Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1314: 1 wrong step, wrong step

   Thanks to the leader!


   As night fell, Zhu Zhanji took the lead and brought a team of younger brothers and sisters to the outside of the hall.

  Zhu Zhanyi saw Zhu Gaoxu’s family on the right, but Zhu Gaosui’s family was not there, so he muttered, "Where are the people from Sanshu's family? Didn’t they come? That's daring."

  Zhu Zhanyong ran in front and said: "The people from Sanshu's family must have gone in first. Why don't you go in and have a look?"

   "Don't try to persuade me!"

   Zhu Zhanyi was very dissatisfied with his brother, especially after learning that Wanwan’s root cause was not easy to go, he even wanted to fight Zhu Zhanyi.

   Zhu Zhanyong gave him a surprised look, "You have grown up."

   Everyone has a rebellious mentality, and Zhu Zhanyong was driven by this mentality in the past, and this is what made him regret it until now.

   looked at Zhu Zhanji blankly and saw that he was standing motionless, but said faintly: "Go to tell the emperor, that Zhanji has come with his younger brothers and sisters, and the second uncle's family is also here."

   The **** on the steps hurriedly bowed and accepted the order to enter. The Han Wang concubine over there nodded at Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Zhanji smiled back.

   Zhu Zhanqi smiled flatteringly at Zhu Zhanji, but Zhu Zhanyuan just nodded.

   Zhu Zhanji had all these expressions in his mind, and immediately saw Zhu Gaoxu come out.

   "It's so cold outside, what are you doing? When you come in, just wait, wait, wait?"

  Han Princess bowed her head, Zhu Gaoxu shouted at the current boss Zhu Zhanqi: "I'm not as old as Zhanji, so hurry in!"

   "Yes, Father."

   Zhu Zhanqi glanced at his father timidly, and then followed everyone in.

   What does it mean to be hierarchical? Royal is it.

   Zhu Gaoxu’s family can only wait for Zhu Zhanji to take the lead and take the children in before they can slowly keep up.

   The lanterns outside were shining brightly, but when I entered the hall, I suddenly felt that it was similar to the daytime.

   Thanks to the blessing that Daming’s economy has been rising, Xia Yuanji has also made a lot of generous shots, and the royal purchase of daily necessities has also begun to let go, so the big candles are lit all over the hall like money.

   As soon as Zhu Zhanji came in, he was uncomfortable with the light and suddenly brightened. He squinted slightly and saw Zhu Gaosui's family who was already sitting on the upper right side.

   Zhu Gaosui came in through the small door in front. Most of them went to see Zhu Di first. He seemed a little excited, even... childlike pride.


   Zhu Zhanji remembered Zhu Di’s previous decree, and in every line he regarded Zhu Gaosui, who was already 30 years old, as a minor, and his love for him was beyond words.

   "Zhan Ki is here?"

   Zhu Gaosui smiled and arched his hands, and then saw Zhu Gaoxu, who had come out of Zhu Di earlier, and reluctantly said, "Second brother."

   Zhu Gaoxu didn't even look at him, and shouted: "Whose position is that?"

   Looking at the direction of Zhu Gaoxu's thick fingers, Zhu Gaosui suppressed his breath and said, "I asked you to come in, not for you to sit. Why not hurry back to your seat?"

   Family Banquet, except for the Prince’s family at Zhu Di’s left head, the rest can only be seated according to the ranking.

   Just after adjusting the seat, Zhu Di came.

   Zhu Di first, Wang Guifei later, then Zhu Gaochi and the prince, plus a Wanwan.

   Zhu Di sat down, and Wang Guifei sat down on his right.

   "I have seen my father."

   "I have seen Grandpa Emperor!"

   A lot of people saluted, Zhu Di nodded and said, "Sit down."

Looking at these children and grandchildren, Zhu Di said: "Last year, Daming was thriving, and you were mostly kind. This is my family’s blessing. This year, we must work harder, and we must not bully others and learn nothing. I have published a lot of books. You have to watch more when you wait. Those who go to school must be good, not greedy, otherwise I will not be merciless."


After Zhu Di finished speaking, Zhu Gaochi stood up and said something on behalf of Zhu Di’s children and grandchildren. It is roughly that Ming is thriving. Zhu Di has worked hard. We will study hard and be obedient. We will continue to follow in the footsteps of your old man in order to revitalize Daming. Make a difference in your career.

   After Zhu Gaochi finished speaking in previous years, Zhu Di would serve the food, but today he hesitated a bit. His eyes turned slowly, staying at Zhu Zhanji's for a moment, and then his eyes darkened.

   "Serve it."

   Zhu Di didn't let Zhu Zhanji speak after all. Following his instructions, the eunuchs and palace ladies walked in slowly.

   Family Banquet, it's started...


   "Tonight is a good weather!"

   Standing in the camp, Xin Zhi looked up at the sky and praised.

   The sky is overcast tonight, and snowflakes are still floating.

  Xuanwuwei’s barracks were covered with snow on the roof, Xinzhi felt a little hot in his heart, walked to the camp gate, and went out without squinting.

   "The officer went to check the outside of the barracks, lest it be overwhelmed by the snow."

   The guard sergeant praised: "Master Xin is really diligent. I don't think it will take long. After Master Song is promoted, Master Xin might jump on..."

   "Well, that's the case. Master Song also trusts Master Xin very much. He recommends it then, it is very likely."

   Xin Zhi, who had a promising future in their mouths, walked half a circle along the camp, and when they saw the sedan chair in the snow, they couldn't help but feel hot.


   The lonely sedan chair is in front, and the person carrying the sedan chair has stepped back more than ten steps and stands with his back.

   Xinzhi walked to the front of the sedan, stretched out his hand to lift the thick curtain, and immediately rushed in.


   The sedan chair is chilly, without the fragrance of women, and some are just suffocating.

"Who are you?"

   Xin Zhi got up from the opponent's waist and asked with a hiss. At the same time, he backed away, ready to call someone.

   Even if he was discovered by someone, he could say that he patrolled here and found that the sedan chair was a little weird, so he came to inquire.

   "Sir Xin, how good is Sanniang? What kind of comfort is available for money?"

   "You! Who are you?"

   Xinzhi did not dare to retreat, he drew his long knife, pointed to the sedan chair and whispered: "Come out!"

   The people in the sedan chair did not come out, and when the two bearers did not move, Xinzhi knew that he was in big trouble. Sanniang's coquettishness still echoed in his mind, and finally turned into regret.

   "The father and daughter deliberately set up a game to cheat people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to tell you that the official is a big deal, and the most will be lost."

   "Sanniang lets you control your subordinates, Master Xin, can it be done?"

   Xinzhi's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and he trembled: "You...you are in a group, what do you want to do? This...this is decapitating!"

The man in the sedan chair sneered: "You have collected a lot of money, and your wife has also collected a lot, and your son has also received it. Master Xin, beheaded, is it enough? Don’t underestimate the cruelty of your majesty today. , Negotiating with others for rebellion, and stamping the handprint on the letter of allegiance, do you still want to get out?"

"No no!"

   Xinzhi looked at the left and right helplessly, "The father and daughter used these to persecute me. The shocking horse that day was also intentional. You, who are you?"

   "Do you want to be promoted? You don't have to wait for Song Jianran to take up a position. As long as tonight...tonight, Suzaku Guard's commander will be yours, and at least one earl."

   Xinzhi knelt weakly on the ground, fighting between heaven and man in his heart.

   "This official...willingly."


   The man clapped his hands and two bearers came over.

   "When you see the signal, do it, don't miss the hour! Let's go!"


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