Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1176: Who is not leaking

  Thanks to the book friend: "Miaomiao Children" for the great reward!


   Meng Ying is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, no matter what decision is made on it, he will not refuse.

   This is a guy who does not lack official means!

   The two sit in the main hall, pay attention! If Meng Ying regards Fang Xing as a friend, he would not be received in the main hall, but at the back of the main hall of the Dudu Mansion.

   After the two sat down separately, Fang Xing saw that there were two other officials in the hall, and knew that Meng Ying had guessed his intention.

   This is letting Fang Xing get out of trouble!

   I do not have friendship with you, nor do I speak taboos with you!

   "Xing He Bo Nai is a distinguished guest. I wonder if I can do anything for this visit?"

   Meng Ying asked with a smile.

   "How long can Baoding think that Daming's army will be strong?"

   Fang Xing throws a question, then lifts his tea cup and touches his lips.

   Meng Ying turned his eyes and said faintly: "Meng only listens to your Majesty. What does your Majesty say? What will Meng do? This is the way of a courtier!"

   Fang Xing was not discouraged, and said: "If the military does not change, then it is inbreeding. Within two generations, there will be no more soldiers available for Daming. Does Master Meng think so?"

   Meng Ying made a haha ​​and said: "Meng is dull, but doesn't know this, but when your majesty will come down, Meng will just wait."

   Fang woke up, nodded and said: "Baoding is really loyal to the country. Fang admires it so much. After that, I dare not come to bother and leave!"

   This is turning a face!

   Fang Xing slightly nodded towards Meng Ying, strode down the hall.

   The two little officials under the hall were frightened and stupefied. How could Nima turn her face like this?

  According to the rules of the civil servants, it was time for Yan Yan to laugh and talk between the two people, and even talk about the romantic affairs, and then Meng Ying sent Fang Xing out of the Dudu Mansion affectionately.

   Meng Ying's eyes flickered, and just as Fang Xing was about to walk out of the lobby, she shouted: "Xing He Bo stayed!"

   Fang Xing continued to move forward, Meng Ying sighed: "Xing He Bo, how about going to the back hall, please?"

In the back hall, there are no other people this time. Meng Ying sighed: "The system of military households has serious drawbacks. Meng knows that the first generation is okay, and the second and third generations are almost the same as the farmers. It's okay, if you take it lightly, you won't even be able to beat those bandits."

   "Shandong Xing He Bo should have an impression, then Tang Saier killed the officials and escaped. Are those sergeants useful? I can only watch her go away."

Meng Ying smiled and looked at Fang Xing and said: "Xing He Bo, the Dudu Mansion naturally has its own channels to harvest news. Tang Saier gathers the crowd to go up the mountain. Don't dare to deceive your Majesty."

Fang Xing smiled: "Of course your Majesty knows this. Tang Saier is a whirlpool. If she moves her, the mountain/east area will be turbulent. Fang asks herself that she has nothing to do with her, but she keeps her word. No, I didn't use the Bailian Sect to confuse the people, so she let her go."

   Meng Ying nodded: "There is her on the list of rewards. Your Majesty saw it and said something..."

   "Then let Jin Yiwei's people withdraw."

   Meng Ying said with a smile.

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "I have been thinking too much about Baoding. After the Qingzhou incident came back, Fang had already explained clearly to his majesty. At that time, as long as the couple dared to turn their heads halfway, the small banner department that followed would sift them with a musket. ."

   Meng Ying's expression was a bit stunned, like when he was in control of the overall situation, he found a big loophole.

   This is enough to make him re-examine Fang Xing this person.

   It doesn’t leak! He doesn't leave anything to attack others at all.

   "Uncle Xinghe, the officer in charge of Junhu does not express his position, please understand."

Meng Ying said solemnly: "Military households have become ticked or recruited. A few years ago, Xinghe Bo, this is too much involved. The sergeant of which generation is not the end of the job, just leave after a few years of work, even if It's ten years, and the newcomers have to start from scratch. If there is a big enemy overwhelming the situation, how is this good?"

   "The reason is always easy to find."

Fang Xing said unceremoniously: "Let’s talk about those sergeants. In fact, everyone knows that basically their bodies are going downhill after the age of 30. After a few years, most of them will become old soldiers. Ruffian! What's the use of keeping it? Do we have to wait for them to be in their 50s or 60s before quitting?"

   Meng Ying said in embarrassment, "But this is an ancestral system!"

   "In Baoding, you and I are all people killed on the battlefield, so don't learn from those literati, can you use the ancestral system to suppress people?"

   Meng Ying is even more embarrassed. It is shameless for a literati to move out of the ancestral system, and a warrior to move out of the ancestral system is a man disguised as a woman.

   "The movement is too loud!"

   Meng Ying frowned and said: "Relatively speaking, Meng is more worried about the source of martial arts, so Meng did not make a statement about this matter. You should know that this is already Meng's maximum concession."

   Fang Xing sighed slightly in his heart, knowing that after these people had experienced a long period of peace, their fighting spirit would inevitably fade.

   "In that case, Fang has left."

   Meng Ying politely sent Fang Xing outside, staring at his back, and muttering to herself: "You are really good to be young!"

   As a Baoding candidate, Meng Ying had to divide her mind into half and use it to run the mansion.

   With the huge Baoding Houfu, Meng Ying felt that the enthusiasm of her youth had disappeared, and she became more twilight.


Fang woke up in the Ministry of War. When Jin Zhong saw him, he said angrily: "Ma Su is doing a good job in the Ministry of War. You just want him to go to the Ministry of War. Xia Yuanji is proud of this. The old man tells you that Ma Su Jin Don’t think about it when you are in the Ministry of Households, Xia Yuanji has a means to keep him in the Ministry of Households!"

   Fang Xing smiled, and poured the tea by himself. After a bite was dry, he exclaimed, "I just went to Meng Ying's place."

Jin Zhong's expression turned cold: "The man behaved well, just like a scholar, pretending to be powerful! A good warrior, but he is going to learn the politeness of a literati, and seeing people is a kind of elegant smile. Is it necessary? ?"

   Meng Ying holds herself upright and is known as the most incorruptible person among the honors.

   Jin Zhong said disdainfully: "He will certainly not express his position, just waiting for your majesty's will to act."

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "But he said, he will not interfere in this matter. In other words, it is impossible for those generals to convey objections through him."

Jin Zhong pointed to the direction of the imperial city and said: "Your Majesty is stubborn. If he has laid down the regulations, no one should object to it. When he decided to move the capital to Beiping, the voice of opposition continued for many years, but his Majesty simply ignored it and made trouble. It's fierce, just deal with it!"

"It's just that this matter really affects the whole body. Dehua and the old man are not optimistic! Your Majesty should hesitate. After all, he wants to look at the overall situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing nodded in agreement, and turned the soldiers. It is a trial and an adventure to change to a system similar to the contract system.


   Fang Xing said: "What if the first army is used as a pilot? In other words, let's find a guard station first and try to get pregnant... Uh, try to get pregnant."

   Jin Zhong said with a sad face: "Well, the old man still has a little face in front of your majesty. Let the old man talk about it."

   "Thank you, Lord Jin!"

   The respect in Fang Xing's heart came spontaneously.

   He came here for this purpose.

   If Zhu Zhanji goes to talk about it, then he will be a target.

   Fang wakes up and says that he will push things into the corner, and there will be less room for maneuver.

   Jin Zhong smiled and said: "Your Majesty will know that it was your idea if he heard it. Even if the board is down, it will be you!"

   "Sweet as mellow!"

   Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "Da Ming has to change and live by the ancestral system. That's mediocre!"

   Jin Zhong said: "Indeed, if your Majesty hadn't said those words when he became the throne, he would have put aside the ancestral system long ago."

   In order to make his rebellion appear to be legitimized, Lao Zhu used a series of methods, and the most important thing was filial piety.

   I am a child of filial piety. I will not change the rules left by the father. Everyone will play the lantern, as usual!

  :. :

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