Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1173: Ancestral system cannot be violated

  Thanks to the book friend: "Seven Vowels" for the great reward!


   Jin Zhong stood under the eaves not far away, only half of his body was exposed, looking at Yuan Qijiang coldly.

   Senior officials crushed people to death, but Masu was not in the Ministry of War, so he was quite calm.

   Yuan Qijiang snorted coldly: "The military household is an ancestral system, and Xing Hebo inexplicably proposes to reform the system. This is a great disrespect to Emperor Taizu Gao!"

  Ma Su smiled and said: "Does Lord Yuan have any opinions about the family teacher? Then I can go to Fangjiazhuang to ask for a meeting. I think the teacher is very happy to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of military household registration with Yuan Lord."

Lan Binglie learned that the news arrived in a hurry. He stood beside Ma Su and said, "Ma Sulai is just studying. If Lord Yuan has political affairs to discuss, why not go to Fangjiazhuang. also."

  Ma Su gave Yuan Qijiang some face, but Lan Binglie directly pierced Yuan Qijiang's true face.

   What kind of **** ancestral system, but if the military households are reformed, some people in the local and military department will lose those benefits.

   As for finding Ma Su, it was just to vent his anger, and Yuan Qijiang didn't dare to tear his face, just making a fuss on the ancestral system.

   What are you worried about?


   Yuan Qijiang's eyelids throbbed, and he squinted his eyes and said: "This official won't wait for you. It violates the ancestral system. Everyone can talk about it. Now there are more than a thousand people who know about it, huh!"

   Since he mentioned Fang Xing, Ma Su, as a disciple, of course had to fight back.

   Arched his hands, and Ma Su said: "Master Yuan is an old household, and he must have a deep understanding of the abuses of the Ming army. Ma Su is not talented, dare to ask Master Yuan, the country and the family, which is more important?"

   Yuan Qijiang's face suddenly turned into a dye shop, colorful and hard to see the extreme. The chest rose and fell sharply, and he was obviously annoyed to vomit blood.

   is just aggrieved at the possibility of losing a piece of financial resources, but to put on the appearance of defending the ancestral system, it can only make people contemptuous!

   But most people don't slap their faces in public like this, at least they should be smoother.

   This is another little ‘magnanimous’!

   can go on, if it doesn’t work out, the Yushi will find out the roots, and a bulletin will let him go to the prison to drink tea, so...

   Yuan Qijiang snorted coldly, and walked away. Ma Su didn't feel annoyed. He bowed his hand to Lan Binglie and whispered in a low voice: "It's just selfishness. I know that I don't need to turn my face with him."

   Lan Binglie smiled and said, "I'm in the meeting hall, and Yuan Qijiang can't control my head no matter what, don't worry."

   The ambassador of the Huitong Embassy is only a 9th-rank official, and there is a big gap between Yuan Qijiang and Yuan Qijiang's 6th-rank, and Lan Binglie can be regarded as willing to go.

  Ma Su nodded and said, "If he dares to find fault, don't hold back and tell his teacher."

   Lan Binglie smiled and said, "Why go to ask a teacher, Lord Jin will clean him up."

  Ma Su laughed blankly, "Yes, don't look at Master Jin being confused all day long, it's pretending to be confused, if someone dares to touch the tiger's beard, then it will be pretty."

   Once Jin Zhong gets angry, the roar can spread throughout the army.

  Ma Su nodded, and then walked towards the gate of the Ministry of War with his wooden box, while Sun Jun and Chen Jian were whispering.

   "What does Lord Yuan mean?"

   "If the military is reorganized, he will have a lot less benefits."

   "He is so courageous! How dare to say this in the public, is he not afraid of Lord Jin getting angry?"

   "The law does not blame the public, and there are more people who reap the benefits. As long as you don't act too ruthlessly, no one can touch it."

   Jin Zhong stood there watching, his eyes cold.


   "Teacher, my disciple's study in the Ministry of War is over."

   When Ma Su arrived home, he went to find Fang Xing first.

   "What's your feeling?"

   Fang Xing hugged Ping An while putting on cotton clothes for him. Ping An probably felt that the cotton clothes were awkward after putting them on, and he was a little bit resisted and resisted all the time.

   There is a small iron stove in the study, and the smoke pipe sticks out from the glass window after turning, and the room is warm.

   Fang Xing tossed and put the cotton-padded jacket on Ping An, and then stood on his knees holding him upside down, his eyes narrowed.

  Ma Su made a grimace at Ping An and said, "Teacher, although Lord Jin is sitting on the sidelines and correcting him from time to time, the upper and lower parts of the military department is finally out of control, and the people below have different thoughts, and there is no synergy."

   "When people's hearts are scattered, the efficiency of doing things is not high, and it is common to even internalize."

   "The Ministry of War was transferred, but the disciples felt that their standards were not enough, and they were a little clumsy in doing things, but in fact they didn't have the confidence to raise objections."

   "Did you mention it then?"

   Fang Xing put Ping An on his lap and sat, just as the water boiled on the iron stove, he motioned for Ma Su to make tea.

Ma Su put out the tea, flushed the water, and said confidently: "The disciple didn't put forward an opinion, just because he felt that he was going to learn, he rashly proposed that he was breaking the rules of the Ministry of War. Although it is beautiful on the surface, it will be difficult to move behind it. "

Fang Xing looked at the vapour of the tea cup in a daze, and muttered: "I used to treat such observations and expressions as an official article. I hate it but I have to follow it. Now it seems that these unspoken rules cannot be changed. "

  Ma Su looked down and said: "Yes, the old rules have a large number of supporters and protectors. If you touch it easily, you will inevitably attack them in groups."

   "Teacher, my disciples feel that the government still needs to be regulated, and the supervision must be strengthened, otherwise the current good situation will be nothing more than a passing smoke, and it will disappear after a while."


Ping An has always been quiet, Fang Xing put his arms around him, leaned his head in his arms, and said: "Sometimes I think, if Daming's officials can get better overnight, it would be great, but This is just a dream. The methods of Emperor Taizu Gao are not unrelenting. Jinyi guards everywhere, and when he finds corruption, he peels the skin and grass, but in the end he still can't stop it. So far, the government of officials has declined."

   "But the salary at the time was too low..."

   Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di both felt that officials should be clean and honest, but they refused to increase their salaries. This is a bit difficult.

   "Well, you can rest at home for three days, and then report to the household department."


   The Ministry of Households has not had a good life. Xia Yuanji is instructing people to calculate the expenditure after the military system reform, but he himself is distressed by the balance of the Ministry of Households.

   "My lord, the cost is mainly for recruiting and retiring. Another thing is to prepare food and grass, and these were previously provided by military households themselves."

   Zhao Yuanzhen is now in charge of the issuance and management of treasure notes, similar to the responsibilities of the governor of the central bank.

   Xia Yuanji put down the account book and said, "The key is to become a rule from then on. My household must pay close attention to expanding financial resources every year. Hey... That Fang Dehua is really cunning! Doing things is actually a series of steps!"

   Zhao Yuanzhen has recently concentrated on studying the situation of Baochao and Daming’s economy. He also smiled bitterly after hearing this: "My lord, did Xing and Bo also use this to force us to collect business taxes?"

Xia Yuanji tilted his head and thought about ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then sighed: "The official doesn't know! But the possibility is very high. After all, that guy knows that the advancement of commercial tax is slow. The official sometimes thinks, If he comes to the position of chief, he may be able to do better, no, he must be able to do better."

   Zhao Yuanzhen shook his head and said: "My lord, Xing He Bo is a famous general and a mountain leader of Zhixing Academy. His business skills are also eye-catching, and he won't come to grab you."

   Xia Yuanji smiled and said, "Yes, he doesn't like to be detained in one place, every day the case is complicated, nothing more, the officer has to think about it."


   The fact that the DPRK and China were negotiating to cancel the military household registration soon came to light. For this reason, the people in Dongchang and Jinyiwei were greatly annoyed, but Zhu Di did not say anything, so it was difficult to investigate.

   Unsurprisingly, there are many memorials flying into the imperial city, and the content is all one.

   "It is said that the ancestral system cannot be violated. The military household system is the legacy of Emperor Taizu Gao. It can't be moved! Hahahaha! Can't be moved!"

Zhu Di kept the memorial on the ground, got up and laughed: "My Daming is far ahead. If the father sees the current Daming, he would have to compliment me. But some people like to mention the ancestral system. This is I am trapped in unrighteousness!"

   Yang Rong quickly persuaded: "Your Majesty, those people may be a little pedantic, but they dare not risk such a big deal."

   Zhu Di waved his hand. After Yang Rong and the others stepped back, he sneered and said, "What ancestral system? What is good for you is ancestral system, and what is not good for you is not ancestral system, and the face is hateful!"

  :. :

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