Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1303: Eager to give gifts

Thanks to the book friend: "Wind up, leaves and fallen snow" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: the reward of the "life-saver"!

Thanks to the book friend: "On behalf of the people" a great reward!


The noodles are here, with a layer of minced meat on top, and a few peeled prawns.

Fang Jay Lun stood up and said, "Eat slowly, not enough to speak. Old man, I will ask someone to get it for you. Don't worry, Fang's family does not lack food."

When Xiao Bai and Ping Ping sent out Mao, Mr. Zhuang had already eaten three bowls of noodles. Seeing how he walked, he clearly had plenty of energy.

Fang Jielun told Fang Xing, Fang Xing said: "It seems that the family is not very good, and it is not good to give money. Then, see what he can do near his home, and then help him out."

When the person was sent away, Fang Xing smiled when he saw Xiaobai's a little stunned look: "Wait after the third grade, I'll take you back to have a look."

"Master, is this all right?"

Xiao Bai was worried that his identity had not yet been determined, and Fang Xing would accompany him back, whether it would cause Zhang Shuhui's dissatisfaction.


Fang Xing coaxed Xiao Bai away, and Xin Laoqi, who had been waiting nearby, came over and said: "Master, the youngest has found out who made troubles that day, one of them is a small banner officer, and they have all explained."

"Then do it, let them go!"

Things that are harmful to the people are kept as an eye-catcher.

Looking at the situation of Mr. Zhuang and Mr. Mao today, ten copper plates, it is estimated that the family will feel distressed for a long time.

"When the little one went to investigate, their thousands of household officials wanted to come to apologize, but the little one didn't let it come."

Fang Xing said non-committal: "No, first, this is a taboo, and second, this man crawls along the pole when he hits a snake. It shows that he is good at camping, no see!"

Fang Xing actually has another way to deal with it, that is, to force those offenders to come to Fang's family to ask for crimes, but he is unwilling.

In that case, he could make a big splash in front of Mao's mother and son, but it would cause their mentality to change.

The gentle uncle, the power has not changed a lot, will the dealer become domineering in the future?

Human heart! Can't stand temptation, let alone test.

So I still do less of these broken things.

And Xiao Bai returned to his house, opened a small box that was stripped outside, and called Ping An over and said: "Ping An, my mother saved a lot of money for you, and it will be useful when you marry a wife in the future."

The small box was full of gold and silver, and there were no treasures.

Xiaobai hesitated and said: "Just now when my mother gave your grandmother the cloth, she hid some treasures. I don't know if they can find them."

Of course Mao found it!

The carriage took them all the way to Wa'er Village. When the people in the village saw Mao's mother and son sitting on the carriage, they all followed to her house strangely, and there were more and more people along the way.

By the time the door was reached, hundreds of people had already been surrounded outside.

Zhuang honestly thought that his wife and children might arrive home later, so he was sorting farm tools and fishing nets at home. When he saw Mao come in with a big baggage, he asked casually: "Have you found Xiangxiang?"

Mao nodded, and Zhuang was dumbfounded, then he threw the rake in his hand and the person rushed out.

"Where is Xiangxiang? Where is Xiangxiang?"

There is no incense outside, only a carriage.


Tomorrow is New Year's Day, but Xinzhi is not allowed to take a vacation. As Suzakuwei's thousands of household officers, he needs to lead his subordinates to wait for the orders from the palace.

But Xinzhi was a little restless, like a guy who was addicted to cigarettes, just scratching his heart and lungs.

After wandering around the school grounds, Xin Zhi figured it out, went to his deputy Qianhu, explained some matters, and then quietly left under their ambiguous eyes.

After leaving Suzakuwei, Xin Zhi changed into casual clothes and beat his horse towards the city.

Entering the city, Xin Zhi found a small courtyard familiar with the door. After knocking on the door, he didn't even look at the maid who opened the door. He took out the speed of chasing the enemy back then and rushed into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, a woman was packing her things, when Xin Zhi suddenly picked her up from behind, she couldn't help screaming, and was immediately drowned in enthusiasm.

After the maid closed the door, she went back inside and saw that the bedroom door was not closed and it didn't matter, she just stood on the side and listened to the human face/red ears inside.

It didn't take long for it to die inside.

"Sanniang, I miss you for my husband."

"Master, don't say, you still have a lady at home!"

"That woman cares about her! I just hate getting to know you late, Huh! Are you going to go home?"

"What else can I do if I don't go home? There is no name for my concubine, but fortunately my father doesn't dislike it."

"Don't tell me, since I rescued you that day, I will never forget you again. Wait, wait until I find a wrong place to give that woman off, and then I will welcome you in."

"Master is still on duty today, go back quickly."

"Well, you go home first, and I will find you after the Chinese New Year."

After a rustling sound, Xin Zhi and a woman walked out. The woman was the Sanniang who fell from the carriage that day and was rescued by Xin Zhi.

The two were sticky for a while before Xin Zhi left reluctantly.

Xinzhi reached the gate of the city with some enthusiasm. It happened that a few carriages entered the city and blocked him. He was a little impatient and worried that Song Jianran would go to check on the hill.

After the carriage came in, and then came in for a few rides, Xin Zhi glanced at it, and hurriedly bowed his head for fear of being recognized.

"Uncle, is this a gift for the New Year?"

The little flag officer who guarded the gate asked with a grin, and also pushed the wagon that had just started.

Fang Xing nodded slightly, and Xin Laoqi threw a string of copper coins over and shouted: "You guys of the New Year have worked hard too. Take it for a drink, but don't toss that little man."

The small banner officer caught the coin and said with a smile: "Definitely not, definitely not."

A few days ago, the five-city soldier Ma Si was packed with more than ten people. It is said that he was very courageous. When patrolling outside the city, he stopped the maidens of the second wife of Xing He Bo’s family for benefits.

After Fang Xing left, the small banner officer sighed: "Those people also asked for themselves. Uncle Xinghe is a big belly, otherwise none of them will have good fruit."

All the way into the palace, UU reading www. uukanshu.com婉婉 is already waiting.

"Fang Xing!"

Seeing Wanwan rushing over happily, Fang Xing said with a smile: "Let's take a look, you pick what you like first."

There are several carriages that are undisguised to give gifts to the royal family during the New Year, which is unique in Daming.

Wanwan didn't turn it over. She took the gift list with restraint. She was not too old, but gave birth to some grace.

But after she read the gift list, her reservedness was wiped out immediately.


Wanwan's eyes lighted up, Fang Xing smiled, and took a puppy out of her bulging arms.

"This is a dog, I'll give it to you."

The puppy looked very cute, and a little pitiful.


Wanwan held the puppy carefully, and touched it with her forehead face to face, then the puppy became a little scared and whimpered.


Wanwan worried that the puppy would fall, so she hugged her on her chest and said joyfully: "Fang wakes up, what do you want to feed it?"

The joyful appearance of the young girl made people feel inexplicably happy. Fang Xing said: "It has just been weaned and fed some gruel. You don't need to worry about this. Just ask those people to ask the dog owner."

Fang Xing and Wanwan went to the prince who had separated most of the New Year goods and handed them to Zhu Di.

In winter, Zhu Gaochi hardly wanted to move, and especially wanted to eat.

Hearing that Fang Xing had delivered new year goods, Zhu Gaochi, who had nothing to do today, said: "I have been sitting in this palace for a long time. It's time to walk around, otherwise I will talk about it again when I see it."


The people who served him cast their eyes down blankly, and after Zhu Gaochi was helped out, they smirked relatively.


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