Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1297: Murderous Deterrence

Thanks to the book friend: "Lu Xingzhe Side Peak" for two great rewards!

Thanks to the book friend: "Flying Flower" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Crazy Reading Youth 9" rewards!


In the martial arts school, when he saw that only Liu Sheng was standing on the high platform, everyone knew that the person in charge of the martial arts school was finally decided.

Liu Sheng doesn't like to show up and speaks simply.

"Your Majesty said, I hope I can take you with you during the next Northern Expedition, so everything depends on your own!"


The trainees struggled to assassinate with the whistle, and the instructors were staring at the side with big sticks in their hands.

Wu Yue felt that he was unlucky enough to be arranged to be an instructor. He stood in the front of the queue and shouted: "Don't think that you can sweep everything with a musket. I tell you that during the Northern Expedition, Mahamu's elites once broke into the array. More than 130 people died in the battle of our department of the Thousand Households Institute in Jubaoshan, so practice hard, otherwise you will lose your advantage and you are the lambs to be slaughtered!"

Liu Sheng said above: "The firearms must be used with cavalry, otherwise it will be difficult to recover once it is broken."


In Xuanwuwei, Jubaoshanwei stationed more than a dozen instructors.

"The array is neat!"

Qin Dinian, the deputy Qianhu official of Wu Yuebu, praised him, but Chen De next to him shook his head and said, "It's all fancy, it's shameful to go out!"

"Beep beep!"

With the whistle, the array rotates.

Rows of sergeants raised their guns, took aim, pulled the trigger, and then backed up to reload.

The smooth flow of a series of actions makes people unable to find any flaws.

But Qin Dinian shook his head and said, "The action is good, but it's a pity that it's a pool of stagnant water."

He knew that he was in trouble: "Master Chen, these sergeants are all old oils. The subordinates can't see any excitement or nervousness in them, only numbness."

Chen De's body shook and looked carefully.

Sure enough, you didn't see any energy on the faces of those sergeants, they were all numb, and even impatient.

"Such an army, Mr. Chen, is very troublesome. The subordinates would rather go to train recruits than take over these old oilers."

Chen De nodded and said, "I'm troubled Master Qin, what things and support are needed, just say, I can't thank you enough."

Qin Dinian sighed and said: "Xing He Bo ordered the generals to be an official. No matter how hard it is, you will have to do your best, but Mrs. Chen, don't feel distressed!"

Chen De firmly said: "Don't talk about killing!"

During the Northern Expedition, when he saw his subordinates were dissipated by soldiers, Chen De had already drew his sword at that moment, ready to apologize for himself, but was fortunately saved.

So he is full of hatred for these people, hating iron is not steel.

Qin Di Nian said grimly: "Then the official has started!"

Chen De stepped back and watched Qin Dinian step forward to stop the exercise.

"Stand up! Stand up!"

Qin Di Nian looked at the group of old oily men and sneered: "Don't be convinced, you are all **** in front of this official! Incurable rubbish. If it weren't for your majesty to hold you a little hope, There is no Xuanwu Guard, no more!"

Those faces were still numb, and Qin Dinian thought of coming to the front to wake up.

All are a group of old oily people, without their souls, such an army must be beaten with a heavy hammer!

"Sure enough, it's **** without shame!"

Qin Dinian stepped back and said, "Master Chen, prepare to suppress it!"

Chen De nodded, then waved, the horn rang, and a group of cavalry appeared outside the camp.

At last panic appeared on those numb faces, Qin Dinian sneered and said, "Thousand household officials are out."

Five thousand household officials came out, and Qin Dinian shouted: "Fight, starting from the first row, ten slaps in the face! Then the ones who were beaten went down the back, and the others stared. If someone keeps their hands, he will be punished severely! "

Damn it!

This technique made Chen De not calm, but remembering his promise, he gritted his teeth and said: "Fight! Who dares not fight, this officer will clean him up personally!"


A military order, it is a crime not to fight!

The five commanders slapped along the first row. The sergeants who were beaten were obviously a little embarrassed, and some people felt humiliated and resentful in their eyes.

"Since you are shameless, then hit it. If your face is swollen, it won't be a pity if you smash it!"

This army does not have its own soul, and after the defeat of the Northern Expedition, it is even more desperate, and there is no military will at all.

But if you want to rejuvenate the military, encouragement is of no use, so Fang Xing thought of humiliation, to see if he could cheer up these people.

"Pop! Papa! Papa..."

The first sergeant who was beaten turned around, but hesitated.

There is still help!

Qin Dinian nodded and shouted, "Fight!"

Immediately, an instructor rushed over with a big wooden stick and beat him.

So the slap continued, gradually increasing a lot of strength.


When he hit the third row, he just slapped, a sergeant kicked his slapped colleague and shouted, "Take Nima! How can anyone train like this? Brothers, this is Humiliate us!"

Suddenly someone responded from behind: "Yes, there is no such training in Daming!"

"We can fight back again! Don't hurry back!"

The array began to scatter, and people in the crowd kept clamoring and provoking, noisy.

At this time, as long as someone lights a fire, it will explode immediately!

Qin Dinian grinned and said, "Master Chen, what are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

Chen De didn't hesitate, and shouted: "He who points out the trouble will be rewarded, and those who conceal it will be punished heavily! Let's do it!"

The cavalry at the gate of the camp immediately rushed over, carrying a stick in their hands, murderous.

When the sergeants saw this battle, they immediately went into chaos, and they ran all over the school field all at once.

The cavalry whipped with a big stick, and drove the chaos to one place in circles.

Qin Dinian drew a knife and walked over, grabbing a hundred household officials and asking, "Who made the trouble just now?"

Hundred household officials shook his head blankly, and Qin Di Nian smiled happily, "Sure enough, he said that he didn't dare to kill people?"

The knife light flashed, and the head fell to the ground.


The Xuanwu guards who were still making noise just now, thinking it was just a trivial matter, were all sluggish.

Really murdered?

Who has seen an instructor kill someone?

Nima! No Daming!

Even if someone breaks the military law, he will naturally be dealt with according to the rules.

But Nima actually killed someone directly, and was not guilty of anything.

Qin Di Nian took the knife, and then, regardless of the blood on the corpse's head and neck, he began to strip off the clothes of the hundred officials.

Is it even more humiliating to kill?

"What do you want to do?!"

A sergeant couldn't help but shout.

Di Nian Qin ignored him, stripped the man's upper body a few times, then pointed to his chest and said, "It is really old oil, and there is no scar in front of him!"

Looking back, Qin Dinian asked Chen De with an iron face: "Master Chen, it takes a lot of battles for a sergeant to be promoted to a hundred household officials, right?"

Chen De nodded, this is the beginning of Ming Dynasty, and Daming has been conquering abroad from time to time. It is easy to get promoted. It is easy to trade merits and heads!

Qin Dinian turned the corpse over, pointed to a scar on the back and smiled: "Sure enough, they are invincible. How did these people become officials of a hundred households?"

"He is superb martial arts!"

Someone shouted.

"Super Nima!"

Qin Dinian scolded: "Where is the martial arts above the battlefield, who taught you these things? Say!"

Individual martial arts above the battlefield are not very useful, and under the impact of rows of enemy forces, no matter how good martial arts are, it is useless.

Qin Dinian tore his clothes abruptly, and finally Chiguo pulled his upper body. He pointed to a few scars on his chest and lower abdomen and said, "These are all evidence of the merits of the officer's southern campaign!"

There are actually a lot of scars on his chest and abdomen, but they are very subtle, and they cannot be seen if they are not close.

Turning around, Qin Dinian said, "Are there scars?"

The bare back proved his bravery, and the scene was silent!

Qin Dinian doesn’t wear clothes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just like this: “Who was making a fuss just now, standing up can save his life, if it is accused by others, this officer promises that he will not see the sun tomorrow!”

"Ten breaths!"

Qin Dinian shouted.

Immediately someone squeezed out of the crowd, probably worried that they would not be in time, and shouted: "Little confession! Little confession!"

Gradually, there was more commotion in the crowd, and more than a dozen people were shouting guilt, and then the crowd spread out and they walked out one by one.

"Hit! Thirty sticks per person!"

The rod responsibilities in the army are different from those in the palace. If the person who executed Meng Ying that day was a member of the army, he would definitely be still in bed at the moment.

There was a puff of stick accusation on the side, and Qin Dinian said: "I didn't continue to slap just now. Come out if you don't want to be smacked, Mr. Chen will take care of it by himself."

No one came out, so the slapped sound rang through the barracks, magnificent

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