Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1325: This bureau

   "You are dying!"

   The cold wind seemed to meet resistance in Qingshou Temple, and Fang Xing felt a little hot. He fixedly looked at Mingxin, and a sharp color flashed in his eyes.

   Mingxin took a step back, and Fang Xing crossed the bridge calmly.

   "The poor monk has something to do, so Xinghe needn't worry."

   "But your head can't bear such a big impact."

   Fang Xing glanced at Mingxin’s neck and said coldly, “Ben uncle wants to cut off your head with a single blow, what do you think?”

   Ming was horrified and horrified, and saw Fang Xing holding the handle of the knife sideways.

   raised his eyes, Fang Xing's eyes were full of murderous intent.

  Zhu Zhanji is Fang Xing's bottom line, pinning his hope for Daming's future.

  If anyone dares to shake Zhu Zhanji's position, Fang Xing...

   Fang woke up to murder, Mingxin's image of a high monk collapsed instantly, and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Xinghe, things are not what you think."

   "Whose handwriting?"

   Fang Xing asked nonchalantly, but Xin Laoqi behind him stared at Mingxin. Once he thought Mingxin would wake up and threaten him, there would be an extra corpse in Qingshou Temple in the next moment.

   Mingxin felt the murderous aura, so he said nonchalantly: "You don't need to ask that person, you only need to know that this is creating momentum."

   Fang Xing raised his head and said dejectedly: "I probably guessed something, but isn't this troublesome? It's a bit of a contradiction at first, so let's do this again. What are you going to do? Are you going to turn your face directly?"

Mingxin said helplessly: "There are countless dangers for the poor monks along this road! Do you think the poor monks are happy to come to Beiping? Not to mention it coldly, and even if you can go to sea, the poor monks also want to go overseas to promote the Dharma. ."

   "In other words, this matter was settled about a year ago?"

   Fang Xing asked, Ming Xin nodded.

   A wave of chill rose from Fang Xing's tail: this kind of layout and planning, this kind of calm city.

  Who would dare to say that Zhu Di was just a grumpy emperor?

   Fang Xing only felt that his past small movements were probably in Zhu Di's eyes, but he was calmly watching.

   Such an emperor, such a city, such a means...

The ability to observe words and colors with a clear heart is probably the highest point. Seeing Fang Xing's expression, he smiled and said, "Do you know the distress of the poor monk now? Now that you know about it, then you can cooperate with one or two, otherwise you know Yes, your Majesty will let you stay in Fangjiazhuang for the rest of your life."

   Fang Xing smiled, staring into Mingxin’s eyes and said: "You have neglected my relationship with Taisun. This must be something that your Majesty wants me to know, otherwise he will dare not say it if he gives you ten courage."

   Mingxin said, "How did you become smarter?"

   Fang Xing couldn't bear to hit him, and when he saw his pitifulness, he sighed, "Your Majesty can rest assured that you are doing this alone. After I know it, I can at least check the omissions, if necessary..."

   "Kill me kill my mouth?"

   Mingxin was a little flustered, and forgot to call himself a poor monk.

Fang Xing squeezed his mouth, and shook his head slightly: "Of course, but you are doing pretty well right now, so... In fact, even if you do it, you won’t have my turn to take action. There are definitely a lot of skilled guys in Qingshou Temple. Staring at you, once you find something wrong or there is an order from it, you will be able to go to Elysium in no time."

   The compassion and calmness in Ming's eyes disappeared. He lowered his head, then raised his eyes hard, keeping this weird posture and turning around.

   "Don't look at it, if you can find it easily, then they can go to death. Besides, you must not think of using your trick to confuse them, it will only make you die sooner."

   Fang Xing saw Ming Xin's appearance in a good mood, so he stepped back and said, "I won't ask what's the next step, don't say anything, I don't want to be unlucky, you take care."

   Ming was very anxious, and said, "You have to let the poor monk go to the latrine, right?"

   Fang Xing was shocked: "They forbid you to Lazard?"

   said embarrassingly: "You are not allowed to go to the latrine, only the toilet is allowed."

   This monitoring is very strict, but Fang Xing thinks it is still a normal category.

   "Is the toilet bad? Squat too much, be careful and become a person with hemorrhoids."

   Mingxin said with a dull expression: "Poor monks are not used to toilets."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Fang Xing laughed and laughed until the grandson's mansion.

Zhu Zhanji was depressed, and when he saw Fang Xingxiao's pride, he said helplessly: "Brother Dehua, if I said that the child will have great luck in the future, you will definitely say it is absurd, so don't laugh. My brother is having a headache now."

   Fang Xing rubbed his aching stomach, and sat down and said, "This matter is thunder in the sky, and you are the lead, so it has nothing to do with you, so please feel at ease."

   After Zhu Gaosui's incident happened, Zhu Zhanji was a little sensitive recently, and his heart sank when he heard it.


   "Don't ask, don't say, this is not something you can mix with, just do what you should do, and don't make any fuss."

   Fang Xing took a sip of tea, frowning his brows-although he can't taste tea, he still feels the benefits, which is much better than his own tea.

   "This tea is good!"

   Zhu Zhanji was still thinking, Fang Xing let out a dry cough, and said in a heavy tone, "This tea is good!"


   Zhu Zhanji looked up, and then said: "Divide half of the tea leaves given by Grandpa Emperor, wrap them up and take them."

   "That's not good! It's a little bit, I'll take it back and taste it."

   Fang Xing said sternly, making Zhu Zhanji amused.

   "I have a lot of good tea leaves. I just opened the tea today. I want to taste it."

   Zhu Zhanji fell into a state of contemplation again after finishing speaking.

   Fang Xing sighed and said, "Don't think about it, the more you think, the more trouble you will have. You can't interfere, just be in a hurry!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and smiled bitterly: "I can't think about it. Since the second uncle has settled down, the third uncle has been in the battle shirtless, and then he was so ashamed by us that he can't use it anymore. Grandpa Emperor used this child to come...I'm a little disappointed. ."

   Zhu Zhanji only dared to show his heart in front of Fang Xing. This was the first time he expressed dissatisfaction with Zhu Di's behavior. Before this, Zhu Di was both his grandfather and the object of his admiration.

   Fang Xing turned his face slightly, avoiding Zhu Zhanji’s gaze, and said: "You think too much, that child is long-awaited by your majesty. He wants to stabilize your seat."

Zhu Zhanji said blankly: "I don’t know. Grandpa Huang treated me very well when I was young, and taught me how to learn martial arts. But some people... can't see through."

    Through the ages, it is rare to see an emperor as good as his grandson, and it is not petting, but mercy.

   Fang is eye-catching and faint, and his words are leisurely: "Don't worry, your majesty's love for you will not change. Because of the father and son, the child is also staring at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are unfounded worry!"

"hope so!"

   Seeing Zhu Zhanji's somewhat decadent appearance, Fang Xing was a little bit eager to get his heart out. He asked Zhu Di for a way to eliminate the influence of the child, but the monk kept silent, obviously because he was afraid of being killed.

   "My third uncle didn't participate in treason, he didn't know, um, sure he didn't know."

   Zhu Zhanji suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, with some sarcasm.

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "I know that the so-called treason this time is like a joke. If King Zhao is the mastermind, then your Majesty will probably not let him live again, because he will feel embarrassed!"

   The two looked at each other, and in the end they were speechless, not knowing what to say.

   After the tea leaves arrived, Fang Xing got up and said, "It's still the same sentence, you have been less popular recently, and keep a low profile."

   Zhu Zhanji responded, and then sent Fang Xing out.

   "His Royal Highness, Concubine Taisun heard that Xinghebo was here, so she asked him to bring something to Wuyou."

   The tail of the bird came out, and the beautiful woman's jealous face was full of smiles, very upright, without any evil.

   Fang Xing squinted Zhu Zhanji and asked: "How?"

   Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "I have grown."


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