Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Offer prisoners

   After finishing drinking the porridge, Fang Xing went over and touched the top of his head and said, "It's a good day to do it. Don't believe in evil spirits. The evil spirits at home are already heavy enough. No evil spirits are useful."

   From time to time in the past few days, some people say that Fang San killed a lot of people during his lifetime, and there would be no evil if he didn't. Fang Xing was an official statement.

   Fang nodded in particular, and looked up at Fang Xing, looking a little dazed and helpless.

   Fang Xing turned around and confessed to Xin Laoqi a few words, and then mounted the horse and went with the knife.

A monk came out with a yawn and happened to see this scene. He said: "The poor monk was worried that he would encounter evil spirits when he went out. Xing He Bo was breaking through the obstacles for the deceased! Sure enough, he was kind. "

   Fang Jay Lun heard the monk sing praises for Fang Xing, and said, "The monk, can this be harmful to my master?"

The monk proclaimed a Buddhist name, and Baoxiang solemnly said: "Uncle Wen has Zhixing Academy, Wu has the ability to conquer, and naturally has the protection of the Buddha, how can those evil spirits dare to get close! "

   Fang Jielun was overjoyed and said: "The master really has the right way of thinking. My master almost went there that year, but with the protection of the Buddha, he would renovate the house and teach the students as soon as he woke up. It was a smooth journey!"

   The monk said while holding a shelf, "Of course, it's just that the uncle is not willing to pay respect to the Buddha, otherwise the Fang family's luck will definitely continue, and children and grandchildren will benefit."

   Fang Jay Lun walked over and said in a low voice, "Is there anything to say in this?"

   When the monk saw Fang Jay Lun's heart, he talked in detail about the benefits that Buddhist worshippers have received from ancient times to the present. In a word, the Fang family has neglected this over the years, and it has suffered a lot!

   Fang Jay Lun immediately vowed that he would persuade his master to go to the Buddha, so the monks worked harder later.

   was about to leave, Xin Laoqi went over to ask Fang Jaylun.

   "Uncle Jaylen, I don't know how to worship Buddha."

   Fang Jielun squinted at him and said, "I know how to fight and kill, but I don't even understand this. Old man, I will stop them first. After Fang San's matter is over, can they still come to the door to ask?"


   Fang Xing went all the way to the main entrance of Li, and after verifying his identity, he was able to enter, but the knife couldn't get in.

   all the way to the outside of Chengtian Gate, many officials who arrived first were waiting here.

   The Yuhe surrounding the imperial city was clear. The officials were chatting in twos and threes by the bridge. When Fang woke up, no one took care of it.

  Only Xia Yuanji waved, "Dehua is here."

   Fang Xing is studying this small square, which will become a big square in the future, the largest square in the world.

   After the two people got together, Xia Yuanji whispered: "Today Xue Lu offered a prisoner, and the British father also refused. Are you discussing it?"

   Fang Xing shook his head and said: "Nothing, this kind of thing is not suitable for me and the British father. It is too eye-catching. We don't want to rebel, so we should keep a low profile and save a lot of trouble."

   Xia Yuanji looked at the officials with discolored faces around him, and couldn't help smiling wryly: "You, you, your Majesty can tolerate you. If you change a place, you must be exiled to the ends of the world."

   Fang Xing said nonchalantly, "Didn't they tell me behind my back that I want to rebel? But they only dared to say secretly behind my back that this is very different from what the old master taught! So I just said it for them."

   Those officials are all right after hearing this, go for impeachment?

   Nima! I heard that when he was on the grassland, Fang Xing actually stabbed a wild beehive, got some wild fruits, mixed them together and gave Zhu Di a drink.

what is this?

   This is a favor!

  If Zhu Di believes in someone, would he drink it?

   And looking at Fang Xing's appearance, if someone goes for impeachment, it might not be possible for him to call out injustice in front of Zhu Di and spray on the spot.

   There was no one beside Fang Wake in an instant, and Xia Yuanji sighed: "You are a sordid name, you are sad!"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "Zhixing Academy, Jubaoshanwei, and the influence on Taisun, if I still laugh at Yan Yan with Baiguanyan, this would be too heartless! I guess I have to wonder if I am right. What do you want to do."

   Xia Yuanji shook his head and stopped talking about this topic.

   Fang Xing took out an oil paper bag in his arms. After opening it, there were two oil cakes and gave Xia Yuanji one.

   Youbing is made of red bean paste and made of glutinous rice. It is deep-fried with vegetables. It feels like I want to swallow it with my tongue.

   The sky is getting brighter, the civil and military officials have all arrived, and the officials from the Ministry of Courtesy came out and brought them in.

As soon as    enters, the Sheji Altar is on the left, Taimiao is on the right, and the Meridian Gate is directly in front.

   Fang Xing looked at these two places, remembering the rumored beheading of the Meridian Gate in the future, and couldn't help laughing.

   This is the Temple of Sheji and Taimiao. How can such things as beheading happen?

   The two doors opened, the civil and military officials all stood up straight and saw a team of eunuchs come out.

   As for the middle door, it will not open.

   "Clang! Clang! Clang!"

   The clock rang, and all the officials were led to their positions by officials of the Ministry of Rites.

   The envoys of various countries who had been staying on the side were also led over, and the whole ceremony was slowly put in place, just waiting for the presence of the Emperor of the Ming Empire.

   The bell stopped, which showed that Zhu Di had arrived at Fengtian Gate, and then the music played loudly.

   The emperor is coming.

   Fang Xing was very awkward, because he was placed in the row of generals on the expedition, and Zhang Fu was also there.

   This is facing the Meridian Gate, and the eunuchs stand in front of them with their hands folded, just waiting for Zhu Di to take his place.

   I don’t know how long I waited, Fang Xing heard a shout: "Bye..."

  Lao Zhu is here.

   No one dared to look up, and the foreign envoys all saluted each other.

   A **** used the power of milking and shouted: "Playing Kaile..."

   Xielu Lang led the musicians, and suddenly there was a lively music~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A group of sergeants brought a group of prisoners headed by Alutai from Donghuamen.

   Alutai is a bit at a loss. He doesn't know where he will be in the future. Maybe he will be kept in Peking. Whenever there is a major festival, he will be recruited into the palace to perform singing and dancing to show the martial arts of Ming Dynasty.

   will not die, right?

   Alutai raised his head and glanced at the tower of Meridian Gate. Zhu Di was sitting there, his face grim.

   "Head down!"

   A sergeant shouted, Altai glanced at the moment he lowered his head, and saw Fang Xing standing in the general's team, waiting with his eyes down.


   The captives were taken to the west, when Kai Le just finished playing, the musicians retreated one by one.

   The **** with a loud voice shouted again: "Xuanlubu..."

   After a series of procedures, someone was reading aloud.

   "Fu Yitian pleads guilty... Tatar Rogue Arutai... poisons the people and provoked the side several times..."

   After reading the ‘Long and Smelly’ Lu Bu, someone shouted: "Offering prisoners..."

   The soldiers and the captives stood facing the Meridian Gate.

   Alutai’s heart had already mentioned his throat, but Fang Xing looked at him coldly, and muttered: "Your head, I want it!"

   But at this moment, there was a sound of neat footsteps, which made people stunned.


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