Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1292: Yu Qian's enlightenment, the words are astonishing

Thanks to the book friend: "Shenzhen Butcher" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Chi Yan's Nightmare Crazy" is a great reward!


The man was a little embarrassed: "Originally, the young man was working in the big market, but then he had that railroad track. The young man was quit. Now he is looking for some chores in the city to work. If nothing else, potatoes can work. Eat full."

Yu Qian knew the railroad track, but he didn't expect to meet someone who lost his job because of the railroad carriage.

"Then do you hate Xinghe Bo? After all, he made you lose the job."

"No hate! Little gratitude is too late!"

When the man saw that his daughter had finished eating potatoes, he used his rough right hand to gently wipe the black and gray on her mouth, and his eyes were bright and he said: "Without science, the youngest son can't find such good work, January Two consistent money!"

"Two rounds of money in one month!"

The man said excitedly: "Those experienced accountants are unwilling to go, but my son is bold. He went to find the treasurer by himself, and he just calculated the account, and the treasurer made two payments on the spot. Remuneration."

The man was so excited that his foot almost overturned the table. He hurriedly hugged his daughter and stood up and backed up. The pair of straw sandals under his feet looked particularly eye-catching.

Yu Qian arched his hands and said: "Respect father and son, be kind and filial, good people!"

The man dared to sit down, then blushed and said, "Who deserves your courtesy. The youngest person is a rough man who doesn't know how to write. He knows to work hard."

"How did Linglang learn the characters?"

"Speaking of this, I have to thank Emperor Taizu Gao and his elders today! When the younger son was young, social studies were okay, and the younger one gritted his teeth and sent his son to literacy and study. What did the husband say later? No, I can’t pass the exam. It’s better to go home and help, then go home.”

Social studies!

Zhu Yuanzhang suffered misery since he was a child, so he hated officials and powerful, but it was really good for the people.

So for social studies, he is vigorously promoting, and the purpose is very simple to let the people have a way to rise, at least not to be blind.

Yu Qian thought of the current social studies, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Everything has changed! The social studies that were originally used for universal education have now become mud pits, and a lot of subsidies have gone into those people's pockets.

When the man saw that the letter had been written, he took out an old money bag and asked, "Mr. Trouble, how much is it?"

Yu Qian was startled, and said casually: "No money."

"So what's the deal?"

The man was a little panicked. He thought that Yu Qian wanted the lion to open his mouth, so he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, the younger one won't write anymore."

This is the timidity of ordinary citizens, and where is the source?

Yu Qian looked at his blue shirt, which was almost a sign of a scholar.

The people dare not provoke scholars, otherwise...

"When did scholars become a disaster?"

For a moment, Yu Qian remembered that Ma Su went to dig a hole with the dealer.

"The old man, I didn't come out because I was short of money. I just want to know something about the market. You only need to answer the next question. I don't receive any money."

The man hesitated when he heard it. At this time, the shopkeeper Liu came out and said, "Your old man is so innocent, this is a scholar of fame, how can he be greedy for your money!"

The man hesitated and said: "The small money is not much, sir..."

"No money."

Yu Qian said kindly: "I just want to ask, you and your daughter are living so hard, what made you survive?"

The father and daughter wore rags, their father’s straw sandals, and their feet were dark and rough.

And the daughter is not much better, a pair of embroidered shoes is riddled with holes, her eyes are dull, and her face is hungry.

This kind of life, changing to be a scholar, is probably going crazy.

The man hugged his daughter and said embarrassingly: "In fact, it's okay, just thinking... if you are going through it, there will always be some early days."

what is this?


As long as you still have hope in your life, no matter how bitter you are, you can survive!

and I?

The results of the palace exam were so horrible that he could not even be awarded an official, so he was left alone.

Am I angry?

Am I frustrated?

Did I give up on myself?

Yu Qian had been in a daze. The man wanted to leave when he saw it. Shopkeeper Liu handed him the letter and said with a smile: "The scholar's hysteria is committed. Go away."

The man gave Yu Qian a timid look, put his daughter into the back of the cart and ran away.

The shopkeeper Liu looked at Yu Qian in a daze curiously, and kept waiting. It was equivalent to that after Qian raised his head, he teased: "A scholar, can you understand what the big reason is?"

The blankness in Yu Qian's eyes dissipated, and his eyes were firm and said: "I don't know the suffering of the people, why should you be an official?"

After speaking, Yu Qian threw his legs away without hesitation, and the shopkeeper Liu shouted: "Ah, hey! Your table and chair!"

Yu Qian waved his hand without looking back, "Thank you, shopkeeper Liu, for taking care of me. I don't want to pay you back. This set of things is considered a thank you."

"This person seems to be really enlightened!"


Yu Qian had enlightened him, and he was doing things vigorously and vigorously. It didn't take long for Huang Zhong to receive this news, and he was speechless, so he hurried to find Xie Jin.

And Xie Jin was also not lightly under the thunder, and the two went to find Fang Wake who was sleeping with Wuyou.


Fang Xing rubbed his eyes in the study and looked at Huang Zhong in disbelief.

"Uncle, Yu Qian made a big fuss with the staff just now."


Huang Zhong smiled bitterly: "Yu Qian didn't get in at first, so he had a trouble, and then Jian Yi happened to come out and met him, so he asked him what was wrong, but he said... He said he wanted to start as a young official and asked Master Jian to take care of him. He arranged to go to the most impoverished place, so he would be a clerk if he didn't need rank."


At the official department, Jian Yi frowned and looked at Yu Qian with a stubborn look, and said: "You didn't arrange your position. That's because the officer felt that you still need to be tempered. Why? It's not long before you can't sit still? Sure enough, it was not tempered enough."

At the door stood more than a dozen officials from the bureaucracy. After hearing Jian Yi's words, the crusades continued to be heard.

"Yu Qian, you are a top three fellow Jinshi, and you are still talking about writing articles. If it weren't for the examiner's rule of not dethroning the palace exam, you would have gone home long ago!"

"The adults have a good intention to sharpen you and let you know something good or bad, but you see, you see, you can't sit still and threaten the adults. It's really unbelievable!"

"He used to live in that person's house. Isn't this the closest to Zhu Zhechi, the one near Mo is dark!"

"Little official? Which jinshi to be a little official? You are threatening, shamelessly threatening!"

Suddenly, there was a loud crusade at the door of the official department, and Jian Yi frowned, preparing to yell Yu Qian back.

But Yu Qian handed his hand: "Master Jian, in the previous words, every sentence comes from the heart and soul, please be generous."

Jian Yi stared at Yu Qian, saw that his expression was not fake, and asked, "Why?"

Yes! If you are a Jinshi, even if the top wants to press you down, you can't get angry and say that you are going to be a small official, right?

Yu Qian resolutely said: "I have been walking around the market in the next few days, and I deeply feel the suffering of the people. I think that it is difficult to be an official if you don't be a small official; why you should be an official if you don't know the suffering of the people! I implore the adults to do it!"

Jian Yi was in a trance when he heard these words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't know what he was thinking of, and then he woke up and asked again: "Are you sure?"

When Yu Qian heard that there was hope, he smiled with joy and said, "Yes."

This is a stunned green! Just go there and it won't take long before the edges and corners will be rubbed off by the eunuch.

"Well, this officer will fulfill you."

Jian Yi shook his head and said: "You go home and wait, you can arrange it soon."

"Thank you, sir."

Yu Qian bowed and saluted freely, then turned and left.

Jian Yi watched his footsteps firm, and finally couldn't help sighing, then got on his horse and went to the palace.

"This is a grandstanding guy. Now he is going to be famous, maybe your majesty will know it."

"Yes, Yu Qian just used tricks to gain fame and fame with such methods, and he is really shameless with that uncle Xinghe!"19

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