Seeing those rare ingredients being removed, Zhu Gaochi frowned and said, "Why was the chicken so big just now?"

Damn it!

Fang Xing was confused for an instant, and then remembered the big mistake he had made.

That's a turkey!

"His Royal Highness, that is a mutated chicken."

Fortunately, the turkey was not big, which was more than ten catties. If an ostrich came, Fang Xing would have to talk nonsense that it was a godsend.

Zhu Gaochi glanced at random, and when he saw Wanwan holding a puppy with joy, he couldn't help sighing: "You can't sleep well if such a puppy can be noisy."

But Wanwan, who had just gotten her cute pet, didn't listen, just asking people to find something to eat.

After giving the gift, it was considered a success to deepen the feelings, Fang Xing slid away and left. As for the fact that the puppy would bark for a few days when he arrived in a strange place, he didn't remind Wanwan.

"Running so fast!"

Zhu Gaochi was a little sad, prepared to teach others, but in the end that person ran away, depressed!

But before long, Fang Xing came back again.

When Zhu Gaochi saw it, he shouted: "Zhuzi is rude! I dare to..."

After seeing Hu Shanxiang and Zhu Zhanji behind him, Zhu Gaochi's words were held back.

Fang Xing was also very helpless. Why did your family drag me to eat?

The arrival of Hu Shanxiang made Zhu Gaochi the smiling prince again. He hurriedly asked someone to invite the prince, and said: "Be careful about lunch, don't have anything taboo."

The prince said with joy: "Who dares to make a mistake, peel him off!"

This is the first grandchild of the two of them!

"I have seen Xing He Bo."

Hu Shanxiang's stomach is slightly raised, not very obvious.

Fang Xing hurriedly turned sideways and said, "The concubine Taisun has broken the shaman."

Hu Shanxiang's complexion was good, and the princess praised Zhu Zhanji for being reliable, and then the family entered the hall, but Fang Xing and Wanwan didn't want to go in too early, so they teased the puppy outside.

The puppy was pitifully placed on the ground by Wanwan, and then began to run away with short legs, and Wanwan smiled and caught it back.

Grab and release, the laughter is crisp.

"Do you want to call it?"

Fang Xing felt that the names of the two dogs in the family were really shameful.

Wanwan shook her head, looking at Fang Xingxiao with crooked eyebrows, somewhat triumphantly triumphant.

The little girl couldn't figure it out, and the two of them teased the puppy there until the meal started.

Zhu Gaochi's sons and daughters, a bunch of women, gathered together noisily.

But today all the focus is on Hu Shanxiang. Most women are envious, and most children are curious.

During the dinner, Zhu Gaochi was very interested, frequently toasting, and said several times that he was about to have grandchildren, and he seemed extremely happy.

Wanwan was also extremely happy, saying that she was going to be an aunt.

Fang Xing just immersed himself in eating and drinking, not wanting to get involved.

Looking at the women of Zhu Gaochi, they all have a humble face, which shows that the crown princess has control over the backyard.

Zhu Zhanyong ate the meal stubbornly, and the surrounding brothers and sisters ignored him. It was not until the meal was over that his expression became lighter, and then he bowed with everyone.

"Xinghebo stayed!"

Fang Xing was thinking about what will happen after the New Year, and turned around after hearing the sound.

"What's the matter with the princess?"

In the academy, Zhu Zhanyong is a student, but in the palace, he is the king of the county. This cannot be mistaken.

"Xing He Bo, I want to seal it in advance, what do you think?"

Zhu Zhanyong's expression was a little anxious, but Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Daming doesn't have this rule. Don't mention this matter again, otherwise your **** will suffer immediately."

If Lao Zhu is still there, you just think about it, and Zhu Gaochi will definitely be mad.

Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't think about it, study hard."

The child made a mistake in the past, and he still cannot be forgiven today, and Fang Xing can't help it.

Zhu Di is still there, unless he personally asked Zhu Zhanyong to be sealed, who would dare to say?

It has always been rare for fathers to seal sons and grandsons.

Fang Xing burped all the way, and when he quickly turned around to the edge of Chengtian Gate, he happened to ran into Zhu Gaosui.

"Xinghebo! Hahahaha!"

Zhu Gaosui looked extremely happy, he almost reached out and hugged him.

"His Royal Highness King Zhao?"

Fang Xing smiled, and the two approached, and Zhu Gaosui said, "Uncle Xing and Uncle forgot to give this king some food. Could you look down on this king?"

Fang Xing was about to ridicule a few words, but Zhu Gaosui whispered and quickly said: "I heard that your second wife was betrothed to the servant of the king back then, Fang Xing, do you think...why!"

Fang Xing's kick was quick and not very wide.

Zhu Gaosui squatted on the ground in pain, and shouted, "Come on, take down this bold thief!"

Except for the two eunuchs behind him and the small **** behind Fang Xing, there is no one else here.

Fang Xing said innocently: "His Royal Highness is trying to frame the minister? The minister just wanted to talk to His Highness about the New Year's ceremony... Hey! Your Highness still has a heart for the minister! Goodbye."

Zhu Gaosui struggled to grab Fang Xing's leg, but Fang Xing's footsteps were fast. He rushed into the air and fell to the ground. When he got up, there were a few scratches on his face, and the blood slowly infiltrated him.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

Fuck, the three eunuchs were panicked, worried that if Zhu Gaosui was broken, they would not have good fruit.

Zhu Gaosui touched his face, then looked down at the blood on his hand, then rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Fang Xing didn't know yet, he hurried home, but Wuyou was already asleep.

Tudou and Ping An played in the yard with two dogs, a noisy sound came in, and the worry-free nose moved, Fang Xing got up and went out contentedly.

The big insect and the little insect were fighting, and gradually became angry, but the hair was bitten off.

But Bell was just watching, indifferent.


Fang Jaylun came in with Fang Zhuan.

Fang Zhuan seemed to have completely recovered from the emotion of losing his father. He bowed and saluted, Fang Xing smiled and said, "You will play with Tudou and the others in the past few days. You will go to study after the New Year."

Since you are training as a backup butler, learning is essential.

Fang Zhuan responded quickly, and Ping An said, "Fang Zhuan, come here."

This is his future master, Fang Zhuan went over, and Ping An went to separate the two quarrelsome dogs.

With children, this house is like home!

"Lao Qi and they? Haven't come back yet?"

"No, I always have to buy some fabrics for the daughter-in-law and some sweets and snacks for the children during the New Year."


There were nine people left in Fang Xing's family. Except that the knife was left to guard, all of them entered the city today.

It is rare to have the opportunity to go shopping together, so the family members are scattered together. Since Xin Laoqi and Fang Wu are both wives, they have been like-minded and selected in the jewelry store for a long time.

"Just this hairpin and that string of beads are taken together."

Xin Laoqi chose chaizi for his daughter-in-law and a string of beads for his daughter's eldest girl. As for his son, Hutou, some delicious food is enough.

"Hey! Get out of here!"

A man squeezed from the side, and Xin Laoqi glanced at him vigilantly, and then said, "I'm here first!"

During the New Year, everyone has a lot of lenient hands. Today, this jewelry shop has a good business. Not to mention the crowds, but it is also full of customers.

The man glared at Xin Laoqi and cursed: "Are you a rough man to be rude? Get out!"

Old Xin was furious, without even thinking about it, he slapped the man to the side with a slap, then took his own things, turned and left.

"Ouch! Don't go, Gou Ri!"

The man was slapped in public, and the pain on his face was second, but the humiliation made his left cheek that hadn't been slapped flushed, and he chased him out reluctantly.

Xin Laoqi left after beating, and even bought malt candies at the roadside and prepared to take it back to coax his son's head.


Xin Laoqi heard the voice and turned around to see that the man actually brought two companions over.

The three of them came with their sleeves in arms and grinning. Fang Wu smiled and didn't care. He believed that with Xin Laoqi's skill, the three of them just asked not to pass the year.

Xin Laoqi thought so too. There were so many people during the Chinese New Year that he was ready to fight and run away.

Those who celebrate the New Year can watch a big show, I love it!

The people gathered around and waited for the two sides to start their work.

The three of them approached, the man who was slapped by Xin Laoqi came over first, and stretched out his hand to push Xin Laoqi.

Xin Laoqige opened his hand and knocked the man out with one punch.

"Seven brothers!"

The man stumbled and withdrew, all the people on the road drew away, but the man's body stopped retreating sharply, his head shook forward violently, his eyes rolled white, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Fang Wu rushed over and shouted, "Don't run!"

He saw a man make a shot just now, just a punch, and a heavy blow on the back of the head of the man who had acted with Xin Laoqi.

But the people here are full of flesh and blood, and when he arrives, there is no one in sight.


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