Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1313: Awkward coincidence

Fang Xing was in the street, very painful.

Early in the morning, the two children were clamoring to go shopping, but Fang Xing was still in the forbidden period, nothing happened!

But looking at the expectant eyes of the two children, Fang Xing couldn't take care of it, so she asked Zhang Shuhui to make up for herself, and then took the family into Beiping City.

There were crowds of people on the street, Fang Xing took a selfie in the mirror in the carriage, looking at the man with thick eyebrows and a little pale mouth in the mirror, he mumbled: "How can there be such a makeup? Just look at it..."

"Father, you are so handsome."

Tudou was stabbed in the shoulder by Zhang Shuhui twice and praised against her will.


Ping An was forced by Xiao Bai's eyes, and said stupidly: "Father, you are the most beautiful."


Fang Xing was speechless, and said, "beauty means a woman. A man should praise handsome, handsome, and graceful... a graceful gentleman."

Ping An entangled: "Father, you... handsome."

"Hahahaha! Good son!"

Fang Xing kissed him alone, and then grabbed Wuyou. Seeing her open her eyes in a daze, he said with joy, "Worry little baby, isn't he handsome?"

The worry-free gaze shifted, looking around blankly.

"Hey! My baby ignores people!"

The two sons were relatively speechless, and both felt that their status in the family had plummeted since Wuyou was born.

Zhang Shuhui smiled and said, "Fine, husband, shall we get off now?"

Xiaobai couldn't bear it for a long time, and first raised the curtain to look out, and then cheered, "Master, many people!"

The family got out of the car, followed the crowd slowly, and felt the festive atmosphere of the New Year.

Fang Xing hugged worry-free, watching the two daughters-in-law and their children picking things at those roadside stalls, and bargaining enthusiastically.

"Worry-free baby, grow up quickly, dad will take you shopping, we can buy whatever we want."

Fang Xing put his forehead against worry-free forehead, looking at the dark eyes, his heart felt soft.

Wuyou suddenly vomited a bubble, and he immediately woke up and said with joy: "The bubbles that my girl vomit is so round! It really is... uh..."

"Your Majesty..."

Fang Xing couldn't believe his eyes, and Zhu Di, who came across, couldn't believe his eyes. Wang Guifei covered her mouth and smirked beside him.

"You...can make up?"

The corners of Zhu Di's mouth twitched, his beard curled up and his eyes kept blinking.

The scene was so funny, Wang Guifei couldn't help it anymore and turned her head to chuckle.

A confined uncle, swaggering to the street with her bubbling daughter, and confident that makeup can be hidden from others.

And an emperor who was supposed to prepare a family dinner in the palace, unexpectedly brought a woman out to go shopping quietly.

The two looked at each other, and finally Fang Xing woke up with worry-free, clasping his hands indiscriminately: "That... Your Majesty! The minister will die..."

Fortunately, Zhu Di's guards blocked the crowd on both sides, so Fang Xing's words were not heard.

Zhu Di coldly snorted: "Let's follow me."

Fang Xing bitterly, pointed his chin to Wuyou and said, "Your Majesty, the courtiers will cry."

Zhu Di disdainfully said: "Do you think I have never heard a child cry? When Zhan Ji was a child, I was still... less long-winded!"

Zhang Shuhui over there also found that something was wrong, so she brought the children over, and Xiao Bai felt a little frustrated when she saw Zhu Di's appearance.

"Ahem! This is the great master in the palace."

Fang Xing introduced awkwardly.

Zhang Shuhui understood immediately, Fushen said: "I have seen the great master."

"I have seen the great master."

The two children and Xiao Bai also saluted. Zhu Di looked a little jealous, so he nodded slightly, and then moved forward first.

Xiao Bai is not stupid, he quickly guessed Zhu Di's identity, and whispered to the two children not to make trouble.

A group of people dangled and occupied a lot of space on the street. Those who saw the guards on the periphery knew that it was a powerful and powerful person. Those who didn't saw that Wang Guifei was not young, but the charm still existed. , And Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai are even more salivating.

The guards blocked the approach of a few swingers, Zhu Di glanced at it, and then entered a jewelry store.

"You're in the palace... don't go out at home, so pick it today."

Concubine Wang looked at the decoration in the jewelry store and suddenly blinked and smiled: "I went to the jewelry store when I was at home, but it was so small and the jewelry was a bit rough, but now I think about it..."

Zhu Di said uncomfortably: "Then go pick it, take the money!"

Wang Guifei smiled and walked over lightly.

The female staff in the store saw that the door was blocked by these people, and knew that there was a respectable customer, so she didn't dare to neglect, and followed the introduction along the way.

Fang Xing felt that it was unfair, so he said, "Shuhui, you guys should choose too."

Zhang Shuhui glanced at Zhu Di and saw that his face was normal, as if thinking about something, so she dared to pull Xiaobai over.

"Come here! Come and help me choose."

Wang Guifei smiled and waved.

Zhu Di frowned and watched this scene, and suddenly asked: "I heard that you are very wealthy?"

Fang Xing said innocently: "This is a rumor! The minister's family is still in debt until now!"

Someone outside was yelling dissatisfiedly, and the **** went out to deal with it, and came back and said, "It's Duke Dingguo's family."

Zhu Di ignored it, and the chief **** said, "I have been persuaded to leave."

Persuading a wool, the great **** appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was estimated that Xu Jingchang's family was almost scared to pee.

The three women began to relax, chirping and asking the buddy.

"Jubaoshanwei can relax during the New Year?"

Fang Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "No, the minister explained that even if it is the Chinese New Year, half of the people must be in a state of waiting and be able to dispatch at any time."

Zhu Di didn't speak any more, and after Wang Guifei chose the jewelry, he went straight away.

"Go, let's continue shopping."

Now that Zhu Di saw him, Fang Xing was ready to take his family to have fun.

When the family was just about to go out, a female buddy stepped forward and said embarrassedly: "Guest, what I bought earlier..."

"Not paid?"

The **** was not in the past...

The female friend smiled and said, "No, I must be a close friend with you."

These words were so good that Fang Xing couldn't help but take a serious look at this female buddy.

If you don't pay the bill, it's not an irresistible acquaintance.

These days, among the rich and powerful, they will not turn their faces for a little money. This can not be more appropriate, and it is not a sinner.

"How much?"

"Three hundred and nine rounds, the small one is in charge, and the nine rounds are waived."

Fang Xing's eyelids were jumping wildly, and then he took out his purse, and after paying it, there was nothing left.

The female buddy took the treasure and said with a smile, "Welcome guests to come again next time."

"Not coming. Also, that person and I are not close friends."

After going out, Zhang Shuhui smiled and said: "Husband, don't be annoyed, most people can't pay for your majesty!"

Fang Xing saw that Wuyou was already asleep, so he covered half of his hijab, and said casually, "That's three hundred guanan!"

"Your Majesty will have a family dinner in the evening, it's hard for the mother to come here once..."

"Family Banquet..."

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