Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: Xing Hebo's calculations are quite deep

  Thanks to the book friend: "Xiaoyue, Canglang" for the great reward!


   "Xinghebo is reckless!"

   Du Qian said gracefully, his expression relaxed.

   "It is actually the generals who are most affected by this matter. If all the sergeants are changed every few years, they can't help it..."

   Although I have already cleaned up all the guards in various places, it is almost impossible to completely stop drinking the blood of soldiers.

   Du Qian analyzed: "As long as the military households are cancelled and the report is encouraged, most of these drawbacks can be eliminated, so the minister said that Xing Hebo was reckless."

  Zhu Zhanji nodded, "Guan Gong scrapes the bone, you die if you do not scrape, the pain is unbearable after scraping, do you think you should scrape?"

   Du Qian's smile remained unchanged, and he said, "Naturally, it should be shaved, but the timing is very important. The guards that will be cleaned up, if the army is then cancelled, the generals below are afraid they will be full of complaints."

   Unless he is transferred, his soldiers will follow him for the rest of their lives. This pattern is suddenly broken, and those generals will definitely be at a loss.

Zhu Zhanji said indifferently: "Once the court decides to go down, you have to adapt if you don’t adapt. Compared with the benefits they can get, the longevity of the Ming army is the goal. Generals, can’t martial arts be cultivated? !"

   Du Qian's smile narrowed, "His Royal Highness, Uncle Xinghe's calculations are too deep, you must..."

   "If he calculates too deeply, he should first propose to change the military system instead of talking about martial arts!"

   Du Qian's complexion straightened, and he said, "Chen Menglang is gone."

   If you say that the biggest influence on those generals is martial arts.

   This is like a person who originally possessed a unique skill, and his children and grandchildren can live a good life by this skill.

   But suddenly someone set up an academy to teach this skill at a higher level.

   Nima! This is digging our roots!

   "You go now."

   Zhu Zhanji was a little melancholy. He felt that Daming’s problems were everywhere. A military system reform could make the ruling and the opposition move people like this. What about the government?

  In a bad mood, Zhu Zhanji went back to the backyard and met several women who had "coincidentally" along the way. The weather has cooled down, but she still wears thin clothes to be charming or pitiful.


   A woman in red couldn't help but sneezed. Zhu Zhanji shook his head and strode through this ‘coincident road’.

   At the pavilion, Zhu Zhanji thought about going to the Sun's side.

   Sun’s house is warm and has a slightly elegant fragrance. As soon as he comes in, he wants to sit down lazily and never leave.

   "Your Highness."

   Sun sees Zhu Zhanji coming in, he smiles and stands up accordingly.

   "I want cold tea!"

Zhu Zhanji's appearance seemed to be worrying. Sun personally went to make cold tea to serve, and then said softly: "His Royal Highness, state affairs are always overworked, and you will have a long road in the future. You can take good care of your bones. NS."

   Zhu Zhanji drank the cold tea in one sip, then looked down and said: "Some people say that Xing He Bo has a lot of calculations, which is quite a bit of a divorce."

   Zhu Zhanji generally does not mention political affairs in the backyard, but Fang Xing has a special relationship with him.

   Sun took the opportunity of adding tea to think of a response.

   "His Royal Highness, didn't you say that Xinghe Bo is not happy? Then these words are indeed suspected of being separated, but you have to think carefully so that you don't misunderstand the courtier. That hurts your kindness!"

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji was still unhappy, the Sun clan walked behind him, stretched out his hand to gently knead his shoulders, and smiled: "Xing and Bo, both civil and military, have made great contributions this time. Maybe someone Envy it, if it's like this, it's nothing."

   Zhu Zhanji closed his eyes and calmed down. For a long time, when Sun thought he was taking a nap, he heard him say: "It's me, Meng Lang, today. Don't talk about it anymore."

   Sun said with a smile: "Yes, my concubine didn't want to say it, but I couldn't help it when I saw the distress of my Royal Highness. The next time I commit a crime, my Royal Highness will deal with the concubine, otherwise there will be no rules."

   After hearing this, Zhu Zhanji felt that he was ironing the post, so he grabbed her little hand on her shoulder and said, "It's none of your business."

   With a slight pull, Sun turned to Zhu Zhanji's body, his eyes waved, his cheeks were pink, and Zhu Zhanji's shyness with his head down slightly made Zhu Zhanji unable to help...


   Compared to Daming's peacefulness, Myanmar is a bit enemy on all sides.

   There are hillsides and jungles all around here, and the army is resting on the hillside at this time.

   Li Ermao looked at him, it was all desolate. Looking back, the mist brought out by the breathing of tens of thousands of troops is magnificent.

   Fang Zheng led a group of generals to discuss the next move. Li Ermao walked over and heard Fang Zheng's grumbling.

   "Let us march at this time. Isn't this what is suffering? Mosquitoes, where are the mosquitoes?"

   A guide smiled and said: "My lord, when it comes to summer, there are too many snakes and insects here, and there will be losses in the army's actions. This is the experience passed down by the old man!"

  A guide actually dared to carry Mu Ying out as a memorial archway. Fang Zheng glared at him and said, "It's so cold here, who told me about it? If it wasn't for the army with cotton-padded clothes, the officer would return to the army immediately!"

  The guide said embarrassedly: "My lord, you will be Mubang in the past. It will be fine if you pass Mubang. After arriving in Awa, it will be no different from the spring here. It is very warm."


   Fang Zheng was a little dazed, Nima, this is early winter, is it good or not, it will only get colder and colder.

After listening to Li Ermao for a long time, he said, "My lord, the climate here is indeed like this. It belongs to the tropics. The monsoon has a relatively large impact on the climate. It is not yet the coldest time, so we should take the opportunity to advance, at least before spring. To win a major town, rely on it, and then plan the overall situation."

   Fang Zheng pointed at Li Ermao triumphantly: "What monsoon can our people tell us, how about you?"

   The guide smiled and said, "The little one often travels between the two places. Where there is water and where there are few snakes and insects, the little ones don’t know."

"All right!"

   The conductor who has not said a word, Shang Qi frowned and said.

   Muying sent two army of thousands of households into Burma, and it was Shang Qi who commanded them.

The guide stopped showing triumphantly, and Shang Qi said: "My lord, there are two major forces in Burma, Ava and Bago, and Siam and Panggola also often intervene. Li... Er Mao's words are correct. First, he won Ava. The army can also have a foothold."

   Fang Zheng nodded and said, "Once Ava is broken, the situation in Myanmar will be out of balance. How about Bago?"

   After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Ermao, obviously wanting him to teach Shang Qi a lesson.

Li Ermao smiled slightly: "My lord, Luo Suduo Li is old, and he has been alive within a few years. When people are old, they are crazy about thinking. Daming is a behemoth to them, and Ava is an opponent, but he feels his lips and teeth are cold. "

   "My lord, the speed of breaking Ava must be fast. With the momentum of thunder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, this will be a powerful deterrent to Rasatori. Bago will naturally send someone to contact him, and then we will be able to deal with it calmly."

   Li Ermao has been checking information about Burma and its surrounding areas since he set off from Peking, so he is confident in speaking.

   "As for Siam and Banggala, Da Ming should pray for blessings if he doesn't go to beat them. If he dares to do things secretly, then it is an excuse given by God. When facing the headache, he will ask your majesty quickly."

   Fang Zheng burst into laughter. He slapped Li Ermao's shoulder and said, "Sure enough, he is a master student, Xing He Bo is amazing!"

   Fang Zheng glanced at Shang Qi triumphantly.

   In the military, you must be less than the city, otherwise no one is willing to associate with you.

  Shang Qi smiled and said: "Xinghe Bo Wenwu is all talented, and nowadays the officials have seen the army of Jubaoshanwei with their own eyes. It is really immovable, Daming's first strong army!"

   Li Ermao hurriedly said: "Shang Da is too acclaimed, Shan Chang often said that victory is the product of cooperation, without cooperation, no matter how strong you are, the army will be hard to sing."

  Shang Qi smiled and said: "Xing Hebo is humble, and his reputation has spread to Yun/Nan. Unfortunately, there is only one hundred households this time, otherwise the official will wait and see."

   One hundred households is just an experimental unit.

   and the neglected Suzaku Wei Hundred Household Officials can only stand at the back, slandering everyone's praise to Jubaoshanwei.

   Fang Zheng put away his smiling face, and muttered: "Then fight all the way. Before spring, we must break Ava."

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