Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1326: There is a puppy called Xiaofang in the palace

   When he got home, Fang Xing gave the gift from Hu Shanxiang to Zhang Shuhui. Zhang Shuhui opened it with joy. After seeing the jewelry made by the imperial palace, his face glowed.

  The jewellery in the palace is generally not easy to give away, and the jewellery is very cleverly crafted, and the details are reluctant to touch.

   Xiaobai leaned over to take a look, Zhang Shuhui said casually: "Go go! Wait for me to check it again, and then I'll pick it for you."

   Xiaobai immediately refused to follow him, and the two of them made a fuss. Fang Xing couldn't stop both coughing and he could only find Huang Zhong in anguish.

   "Princess Taisun has grown up!"

   Huang Zhong didn't know where he bought the fans, one by one, Fang Xing didn't feel any demeanor, but only felt that the temperature was lowered.

   "The princess Taisun is expressing her position. She thinks this child is a daughter."

   Huang Zhong shook his head and said with emotion: "Your Majesty didn't want to hide this trick from anyone. If it is blatantly, the prince will be better, and the crown prince who dare not come back will come again."

   "Does your majesty no longer be optimistic about the relationship between the prince and the future grandson? Tsk tsk! This royal is really nothing to say!"

   Laozi concocted his son like an eagle. It was common before Daming, but Zhu Yuanzhang didn't boil his prince. It was just that the prince Zhu Biao had a bad luck and passed away due to illness.

   The father and son Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi are a little different. Zhu Gaochi is not seen by Zhu Di. This is a recognized fact, and then the father and son began a long ‘hawking eagle’.

   Huang Zhong twirled in the study, closed the folding fan that Fang Xing hated, and said, "Does your majesty want to...find the crown prince after the grandson before he goes? Hey! This is really groundbreaking!"

   Fang Xing felt that it was really possible for Zhu Di to do this, "Your Majesty does not like to be bound by rules and sparseness. It is really possible. However, Taisun was trapped in a whirlpool."

   "Because your majesty taught Tai-sun to follow his own appearance, he thinks this is a difficulty that Tai-sun must go through."

   Fang Xing said helplessly: "Your Majesty experienced more tempering and more dangerous back then, but..."

   But Zhu Zhanji did not have his foundation at that time!

   Even if Zhu Zhanji was crowned king and there was a territory outside, Fang Xing would dare to face various challenges with confidence.

   While staying in the capital, apart from having the title of Taisun, Zhu Zhanji is actually not as good as those vassals.

   Zhu Di’s true thoughts are unknown to outsiders, but Fang Xing is convinced that regrets about his unfinished business behind him will make him have high hopes for Zhu Zhanji.


   "I don't care at the moment, but it depends on the prince's reaction."


   "Is that monk reliable?"

   "Reliable, Your Majesty, the former Monk Mingxin was a high monk in Jinling. This time he walked alone from Jinling and it is said that he found Qi."

   "What is it?"

   "It is said to be the vigorous vitality, which can make the vitality of the Ming Dynasty permanent!"

   "I understand, you can withdraw."

   Zhu Gaochi held his forehead tiredly. Recently, Zhu Di threw most of the political affairs to him. In other words, he was almost half the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

  The emperor is not easy to be an emperor. Zhu Gaochi is very sober at this point, but... who can refuse that supreme right?

   "Father, what does this mean?"

   Zhu Gaochi knows whose handwriting it is without even thinking about it.

   No one can discuss this issue with him, and he will not discuss it with others, even if that person is his blood relative.

   Zhu Gaochi unconsciously grabbed a few peanuts from the plate on the table in front of him, and slowly put them into his mouth to chew, his complexion slightly stagnant.

   Zhu Gaosui completely withdrew from the ranks of contention. This is a good thing for Zhu Gaochi, but there is a disadvantage.

  ——The unconstrained prince, facing the aging king, how do the two sides get along?

   "Has this palace been exposed recently?"

   Zhu Gaochi's brain was running at high speed, recalling his recent performance, and finally found that there was no problem at all.

   "It started at least a year ago, so... or are the civil servants too close?"

   Zhu Gao Chi looked at the plate with a sullen face, the fried peanuts inside was very sweet and delicious.

   Fang Xing always surprises people, but this surprise is mostly for Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanji...

   And Zhu Zhanji, with Fang Xing's assistance, became more and more famous. Of course, this reputation is only among the people. For the civil servants, Zhu Zhanji, the grandson, was a bit too deviant, and the key was science.

   Zhu Gao Chi squinted slightly, and was about to ask someone to deep-fry this plate of peanuts.

   "Xiao Fang, stop, don't run around."

   A small dog rushed in, stopped before the case, and then fixedly looked at Zhu Gaochi.

"Xiao Fang?"

   Zhu Gaochi frowned and looked at the door. Soon, Wanwan blushed and ran in.


   Wanwan hurriedly saluted, then ran over, squatted on the ground, and carefully hugged the puppy from the left and right.

   "Woo woo woo..."

   The puppy whimpered and waved its front paws as if asking for help from Zhu Gaochi.

   Zhu Gaochi shook his head and said with a smile: "Guo Chaoxun was also ridiculed by you. If you are known from outside, you will feel better."

   Wanwan pouted: "Father, Xiao Fang is not Fang Xing, who dares to talk nonsense?!"

   This is where there is no silver three hundred taels!

   Zhu Gaochi petted and said: "Finally, it's up to you, the puppy hasn't barked these few nights, right?"

   Wanwan gets excited when he mentions a puppy.

   "No, it's just two nights calling out, and then I became obedient."

   Zhu Gaochi's body relaxed, and he smiled and said: "Wanwan, has anyone in the palace said something weird to you recently?"


   Wanwan saw the puppy looking at the plate, so she went to take a peanut and wanted to feed it, but Zhu Gaochi said, “The puppy’s teeth are not straight, and it will get stuck in the throat if it can’t be chewed.”

   Wanwan became scared when she heard it, she held Xiao Fang to her mouth and kissed him, and muttered: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Fang, let's go back to have porridge and milk."

   Zhu Gaochi smiled and said, "Go, go, remember not to let the dog catch people."

   "It's Xiaofang."

   Wanwan corrected Zhu Gaochi's mistake unhappily, and then left with her cute pet.

   "This girl!"

   Zhu Gaochi shook his head and smiled, only to feel that most of the haze in his heart dissipated.


Wanwan hugged Xiaofang and screamed with her own men and horses. The court ladies and eunuchs all gave way, and then looked at the scenery in the palace with a smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ran all the way, taking a break from time to time. When it was time for Qianqing Palace, Huang Yan happened to come out, and when he saw Wanwan he laughed and said, "Is the princess here to see your majesty?"

   Wanwan frowned at him, shook her head, and went up the steps without explaining.

   went all the way in, Wanwan put the puppy on the ground and cheered: "Grandpa Huang, what is delicious?"

   Zhu Di was drinking, with a deep complexion. He looked up, his face a little dark, and asked: "Is Wanwan hungry?"

   Before the meal, Wanwan could only eat dim sum, and the vegetables during the Chinese New Year were too greasy, and she had no appetite for eating.

   Seeing that Zhu Di was eating lightly, Wanwan opened her eyes and said with a smile: "Grandpa Emperor, shall we eat together?"

   Zhu Di nodded, and Huang Yan, who followed up, ordered people to get the bowls and chopsticks and add some dishes by the way.

   Xiaofang went around in the hall, sniffing here and there from time to time, and the eunuchs didn't dare to turn off when they saw it.

   Wanwan accompany Zhu Di to finish the meal, turned around and couldn't see Xiaofang, so he was anxious.

   "Shire, the puppy is there!"

   It was cold, and several large charcoal basins were burned in the hall, and Xiao Fang was just behind one charcoal basin, sleeping peacefully.


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