Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: Your Majesty treats me well

   Thanks to the book friends: the leader of ‘zch145028’ for rewards, the twenty-third leader, thank you!


  The best thing for early winter is to sleep late, and this is one of Fang Xing's most passionate hobbies.

   Early in the morning, the two children crawled and played on the bed, but they still could not affect Fang Xing, who had already practiced sleeping magic skills, to continue.

   Ping An and Tudou were wrestling. As the eldest brother, Tudou regained his strength, but he was pushed down by Fang Xing.

   Fang wakes up and clicks his mouth, and continues to sleep.

   When Potato held his hands with both hands, he heard Fang Xing's scream.


   "Two troublemakers!"

   Fang wakes up and grabs his two sons, each of whom kisses dozens of eloquences before getting up.

   Carrying potatoes on his back and holding Ping An, this image of Fang Xing makes people want to laugh.

   "My husband, how did you get up? The doctor said that you have to raise it for a while!"

   Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai are settling their accounts. In the big market, Fang's shop has already opened, and a lot of money has been spent on the purchase.

   "Come down!"

   Zhang Shuhui worried that Fang Xing's body hadn't recovered, so she went to get the potatoes down.

  Tudou was hiding, shouting: "Mother, father is already healed, he is already healed!"

   Fang Xing smiled and said, "It was almost all right yesterday, otherwise I won't be close to the children."

   Fang Xing is afraid of infecting his children, so two children are not allowed to enter the bedroom these days.

   Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief: "Madam, can I have a better breakfast?"

   Zhang Shuhui knows Fang Xingtao’s nature well, but the royal doctor has explained that he is not allowed to eat greasy food, so everyone has eaten lightly these days.

   Zhang Shuhui looked at Fang Xing suspiciously, and reached out to touch his forehead.

   "It's alright!"

   Fang Xing grabbed her hand and touched it. With two children hanging on her body, she sat down with difficulty, and said, "Here is a big bowl of noodles, put more chili oil, and put more crisp whistles."

   This crisp whistle was made by Fang Xing himself, especially chewy.

"I also want!"

   Xiaobai put down the account books, took over Ping An and followed up with a booze. There is really no oil and water these days!


   Tudou lay on Fang Xing's back and shouted in a long voice.

   "The minority obeys the majority, it is so decided."

   So Fang wakes up after a few days and finally eats heavy food again.

   After eating breakfast, Fang Xing strolled to the front yard.

   Huang Zhong was also walking, and he was actually accompanying Xie Jin.

   "Mr. Jie didn't go to the college?"

   Fang Xing asked in amazement that the academy has not yet closed. For Xie Jin, who regards the academy as his goal for the rest of his life, it is difficult to see an early departure.

   Jie Jin put his hands in his sleeves and said, "Some students came to class today. When I was out of the city, I heard those guardsmen talking about military households. I was quite pleased. Dehua, this is hard to get off."

Fang Xing ate a large bowl of noodles. He was so spicy that he was in his best mood. He said: "The military is a stopgap measure. Everyone knows that the rules for forcing children and grandchildren to join the army will sooner or later. This led to the erosion of the army, but most people have a fluke mentality, thinking that it is not bad now. Hasn't the health office been cleaned up once?

   "If this kind of psychology comes from people's homes, it will be at best a family disaster, but if it comes from the temple, it will be the future disaster of Ming Dynasty."

   Jie Jin watched her breath slowly dissipate as a white mist, and frowned, "But the sergeant below will take it for granted. If it can't be achieved then, are you not afraid that you, the initiator, will be thrown out as a scapegoat?"

   Fang Xing said innocently: "I just mentioned martial arts, and the source is still with Xuanwuwei, what does it matter to me?"

   Fang Xing with this attitude made Huang Zhong want to hide his face, and he was really ashamed of the proprietor.

   Jie Jin said dumbfoundedly: "The world will only see that it is your awake head. Who is in charge of the military household who said?"

   Fang Xing said helplessly: "The military household system and the source of martial arts students, these two difficulties must be overcome, your majesty is not in time, does the prince have this courage?"

   "Where is Taisun?"

   Huang Zhong asked, he felt that Zhu Zhanji had the aura of Zhu Di, and he would surely be able to subdue the civil and military officials after he became the throne in a few decades.

   "Tao Sun..."

   Fang Xing said in a daze: "Tao Sun is afraid that he won't have time to deal with it! Too hasty will inevitably lead to problems everywhere, and he can hold it down, even if it is good."

   "Dehua Shenyan!"

   Jie Jin stopped drinking, and Fang Xing suddenly woke up and waved his hand: "It's just some emotions, not counting."

   Huang Zhong looked around, and said in surprise: "Uncle, are you worried about... that person's body? Yes, that person's body..."

   Jie Jin glared at Huang Zhong, then shouted: "Don't talk about this!"

   I guess the physical condition of the crown prince was a serious crime at any time, and Zhu Gaochi was awake well, and others would say that he was defeated.

   Fang Xing said faintly: "There are no outsiders here. Your Royal Highness loves to eat, and after physical inconvenience, it is difficult to have the opportunity to move. For the long term..."

Xie Jin waved his hand and said: "Enough! Dehua, don't try to speculate about these things. The old man liked to speculate about the king back then. What is the result? Do your own affairs for the subjects, and leave everything else to God and Your Majesty. Bar!"

   Jie Jin is a tragedy!

   Fang Xing said: "Your Majesty left me in the palace for a long time that day. It seemed that he wanted me to be seriously ill, but if you put things together, Mr. Xie, your Majesty treats me not badly!"

Xie Jin closed his eyes and said helplessly: "You have made great contributions to the Northern Campaign twice. Your Majesty asked you to offer you a prisoner, but it is for others to see. He knows that you will definitely refuse, so that the outside world's disputes about you will be calmed down. At least everyone thinks that you are a person who knows how to advance and retreat. This is very important~www.wuxiaspot.com~The second is your sunset water. Your Majesty was supposed to restrain your feet, but temporarily changed his mind."

   Huang Zhong also agreed and said: "That day the uncle's front foot arrived, and the hind foot doctor came. It can be seen that even if the uncle is not sick, your majesty will make you sick. This means you are avoiding this."

   Fang Xing nodded and said: "Your Majesty treats me well! My temper is like this. If you are good to me, I will treat you twice as good. Your Majesty is like this. How can I be a turtle!"

   "Old Seven!"

   Fang wakes up and yells, and Xin Laoqi emerges from the front.

   "Prepare the car, I'm going to see Meng Ying."


   Jiejin didn't agree with Fang Xing's impulse.

   Fang Xing turned his head and smiled: "Well, people, do something, don't do something, if you have to think about everything, and weigh the pros and cons, what is the difference between that and the 70s or 80s."

   Watching Fang Xing go away, Xie Jin couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The old man is getting old, and the old man used to do what he wanted. Now that he has his children and grandchildren, he has lost his spirit, envy!"

   Huang Zhong was in a heavy mood at first, and he couldn't help but feel a little slander when he heard this: You are not aggressive, but do whatever you want, do whatever you want.

   Jiezhen sighed for a long time, and suddenly said, "Where is my little yoyo! I have to go and see."

   Huang Zhong is completely speechless. This is still feeling just now, and in a blink of an eye he has become an old man who loves his grandson. This change is really too big.

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