arrangements.

Fang Xing sent him out. Before he reached the gate, Huang Zhong greeted him and said, "Uncle, there is a man who claims to be Wei Qing from Dongchang. ."

   Fang Xing stopped and said to Jin Zhong: "Fang Mou is negligent, Lord Jin is walking slowly."

   Jin Zhong arched his hands and said with a smirk: "But Dehua provoked Sun Fo? Be careful! That old man always feels gloomy, it's better to stay away!"

   This is like a joke, but it implies a warning.

   Fang Xing nodded and said: "I know, so I just broke with them. It's a good thing that this person is here, let everyone see that Fang's and Dongchang wells do not interfere with river water."

   Jin Zhong said, he went out and saw Wei Qing's miserable appearance, he smiled and said, "Is this to block the door?"

   Others are afraid of Dongchang, Jin Zhong will not be afraid. His son will not be called Dad yet. Even after Zhu Gaochi ascended the throne, he could only take care of him, otherwise the outside world would say that he was mean and unkind.

   Wei Qing did not expect to meet Jin Zhong. This old man has become more and more aggressive recently, even Sun Xiang dare not provoke him.

   He had to arbitrarily arch with one hand: "I have seen Lord Jin, but I dare not go down."

   Jin Zhong smiled and said: "Who gave you the idea? Huh! Your **** is bleeding? Just as soon as he was tortured, he came to plead guilty, and he was really cruel!"

   Jin Zhong shook his head and walked forward, muttering as he walked: "People nowadays! I really didn't put my mind on the right path. It was a waste of time..."

   Wei Qing turned pale, wondering if he had come in the wrong way.

   Without waiting for him to regret, Huang Zhong has already come out. He coughed and said, "Uncle already knows. Now that Master Wei knows that he is wrong, Uncle is very pleased. That's it for everyone."

   I said!

   When Wei Qing heard this, his body couldn't help shaking, and a mouthful of old blood almost came out.

   This is a decisive confession of grievances with Wei Qing, and Wei Qing took the initiative to come to the door, instead, it washed away Fang Xing's reputation for domineering and turned Wei Qing into a mistake.


   After others have been severely punished, they come to ask for a crime. Shouldn't it be the master who comes out to comfort him and then stage a "general harmony"?

   Fang Xing didn't play the cards according to common sense, and Wei Qing was forced to force him. He was bracing for it, and now he was eager to attack his heart, and suddenly felt that there was a flower in front of him...

   The family members have been watching by the side of the mourning hall for a long time. They saw Wei Qing's body shaking. Xin Laoqi came over to help him in a few steps and shouted: "Go faint and go home and faint, don't be in the Fang family!"

Fang Wu came over and smiled at the two big guys not far away: "You two are here with Master Wei. Please also bear witness. No one in the Fang family moved a finger to Master Wei just now. Please go back."

   The two big guys came over in a chattering manner. They wanted to pretend to be bystanders, but this is Fangjiazhuang. If they pretend, they will be beaten in the face, so they have to stop Wei Qing who has fainted and leave.

   Fang Wu said with concern: "Master Wei has been tortured too much, and his mind is heavy. You have to go to the doctor as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in serious trouble."

   The two big guys were unsteady on their feet, and they almost fell with Wei Qing. After steadying their bodies, they awkwardly helped Wei Qing onto the carriage and went away in a desperate manner.

   Fang Xing went out at this time. The knife was always watching. Fang Xing saw the flying knife in his palm and yelled, "Take it away!"

   The knife smiled and put the flying knife away, Fang Xing said: "Those are people from Dongchang, don't move and want to do it, otherwise you can go fishing in Taizhou Prefecture, and kill your temper."


  Fangsan is going to have a funeral. The ceremonies at night are not quiet, but the people in the main house have no objection.

   The last day, everyone should come to see it as early as possible.

   Fang woke up and saw that those monks were very dedicated.

   Fang Zhuan looked almost skinny, his eyes were black and blue.

   "Let him sleep, and get some milk for him to drink, otherwise he will have to follow him in the middle of the day."

   The taste in the mourning hall is a bit complicated. The lime taste is the mainstream, and there is also an incense smell.

   A monk came over and said, "Uncle, the last night, the dutiful son can't sleep!"

   Fang Xing shook his head, and pointed to Fang Zhuan, who was already sluggish, and said, "This kid is only five years old. If he keeps on like this, he is not a dutiful son, but a funeral!"

   Fang Jielun also said: "Fang San loves this son the most. Even if he is dead and alive, he doesn't want to see Fang Zhuan like this. Don't worry, the old slave will make arrangements."

   Fang Xing walked out of the mourning hall, and the night breeze blew him through, making his head stunned by the smell inside to wake up.

   "There will be three funerals in the early morning of tomorrow, and prisoners will be offered outside the noon gate. Let the knife follow me. You take the family members to help."

   Xin Laoqi agreed behind him, and then went to deploy the manpower.


When   yin, the Chinese side woke up and got up. He first went to see the two children who were still sleeping, and then put on a set of earl clothes that he was not happy to wear under the service of Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai.

   Touched the feathers behind his head, Fang Xing said, "Go and go for your husband. Just look at Fang Zhuan.

   Zhang Shuhui followed the wrinkles on Fang Xing’s clothes, and said, “Don’t worry, you husband, Fang San is a loyal servant. Our family has never wronged the rules of loyal servants, and the concubine promises to take care of Fang exclusively.

   Xiaobai also expressed his attitude: "Master, he will be a safe and close servant in the future, who dares to treat him badly? Don't worry."

   Fang Xing hum, Tudou was about to send Fang San out, and was also woken up, in a daze.

   Fang Xing walked over and said, "Tudou is responsible for the important things for his father today, so please cheer up!"

  Tudou blinked his eyes when he heard the words, remembering that he was going to send Fang Xing Fang San to the village today, so he clamored for Mu Hua to wash and dress herself.

   Ping An was also awakened by the side. He opened his eyes, his black mouth was squatting. Fang Xing felt soft when he saw ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so he picked him up and gave him warm water to drink.


   With a weak voice, Fang Xing put down the cup and held his armpits and said: "Ping An is also good today. Father comes back to bring you delicious food."

   Nodded safely, and then yawned. Fang Xing, who was adorable, didn't want to go out anymore.

   Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai came over and gathered their children.

   "Husband, you have a big business to do, hurry up and go."

   At the urging of Zhang Shuhui, Fang Xing took a knife out of the main house.

  The mourning hall has nothing to do at this time. The monks are all taking a nap, and they will begin the final ceremony in half an hour.

   Fang Zhuan has already woke up. Outside the mourning hall, Fang Jielun is feeding him a bowl of porridge made with milk.

   Fang San’s eldest brother and his wife saw Fang wake up, they panicked and wanted to salute.

   "No need."

   Fang Xing said, "You don't have to worry about your children after Fang San has gone. He will follow along with him in the future."

  Fangsan’s eldest brother thanked him without words, but his daughter-in-law looked a little flattering, Fang Xing frowned and said: "You have been helping Fangzhuan for some time, Uncle Jie Lun."

   Fang Jaylun didn't turn around and answered, Fang Xing said, "After Fang San gets into the soil, I would like to thank his uncle for Fang."

   Fang Jaylun and Fang San’s eldest brother and his wife have been dealing with each other in the past few days, knowing the details, so they said: "The old slave knows the proper measures, the master can rest assured."

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