Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: Sun and moon are not easy, always shine on Daming

   On the last day of this month, brothers and sisters, ask for monthly tickets!


   The imperial city should have been quiet, at least when there were no conspirators, there shouldn't be such killing footsteps in the imperial city.

   With the sound of this footstep, a row of Ming army sergeants carrying muskets turned out neatly from Xihua Gate.

   is Jubaoshanwei!

   The neat queue appeared in front of Wumen for the first time, and Alutai saw that the leading officers were holding flags in their hands.

   And those triangular flags, those flags with streamers, are all drooping at the moment, and slightly swinging as the array advances.

This is……

   Yang Rong looked at Lu Zhen, the whole ceremony was the person in charge of the Ministry of Rites, but somehow came out a Jubao Mountain Guard, what the **** was this?

   Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji and his son stood behind Zhu Di upstairs.

   Zhu Gaochi was a little confused when he saw this scene, so he looked at Zhu Zhanji with his eyes.

   Laozi asks questions, of course my son has to answer.

   Zhu Zhanji reluctantly pointed at Zhu Di Nunu's mouth, indicating that it was Zhu Di's meaning.

   Zhu Gaochi felt helpless. He is an authentic Confucian son, and he is very dissatisfied with such things that destroy etiquette. But the decision was made by Lao Tzu, and no amount of dissatisfaction can be swallowed back.

   The hundreds of civil and military officials below, apart from Lu Zhen, Jin Zhong, and Fang Xing, who were the initiators, no one knew that there would be such an appearance today.

   Yang Rong looked at Fang Xing with complicated eyes. The so-called prisoner offering, the civilian officials have worked very hard to grab the dominant power from the military, but they didn’t expect...

   Rows of sergeants turned out. When they reached the Meridian Gate, the officer in the lead was still in front of the flag in their hands, and shouted loudly:

   "Your Majesty, the ministers gathered at the Baoshan Guardian General Banner of Qin University. During the Northern Expedition, the ministers killed more than 30 enemies, captured more than 200, and seized both sides of the flag, and presented them to the imperial front.

   The sergeants behind him shouted together: "Da Ming wins! Long live your majesty!"

   Immediately Qin University strode forward, stepping on the two flags without hesitation, and the people behind them followed one by one. The flag was like a rag that had been used for decades, without any brilliance.

The second array came in unison, and the leading officer shouted: "Your Majesty, the ministers gather at Baoshan, guard one hundred households, and Xia Chunqiu. During the Northern Expedition, the ministers killed more than 100 enemies, captured more than 300, and captured five flags, Daming. Wansheng, long live your majesty!"

   "Da Ming Wansheng! Long live your majesty!"

   The shout shook the sky, as if rushing into the sky.

  The messengers looked pale as Xia Chunqiu kept the flag in front of him, and then stepped on it heavily.

   One hundred houses can kill hundreds of enemies and capture more than 300 people. How terrible is Daming's army!

   And Suzaku Guard has also been exposed, plus the Xuanwu Guards later, if the three Davids of Daming attacked a country together, who would dare to say that they could stop it?

The array behind    kept flowing, and a shout made people tremble.

   "Your Majesty, the minister gathers Baoshan Wei Qianhu Guan Wu Yue, the ministers killed more than 2,000 enemies during the Northern Expedition, captured more than 2,000, and seized the multi-faceted flags, the Ming Dynasty is victorious, long live your majesty!"

   "Da Ming Wansheng! Long live your majesty!"

   The shouts of more than a thousand people agitated the hundreds of officials. Yang Rong glanced at him and saw that the younger officials were flushed and their bodies trembling slightly.

   This is an extremely successful plan. Whose idea is it?

   Yang Rong knows that Lu Zhen will not be an ambassador for the military, so it is...Jin Zhong?

   But Jin Zhong couldn't think of such an inspiring and inspiring method to deter the foreign race.

   Yang Rong glanced at Fang Xing. He looked at Alutai facelessly, knowing it in his heart.

   must be his idea!

   Fang turned awkwardly and looked at the array.

   Shen Hao is bold and unrelenting. After his thousands of households are finished, he will make the final report.

   "Your Majesty!"

  Shen Hao held up his head and shouted: "Your Majesty! The ministers gathered at Baoshan Guarding Qianhu Guan Shen Hao. During the Northern Expedition, the ministers killed more than 3,000 enemies, captured more than 1,000, and seized the multi-faceted flags. Great victory, long live your majesty!"

   Just when everyone thought he was going to move forward, Shen Hao flushed and shouted, "The sun and the moon are not easy, always shine on Daming!"


   This shout instantly detonated the entire prison offering scene.

   Zhu Di's eyes moved, ignoring the dissuasion in the eyes of the courtesy nearby, he got up and looked down.

   Fang Xing closed his eyes and remembered the scene when he was giving lessons to these officers.

   instilled a sense of honor, instilled a belief in victory, and now, this is the effect.

   Fang Xing smiled slightly, and when everyone was stunned, he threw his fists and shouted: "The sun and the moon are not easy! Forever shines on Daming!"

  The generals only then realized they could not help but shout: "The sun and the moon are not easy, always shine on Daming!"

   As long as the sun and the moon are still in the sky, Daming will never disappear!


  Since a thousand years, who has ever seen a dynasty from scratch, regaining the Central Plains from the hands of a brutal alien enslaving the Han people?

   This great Ming is bright and shining, who wants to see it fall?

   "The sun and the moon are not easy! Forever shines on Daming!"

   The shouts of more than two thousand people stirred the situation even more. Zhu Di was condescending and saw many of the prisoners sitting on the ground, and the envoys were even more indifferent.

   "The sun and the moon are not easy, always shine on Daming! Hmm!"

   Zhu Di nodded proudly, Yongle, his reign, his brilliance, this brilliance will continue, and it will never stop!

The huge shout even reached the harem. Wang Guifei was discussing with someone about the prescription for Zhu Di to prepare food and supplements. Hearing this shout, she couldn't help but smile: "Yes, the sun and the moon are not easy. Life is a hundred years old, take good care of Daming."

   A grandmother smiled and said, "Niang, the prisoner offering in front should be almost the same, but the teacher doesn't know where he will be locked up."

   "Where is it off?"

   Wang Guifei remembered Zhu Di's deep eyes and couldn't help but shook her head.

   Upstairs at the Wumen Gate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Zhu Di got up and left, Alutai's hands and feet were cold, remembering what he had heard last night.

  ——If your majesty exempts, then there will be a will to come down on the spot; if not, then it is death!

   Alutai looked at it desperately, and suddenly ran forward, but there was a rope in his hand and all the prisoners were connected, his body just swooped, and then he bounced and fell to the ground.

   "Your Majesty, please forgive me...Chen Yuan...Woo!"

The guard sergeant came over, prepared a rotten step and blocked his mouth, and at the same time punched him insidiously. Suddenly, Alutai was like a drowning man who had just been saved, his body softened. Breathing quickly.

   The ceremony was over, and as soon as Liu Guan waved his hand, the people from the Criminal Ministry went over to take over the prisoners.

   "Dehua, the sun and the moon are not easy, Yong Zhao Daming, this is good."

   Zhang Fu came over and praised that he didn't show up at all today, but just followed everyone.

   Fang Xing saw Alutai being driven out, and said: "It's just a slogan, eldest brother, a well-educated person, you can come up with something smarter than this if you just think about it."

   Zhang Fu smiled bitterly: "I just want to change the family tradition, but now it seems a bit wrong."

   The two walked out together, and Fang Xing seemed a little silent.

   "Your majesty's body looks pretty good, the prince's partial text, the prince..., the grandson has the wind of your majesty, the future of Ming, swords and spears will not be returned to the library, and the horses will not be released to Nanshan!"

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