This long holiday Jazz made up a few sleeps, and the feeling of sleeping for seven or eight hours is very good, but the long holiday is over and the work continues.

So it's October, the jazz promised.

Yes, in October, the Fourth Watch will continue, and the Jazz will increase changes from time to time, striving to increase the number of changes to more than ten chapters.

Sir owes a lot of debts, about forty chapters, and there should be more later.

There are some dizziness, and I dare not say that I will be able to pay it back.

Well, four changes a day is the limit. Adding more can only look at the state: physical and mental state, the feeling of the codeword, and whether there is enough time.

Do your best, Jazz can only say that, shameless!

The local tyrant Zhao Sanhua made a move for inhumanity, and the leader also supported him. And those new leaders, thank you, heartfelt thanks!

The fourth step continues, the chapter in the morning will be changed to be sent at nine o'clock (previously 8:30), please forgive me.


Explain the recent plot: Zhu Di is old and old, Zhu Gaosui retreats, Zhu Gaochi has gradually begun to emerge and is irreplaceable.

Zhu Gaochi, who lost his restraint, was disliked by Zhu Di, but he was helpless.

Some friends said that they couldn't understand the latest plot, but in fact, just think about this relationship.

Zhu Di's goal: someone should take over the unfinished business, and that is Zhu Zhanji.

But the relationship between Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji is not as simple as it seems.

Feared, Zhu Gaochi was also frightened of the son who kept his crown prince.

Zhu Di wants to stay behind. This is a tough method. Zhu Gaochi's reaction is natural...

This is a change closely related to Daming's future, and it must be written.

If you abandon this description, it will become a farming essay, but it is not what the jazz wants, so please understand and support it as much as possible.

Thank you everyone!

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