Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Memorial

   Alutai did not expect that he would have such a day.

  West City, today ushered in the second large-scale killing.

   There are more than one hundred people, all of them are middle and high-level figures in Tatar.

   There is a stench from the wooden pillars hanging on the heads, and the autumn wind blows through, blowing the smell into Alutai's nostrils.

   Someone on the side was whimpering and struggling. Alutai looked sideways. It turned out that he was the leader of his heavy cavalry. This guy stumbled and was captured. He was still very brave at the time, struggling, and wounding several Ming troops.

   What makes a brave and fearless warrior become afraid of death?

   Alutai looked at those eyes that were starting to turn white, and down, there were tears and nose, salivation at the corners of his mouth, and then down... feces and urine flowed.

  Some people will pray to Qingming before dying, and Alutai is like that. He felt scared, but after making a fuss at Wumen, he was not afraid anymore.

   People are inherently dead, as a Tatar Taishi, he can't be ashamed.

   After verifying that he was right behind, the executioner came, and the people beside him waited with their breath held.

   The light of the knife flashed, and Alutai even heard a faint click.

   The blood soared out, Altai only felt a little warm on his face, and the head had fallen in front of him.

   These are a pair of staring eyes, staring wide, looking at Alutai.

I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid……

   Alutai's body trembled slightly, he was cheering himself up.

  The executioner walked behind him, don't need to look, he already felt the suffocation.

   Why are the five senses so sensitive before dying?

   Alutai was cold all over, he tried to look up, trying to take a look at the world for the last time, but he saw an acquaintance.

   No, two!

   Fang Xing...

   This is the last image left by the world to Alutai. Soon after the head fell to the ground, his eyes blinked.

  Of course, none of these people will collect their bodies. According to the usual practice, they will be thrown into the graves outside the city, let the wind blow and the sun, and the wild dogs will eat them.

   The knife didn't wait for the execution to be completed, so he walked over and said a few words to Liu Guan, who was supervising the execution. Then Liu pointed his head, and the knife went to ask for the head of Alutai.

   Those onlookers couldn't help but be a little surprised.

   "Who is that person? He actually collected Alutai's body?"

   "I've seen that person many times. He's Xinghe Bo's family. Maybe he is going to feed the dog."

   "Oh! That's a good fit. When Xinghe and Bobei fought against Alutai, he must have suffered a lot of casualties, and it would be good to vent his anger."

   "Tatar's Taishi, I didn't expect to have a different body and head, Daming is really strong!"


   Xiaodao brought the head and Fang Xing out of the city and started running wildly. When he passed the big market, he saw the spring girl who was setting up a stall. He didn't care about it. He just smiled at that side and ran away.

   The marriage date of the two is coming soon, Chunmei saw Xiaodao and Fang Xing hurriedly, thinking that something was wrong, and she was a little bit unconscious for a while.

   All the way to the cemetery, Fang San has already been buried, and everyone is gone.

   Xiaodao said regretfully: "It's still a step too late. It would be nice if I could arrive before the third brother's burial."

   Fang wakes up and dismounts, looking at the tombstone silently.

The knife placed Alutai’s head in front of the tombstone and said, "Brother, Alutai was captured alive by the master and just beheaded. This is a revenge for you. You can bless Fang Zhuan well below. That kid looks pitiful, don't scare him at night..."

   Fang Xing stood on the side with holding hands, thinking about Fang San's past, and suddenly realized that life is impermanent.

   "You rest in peace, Fang Zhuan will be fine, I will watch him grow up!"


   Fangzhuan returned to Fang's house, and Fang Jaylun arranged him to live in his own home.

   "How did this kid sleep till now?"

   Bringing Fang Zhuan into his home is the result of Jay Lun’s insistence. He believes that although Fang Zhuan is an orphan, the rules can’t be chaotic, otherwise Fang’s family will have no respect and inferiority in the future.

   Fang Jielun prepared a bedroom for Fang Zhuan, and when he went in, Fang Zhuan lay on the bed, looking from his back, pumping.

  Poor baby!

   Fang Yun came over and said, "Grandfather, the eldest master is here."

  Tudou was brought in, and seeing Fang Zhuan's appearance, he said: "Fang Zhuan, get up, my father wants to see you."

   Fangzhuan's choking stopped, turned to his feet, and bowed to the potato in salute.

   Tudou saw that his eyes were red and swollen, and didn't know how to comfort him, so he said, "My father is here, you have to be fine."

   "Go, let's go into the backyard."

   Tudou held Fang Zhuan's hand in the past, and Fang Zhuan subconsciously resisted, then he was surprised and followed out.

   All the way to the backyard, Fang Xing was playing with plasticine in the yard. The colorful plasticine was randomly squeezed into strange shapes.

   Fangzhuan timidly followed the potatoes to Fang Xing's body, looked up at him safely, and then lowered his head to squeeze the plasticine, appearing attentive.

   Fang Xing put down the piglet pinched in his hand, and looked at Fang Zhuan and said, "From now on, we will be a family. We will say whatever we think of, and come in as soon as we want to enter the backyard. You three can play together, understand?"

   Fangzhuan nodded blankly, Fang Xing took a box of plasticine to him and said, "Go."

   Back to Fang's own bedroom, Fang Zhuan opened the small wooden box and saw rows of plasticine inside, so he reached out and touched it.

   So soft!

   When he waited for lunch, Fang Yun came over to call Fang Zhuan, only to see that he was engrossed in pinching the villain.

   The villain used white plasticine, only the face was red.

   The small man looks at the proportions uncoordinated, his head is big, and some thin lines are pinched out of his chin.

   This is a beard!

   Fang Zhuan was so focused that he didn't find Fang Yun standing behind him.

   A drop of tears suddenly dripped on the clay figure’s chest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Zhuan’s movements stopped, he stared at the clay figure...


  In early winter, everything is gradually withered.

  The flowers and trees in Zhixing Academy seem to be listless, but the energetic young people turn early winter into midsummer.

   "Brother Ma went to the Ministry of War, Li Ermao followed to Burma, and Li Jia went to the army, hey! The first batch of seniors have all gone to work, so we are still in the academy. When is this a head!"

   Huang Bin is only fourteen years old, but nowadays, almost all fourteen years old are considered adults, so he should plan for himself.

Jiao Quren was one year older than him, and his father was a small official, so he seemed more clever. He said, "Brother Ma was a disciple of the mountain leader, and later was our teacher. They were all judges. It is only natural for him to be an official. ."

  Ma Su has a special identity, so the professors at the college treat him as colleagues, and the students treat him as teachers.

"As for Senior Brother Li Ermao Li, he is the legend of our academy. He has changed from a woodcutter who doesn’t know how to write to his current appearance. The mountain leader said, he can be regarded as a model of the academy. He followed to the barbaric academy this time. In this place, such courage is admirable."

   "Just Li Jia joined the army..."

   Jiao Quren couldn’t make a point, even if they were children of science, they were still afraid of the current military household system.

   "Once you join the army, your descendants and grandchildren are no different from Jianji, hey!"

  :. :

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