Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: Time is like a song, I am alone.

Time is like a song, I am alone.

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It was half past two in the morning, and Jazz was so dizzy that he actually forgot to include the testimonials in the "No-Money" section of testimonials.

Wrong, Sir please! Sincerely apologize!


Jazz's personality is somewhat two-sided. On the one hand, it explodes at one point. This is caused by a nervous breakdown and an unwillingness to be wronged.

On the other hand, it is passive and doesn't like to actively strive for something.

For example, if the book friends in the group say what rankings they will strive for this month and what rankings will they strive for next month, Jazz is just silent.

And there is no other reason, life has already tossed up the jazz's ambitions, just want to quietly work hard codewords. As for grades, that is beyond the control of the Jazz. It can only be resigned to the fate, depending on the preferences of your book friends. Support is joy. If you don’t support Jazz, you can only continue to code words quietly, and keep coding...


I still remember that after the book was opened, the first leader was a young guy, and a leader was dropped. Jazz was almost calm and excited! The first leader in the codeword career has a deep memory.

Everyone should know who I am talking about? That's right, it's the game madman of routine!

Then there is the small temper of the female local tyrant. At that time, Jazz was rewarded by her one after the other. Jazz, how are you today? Add more!

Then, the number of leaders was slowly increasing. When it reached almost two million words, the Jazz looked forward to the number, and looked forward to having 20 leaders. The Jazz believed that it must be a great achievement. .

Well, yes, at that time the Jazz watched eagerly, no, occasionally, because he had to go to work and code words—not to make fun of this mentality!

After that, everyone gave the Jazz a surprise, and the number of leaders has soared up-please forgive me, as a smasher, the Jazz really thinks that the twenty leaders are already amazing!

The Jazz is satisfied. Twenty lords are enough for the Jazz! Satisfied!

But life always surprises Jazz inadvertently, just like this book is inexplicable, surprises come...

First, a silver alliance of the leader arrived, and the bombed Jazz was dizzy.

——This is ten thousand yuan!

Money is not a problem, but money represents an attitude-someone really likes my book so much? Like it to the point of spending 10,000 yuan for rewards?

Joy, the joy of being recognized excited Jazz.

Cough cough, the following broke the news: According to the teacher himself, he was watching this book at night and drinking a little wine, but when he drank too much, his hand loosened, and a silver alliance came out!

The leader's silver alliance is a surprise and a great affirmation of the Jazz.

Then the number of leaders increased all the way, until a certain inhumane fellow appeared...

One day, a new leader was born, and the jazz continued to code words while he was pleased, and then...the silver bombardment came.

The second silver league was born!

That's right, this is Zhao Sanhua, who is inhumane.

Then there is the third silver leader, thank Zhao Sihua, you know, the same is the inhumanity of the trench!

Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ early this morning, the fourth silver league was born, and the bombing came as scheduled at a point on the Blackwood Cliff.


Thanks! What do you use to thank?

Work **** the code word, here Sir guarantees that there will be ups and downs in the state, but the heart will never change with all your efforts!

Thanks to my book friends, thank you for your support along the way!

The Jazz will still codewords silently, and will not set any goals for themselves-as long as you do your best, you don't have to worry about your results. You will be happy when you win, and you will be happy when you lose!

Thank you everyone!

————————————Sir Dybala's speech in the early morning

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