Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1290: If you don’t have a kind heart, you don’t see anyone in front of you.

Double from today to the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!

The recruits from Jubaoshanwei came, more than 3,000 people, and there were a lot more students standing in the schoolyard watching the martial arts competition.

"My uncle, the recruits have been assembled, please show me your uncle."

The array of more than 3,000 people looked loose, and some people were still looking around curiously, looking at this newly built martial arts school.

"Old rules, practice!"

Suddenly more than a hundred people rushed to the side of the array with sticks in their hands.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The whistle is sharp, and the array raises its legs forward following the rhythm.

"Raise your legs high!"


Seeing the instructor’s stick falling on the recruit’s back, Meng Ying’s eyelids jumped and asked: "Uncle Xinghe, is this too...too heavy."

Being beaten with a stick every day can easily arouse resentment.

Fang Xing shook his head, "It's not enough. After the array is in order, we have to add various means."

not enough?

"The queue is the lifeline of the Musketeers. Even under the rain of arrows, the array must not be chaotic at all."

The following beatings continued, and the students who were on the sidelines felt pain all over their bodies.

"Look at it slowly, everyone, Fang will leave first."

Fang Xing put the recruit training of Jubaoshanwei into martial arts, and he didn't intend to hide anything.

Both Meng Ying and Liu Sheng thanked each other.

"Uncle Xinghe doesn't hide his personal affairs, I will wait for a good student to supervise."

With Jubaoshanwei's appearance, if the recruits to the students and veterans, if the martial arts training can't resume, Meng Ying feels that she can write a book and beg for bones.


Sending Fang Xing away, Meng Ying stood on the stage murderously and shouted: "Fight, if you don't practice well, you can't remember, fight!"

"start running!"

The Jubao Mountain Guard below has already started running exercises, and the instructor accompanies him on the run, cursing: "If you can't run, you have to run, and you have to finish climbing."

"Quick! Keep your breathing rhythm, don't mess up, if your breathing is messy, your feet will be messy, which is a waste of energy."

"Keep up!"

More than 3,000 people trot together, the scene was spectacular.

Meng Ying nodded and said: "How to lead soldiers is the real ability, so that our people can learn well."

As a result, the students who started the array drills were unlucky, and the big sticks took turns beating, foul language flying all over the sky.

When more than a dozen people from Jubaoshan Guard were left behind, Meng Ying watched curiously, wanting to see if they really wanted them to climb to the finish line.

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "It's just a word of encouragement."

At this time, an instructor trot to the side of the more than a dozen people and shouted: "Hold on! Keep up."

The breathing of more than a dozen people was as difficult as pulling a bellows. The instructors kicked and beat, and most of them slowly moved forward with heavy steps. Only one sergeant stood on the spot, gasping and saying: "Big...sir, no ......No more......"


The instructor's complexion changed, and he pointed his fingers outside and shouted: "If it doesn't work, go back! Jubaoshan Guards won't collect waste wood! Get out!"

Where are you going? If you were selected to join the Jubaoshan Guard and then go back, you would be a gangster, and you should return to the original guard post. After that, don't think about the chance of promotion.

The sergeant did not dare to stay any longer. From walking to trotting, an instructor was watching him closely, no matter how fast or slow, but he was not allowed to stop.

When Meng Ying and others saw this scene, they felt that they were too soft-hearted before, and they always thought that these students were the best in the army, and they weren't ruthless enough.

Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of standing!

This sentence is applicable everywhere, the giants who cannot tolerate words in the army, the dwarfs of action.


Fang Xing now only thinks about worry-free at home, wishing to take it with him wherever he goes.

After hitting the horse and out of martial arts, the gatekeeper shouted: "Uncle Mighty!"


Fang Xing smiled and cursed, Xin Laoqi who followed behind threw a small string of copper coins over, the gatekeeper accurately caught it, and said with joy, "Uncle come again!"

After the martial arts school, the horse will be a big market after a while.

Nearing the roots of the year, business is booming in the big market, and everyone is making a lot of money.

Those merchants who didn't get the store because of hesitation at that time had already stepped on the threshold of the Ministry of Households.

In a word, let's open another big market! We are willing to pay!

But Xia Yuanji knew the truth about greed and chew, and opening a big market would have to wait for the current market to be overwhelmed, otherwise it would be a ghost.

The Jinling big market has already begun to plan, and the southern businessmen raised their hands to praise. It is said that the life of the Jinling Household Department is not easy.

There are many merchants in the south, and merchants who can afford shops have started various competitions, and there are even those who have to pay in advance with money, even if there is no shadow in that big market.

Xia Yuanji is going to be proud again, right?

The business tax will slowly flood the household department, and sufficient finances will allow Xia Yuanji to throw off the name of Xia Laochu, and enjoy the comfort of spending a lot of money boldly.

Business is booming, and martial arts is also on the right track. Over time, these seeds will return to the army, and the Ming army will slowly begin to undergo a qualitative change.

It's just... thinking of those Yushi impeaching him, Ye Qing, the first freshman, told him that many literati were cursing the Fang family in the most vicious language, and Fang Xing couldn't help but sneer.

"Laughing sinister!"

Fang Xing looked up and saw Zhu Gaosui.

The weather was cold, and Zhu Gaosui's complexion became more and more pale, looking elegant and reserved, he was really a handsome uncle.

More than a dozen guards guarded behind him, and Zhu Gaosui looked extraordinarily noble. He smiled slightly and said, "Didn't Xing He go to martial arts school? Come out now, it's not time!"

Fang Xing strangled his horse and leaned back and said, "His Royal Highness is studying hard at home all day, and his red sleeves are scented, and his face is blue, so you can take care of your body!"

Zhu Gaochi is fat, Zhu Gaoxu is vulgar, and among Lao Zhu's three sons, Zhu Gaosui is the favorite of women, so it is inevitable that the spring breeze is proud.

"The villain is determined!"

Zhu Gaosui said with a smile, without seeing any anger.

"Master Rabbit!"

Fang Xing responded casually, and then stared at the man next to Zhu Gaochi and said, "Xie Chen was loyal, but was thrown out as a burden. The door was full of death. You are new here. If you have children in your family, just go out. I broke the incense when I got it!"

Fang Xing was satisfied to see that Zhu Gaosui's complexion really turned pale, while the man beside him smiled lightly, and raised his eyebrows: "His Royal Highness, the proud son of heaven, is still not satisfied. This is insatiable, Fang Mou Looking forward to the day when I see His Royal Highness, I'm leaving!"

Zeng Shu was laughing all the time. After Fang Xing left, he said: "His Royal Highness, you don't need to listen to such things that disturb people's hearts. If Xing Hebo speaks out at this time, it is just to vent his anger. The real strategy has always been only Don't tell me."

Zhu Gaosui knew that this was comfort, and it was also a good trick to go to war and disturb the opponent's mind.

But Zeng Shun can't help but calm down, otherwise who would dare to follow oneself in the future.

"Fang Xing, this person is mean, because his tongue has been beaten by the emperor, you don't need to care, let's be good, and we will share wealth in the future!"

Zeng Shu pointed to the big market ahead and said, "His Royal Highness, when it comes to wealth, wealth is right in front of you! Look at those carriages and carts, look at the rails, these are all money! A steady stream of goods come in, and they are caught by merchants from the North and the South. Buy it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Circulate the world, Your Highness, business is booming!"

"Merchant bitch, how can you be elegant!"

Zhu Gaosui said with disdain: "The merchants can use it, how can it be trusted? That day, the father was going to clean up those unpredictable merchants, but Fang woke up and broke up the party. Those merchants also knew the opportunity and immediately collected the money and sent it to the Ministry of Households. Atonement, otherwise the East Factory is already ready to take people!"

Zeng Shu groaned: "His Royal Highness, those merchants are not glass or seafood, and most of them have something to do with Xinghebo. If he doesn't make a move, he will be ashamed by that time."

Zhu Gaosui's eyes were cold, and he said, "You said he has connections with so many wealthy businessmen. Could it be that he is accumulating wealth and is planning to commit a crime?"

This is pure nonsense, because the output of glass is now controlled by the Ministry of Households and has no connection with the Fang family at all. Seafood and agricultural and sideline products are even more nonsense, and they are not exclusive at all.

Zeng Shu knew what he meant, and said: "Tai-sun and him have a good relationship, and the two help each other. This is also your Majesty’s tacit approval. After all, Tai-sun’s foundation is not strong, if... The grandson without a foundation is a small boat in the big waves, and is in danger of overturning at any time!" 7489

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