Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1291: Beat his son, the market is in a state of zero

Thanks to the book friend: "Wind up, leaves and fallen snow" for two great rewards!

There have been a few rewards from the leader, please wait for the jazz to take a moment to pay off the previous debt and slowly increase it, thank you!


"Ah hum!"

Fang Xing sneezed and quickly washed his hands and face before daring to hug Wuyou.

Xiao Wuyou's eyes stared at the void blankly, with a serious expression.

"Worry-free baby, do you want to eat candy! Father, there are so many delicious ones here, will you grow up soon, OK?"

Worry-free still didn't respond, his mouth squirmed, his eyes closed, and he fell asleep.

"My daughter doesn't like me!"

Fang Xing angrily put Wuyou on the small bed, where the big and small bugs at the foot of the bed were lying lazily.

"Big worm, little worm, start to practice!"

Muhua yelled outside, and the bell appeared.

Big bug and little bug got up immediately, looking a little impatient.

"Father, go and see! The big worm and the little worm are going to catch the hare."

Tudou and Ping An ran in, one person and one dog, and the two boys were very excited.

"Zhuang Shang can't train a good dog, so let Jia Ding take it into the mountain."

When he arrived in the front yard, Fang Xing confessed to Xin Laoqi.

"Master, there are tigers, leopards and wolves in the mountains, the big and small insects are still small!"

"Just drive it away."

Unless there is a team of Pushing Mountain Dogs, it is not enough to challenge the beasts.

"Father, let's go too."

"Go, you and Ping An."

Fang Xing let go generously, and asked Xin Laoqi and the others to bring potatoes and peace into the mountain.

The two children cheered without worry, followed Xin Laoqi and the others, and Xie Jin came out quietly: "You have worry-free, even your son is free?"

Of course Fang Xing would not admit: "If there is nothing, of course boys have to be beaten. It is good to go into the mountains and hone."

Xie Jin agreed: "You can't make a weapon without grinding, but Yu Qian is a bit upright, not good at grinding!"


Yu Qian was very depressed. After being taught a lesson by Fang Xing, he would go out and go around the market every day. During this period, he was stolen three times and sapped once.

But he only saw the parents, and only saw that Xiaomin was busy fighting for rice every day.

In the end, he simply set up a small stall on the edge of a avenue not far from home.

This small stall is also a table and chairs, a piece of paper is spread on the table, and the four characters "letter writing" are written on it.

This street is mostly civilians, the flow of people is not small, but the purchasing power is not large, so most of the shops on both sides sell cheap food or grocery stores.

Yu Qian's stall was just outside a grocery store. The owner of this grocery store had to charge him a stall fee of two copper coins per day, but later saw that he charges a low fee for writing letters, so he only needed one copper plate.

Just writing a letter to someone, Yu Qian felt that he had gained something, so he took a sip of the water pouch.

"Then who, you don't give money from tomorrow."

The owner of the grocery store yelled, Yu Qian got up and turned around and said, "Thank you, shopkeeper Liu, for your kindness. It just took up a place in the lower part and affected your business. You can't lose a copper plate anymore, otherwise you can only move to another place in the lower part. go."

Shopkeeper Liu paced out, looked at Yu Qianbian’s purse, and sighed: "You have the heart to pity the old and the poor. You don’t want to receive money when you write a letter. You have to pay for your pen, ink, paper and ink. The old man never looks at people, you are good, but you are a little stubborn."

Yu Qian smiled. He knew his fault, and Fang Xing knew it too, but he said it was innate and couldn't be corrected.

"Do you have a wife and children in your family?"

Shopkeeper Liu sat on the table, picked up the piece of paper, and praised: "Good words, you see words like people, you must not be broken."

"But Cai Jing is also a master of calligraphy, but he has been stinking for thousands of years." Yu Qian's stubborn temper broke out and he immediately argued.

Shopkeeper Liu sneered and said: "What do you know? Traitor and loyal minister, isn't that the pen of a literati writing? A few years ago, the old man heard about a poem by Xing Hebo, which was about the stinking Qin Hui for thousands of years. Good point! Without Zhao Go's instructions, how could Qin Hui dare to act on Yue Fei?"

"As for Cai Jing, just look at the emperor. Compared with our majesty! Zhao Ji is a faint emperor. Under the faint emperor, there are any famous ministers. The life of being busy, doing nothing, is ridiculous!"

Yu Qian was speechless, regardless of Cai Jing's historical evaluation, but Zhao Ji was nailed to the pillar of shame first.

"Under the faint emperor, the unknown minister, I am very educated!"

Faint, what is called Faint?

First of all you have to do bad things and search for the people. The second thing is to start ruthlessly, whoever opposes it will do it.

The emperor of Zhengde might be fooling around, but he was still a thousand miles away from Wu Jun, otherwise Yang Tinghe and the others would have gone to the practice field long ago.

And the famous ministers must be similar to Xia Yuanji and others who dare to be called famous ministers. Whether it is Yang Rong or Yang Shiqi, they still can't afford it!

Therefore, the history books cannot be fully believed, and Yu Qian thinks it is the most reasonable under the unfamiliar officials.

There is always no shortage of characters in the grass!

When the shopkeeper Liu saw Yu Qian's admiration, he started to talk. He has been in business for many years, and he can be said to be a well-informed and experienced person who can regard Yu Qian as a child.

It wasn't until a middle-aged man came over with a cart with a side box that the shopkeeper Liu angrily stopped the "sermon": "You do business first, and if you don't understand, go in and ask the old man."

"Thank you, shopkeeper Liu."

Yu Qian hadn't been very attractive to businessmen before, but since he learned that Ma Su was still digging when he put the list, he felt that he was too arrogant in the past.

The visitor looked over 40 years old, his face was exhausted, and there were a few small openings on his face. He slapped farts/shares first, then sat down and said: "Please also Mr. to write a letter to the younger one."

Yu Qian opened the lid of the inkstone, added a little water to mix it, and said, "Please tell me."

"It's said that the small one is pretty good in Peking. Recently, I found a good job. I just follow the shopkeeper to drive in and out of the car every day, and I can eat and be full..."

Seeing Yu Qian writing like flying, this man grinned and touched the cracks in his face that had been cracked due to dryness, and said with a smile: "Mr. remember to write well, lest my son worry about it, and he will quit the job and go home. ."

Yu Qian nodded, then stopped writing and raised his head to ask: "Old man, dare you ask Linglang what to make a living?"

This is one of his experience plans, inquiring about each guest's home situation, and then analyzing the current living conditions of the people.

The man smiled and said: "The younger son was selected by the caravan because he learned that science. He followed to be a man. He went to the grassland at the beginning of the year and said that he was going to trade with the Tatars and it would take a long time to come back."


Yu Qian thought of the few science books he had thrown in the box, so he would take a good look at them when he was ready to go back.

"Just say that everything at home is fine, and his sister is fine, playing at home every day, not having fun..."


At this moment, a small head popped out of the cart, his hair was tousled, and his face was fairly clean.

As soon as the man heard it, he turned around and carried the child out, put it on his lap and smiled: "Er Niang wait, let's write to your eldest brother, and when he is done, he will take you home for dinner."

The little girl looked up at the man, and then at Yu Qian, her eyes dull.

"Father, I'm hungry."

"Okay, Dad has potatoes here. They baked them in the morning."

The man took out a potato that was roasted yellow and black from his arms, tested the temperature with his face, then broke it and fed it to the little girl.

"Er Niang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When your eldest brother comes back this time, Dad will find you a sister-in-law, how about playing with you at home every day?"


The five- or six-year-old girl, Yu Qian, who looks at each other, was sad. He handed over his water bag and said, "Give the child a drink, and it will go smoothly."

"How dare you! Sir, don't use it, the little one has it."

The man took out a water sac, but the water was a little cold. The little girl took a sip, and her teeth were cold, so she quickly ate a bite of potatoes.

Yu Qian sighed in his heart, and then began to write letters again.

"My son is filial, so he has to say yes, otherwise he will come back and fill up the fat man with a swollen face, making the husband laugh."

"Just say that the money at home is enough for him to marry a wife. Don't try your best to come back earlier."

After Yu Qian finished writing in twos, while waiting for Mogan, he asked: "Old man, can you support yourself and your daughter by doing this work?" 1932

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