Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1296: Urgent report

Thanks to the book friend: "Crazy Reading Youth 9" rewards!

Thanks to the book friend: "On behalf of the people" a great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Hedy vs. Mirinda" for the great reward!


There is a smell in martial arts, even if Meng Ying asks someone to wash it, it still won't help.

When Sun Xiang came, he happened to see Wang He being stripped clean, and two sergeants next to him washed him with buckets of cold water.

"What's the smell?"

Sun Xiang twitched his nose and frowned, "Why is this?"


At this time, Wang He just opened his mouth and vomited, and all he vomited out was pure water. When he saw Sun Xiang, he said angrily: "Hurry up and get your clothes!"

Sun Xiang was a lot higher than Wang He in the palace. After Wang He came out to do it alone, after all, he had some thoughts.

But before he could get ahead, Yijin returned to his "hometown", and as a result, he was seen ugly by others. Wang He felt that the cold water poured on his body turned into magma, and his whole body became hot from embarrassment.

Sun Xiang clutched his nose and walked to the stage. When he saw the big hole, he couldn't help being speechless.

"Father-in-law, look at the things that were dragged out, this is clearly training soldiers!"

This disgusting way of training soldiers veiled their noses, and when they arrived on the stage, Meng Ying and others looked at Sun Xiang vigilantly.

It’s always okay to visit the East Factory!

Sun Xiang arched his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please."

Sun Xiang actually came to inform, what happened?

Several people hurriedly got off the platform, each mounted their horses and went to the palace.

Sun Xiang and Fang Xing rode side by side, and asked in a low voice: "Xing He Bo has an opinion on my Dong Factory?"


Dongchang is the real emperor's domestic slave, Fang Xing has a fart view.

"Why does Xinghe Bo believe in Jin Yiwei people in Tatar?"

"Is there any news?"

In an instant Fang awoke and knew what happened today. He couldn't wait to say: "But is there news from the north?"

Sun Xiang stopped flicking the Buddhist beads, and said with a straight face: "Uncle Xinghe, our family asks..."

"Because your people are dedicated to meritorious deeds, and you will make mistakes if you are impatient."

All the way to the palace, Fang Xing saw Huang Yan when he was in the main hall.

It's been a long time!

Seeing Huang Yan's smile, Fang Xing didn't know where he was happy.

"The news sent by Jin Yiwei shows that the unhappiness really dominates Wala, but he did not attack Atai. Instead, he was recuperating and attacking those small tribes."

Zhu Di looked a little excited, Fang Xing guessed that his blood was boiling at the moment, wishing the enemy would start attacking immediately.

But even if Tuohuan unified the three parts of Wala, he would not dare to come to Daming to discuss wildfire within ten years, so Zhu Di's excitement was puzzling.

"Quiet is really ambitious. He has sent someone to Halle."

Zhu Di slapped his big hands on the table and laughed: "He wants to join hands with those people. I am very happy. If Halle State dared to send troops, it would happen together to solve it, and by the way, the unfinished business of the year will be settled."

Tamerlane's unfinished business was to conquer Daming, but he fell halfway through.

And Zhu Di's unfinished business was to have a fate with this powerful enemy, without a collision.

"Get ready, Meng Ying!"

"His Majesty!"

Meng Ying was also passionate, bowed and listened to the order.

"Count out the health centers in various places and mobilize elite soldiers to train in the capital!"

"Liu Sheng!"

"His Majesty!"

Liu Sheng replied calmly, as if he didn't know that the position of mountain leader in martial arts was already in his pocket.

"You have to practice martial arts, and I hope I can see them become talents before the Northern Expedition!"

Zhu Di's order made the two veterans silent, he ignored these and said: "Fang Xing!"

"His Majesty!"

"You have to hurry up to train the recruits, so... you can deploy some manpower to the Xuanwu Guards to assist them in training."

Lao Zhu is going to do a big job!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Di waved his hand and said, "Wait and go, get it done right away!"

As soon as they left, the **** said: "Your Majesty, that Jin Yiwei is still in a coma."

Zhu Di stood up and said: "This road is galloping, because the news is so big that I dare not delay, it is not bad...Who is in charge of Jin Yiwei over there?"

The **** didn't think of it for a while, and Huang Yan said: "Your Majesty, the old slave remembers that it is Shenyang."


Zhu Di remembered, "Is that Shenyang who was driven to the north by me?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Huang Yan was proud of himself. He felt that the chief **** was already old. Sooner or later, Zhu Di would drive him away and replace him with a younger one, such as... himself!

Zhu Di hummed, "It is a good thing to attach importance to love and justice, but state affairs and personal affairs are unclear. This is not knowing the importance."

This is not being promoted? !

Zhu Di walked slowly out of the hall, condescendingly looking at Fang Xing's trio who were leaving in the distance, and then turned around and went to the garden.

It was cold in early winter, but Zhu Di felt that the blood in his chest was surging, and he was about to gush out.

There was a little bleak in the imperial garden, and the leaves were drooping, and even the color felt dull.

"Let the Taiyuan Hospital do its best to diagnose and treat, and let me know when I'm done. I'll see you."

Zhu Di paced to the pavilion and stood silent in front of the blackened pit.

"Where is Wanwan?"

This is Wanwan's site in the imperial garden. She often roars with her men and horses, then burns the fire, processes the ingredients from the imperial kitchen, and sends them to Zhu Di and the Prince's family.

Seeing this pit, the grand eunuch's face also showed a soft color, and said: "Your Majesty, the princess has been busy in...the hospital recently."

"Too hospital?"

In the imperial hospital, the imperial pharmacy, the imperial magistrate Mao Ding and the imprisonment Xu Zhiyong, and an **** was staring at the imperial doctor decoction.

This is the rule set by Zhu Yuanzhang. The medicine given to the emperor must be monitored by the medical officer and courtiers at the same time.

But today these three people were a little absent-minded, and looked around Wanwan in front of the row of medicine drawers from time to time.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

Wanwan asked, pointing to a medicine drawer. Wang Yun is the top master of the small square pulse in the Taiyuan Hospital. He has pulsed many times for the princes and grandchildren in the palace. He is regarded as an acquaintance, so he comes here to accompany him.

Wang Yun looked at the name of the medicine and blurted out: "Wang Buliu is a pangolin, Wang Buliu, the eldest girl drank...Uh!"

Wang Yun glanced at Wanwan with a guilty conscience, and when she saw that she had no abnormal reaction, he coughed: "Princess, this is Wang Buliu's line, which can treat dandruff, and that... invigorate blood."

In just a few short words, sweat was already on Wang Yun's head, but Zhu Di was not found standing at the door. Mao Ding and Xu Zhiyong did not dare to say anything, and stood on one side with their hands tied together.

Pangolin, the king does not stay, the eldest girl drank it and went down with her arms!

This is the holy medicine for breastfeeding. If Wang Yun said it, he felt that his head would definitely not be able to keep it.

Wanwan frowned and asked, "What kind of medicine should I take for Grandpa Emperor's illness? Why don't you see it!"

Wang Yun frowned and said, "Princess, Your Majesty has recovered."


Wanwan disdainfully said: "Grandpa Huang is slow to walk. Also, Grandpa Huang used to eat three biscuits for a meal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I ate one and a half in these days, and it’s not good! You guys! No effort!"

Wang Yun hit Tianqu and said: "The princess must know that the illness comes like a mountain, and the illness goes like a thread. Your Majesty's original condition was so severe that it will take some time to recover."

Wanwan hesitated: "Is that so?"

"That's it."

Wang Yun complained about those colleagues in his heart, but he could only try his best to linger away.

"When will Grandpa Emperor get better?"

Zhu Di was standing outside the door and watching, the blood in his chest gradually faded away, his eyes soft.

The little girl was asking the imperial doctor earnestly, but the imperial doctor was obviously unable to withstand it, wiping the sweat from her forehead frequently.

With a crisp voice echoing in the room, Zhu Di quietly turned around and strode out of the hospital.

The **** followed at the pace when he came, only to find that Zhu Di was getting farther and farther. He muttered in his heart, and quickly speeded up his pace to catch up.

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