Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1341: Enemy hero

Fang Xing was very hard, and the nurse couldn't help worry-free, so he had to go out on his own, wandering in the yard with the little girl in his arms.

Thinking of Zhang Shuhui's excitement when she went out, she also vowed to take care of her without any worries, Fang Xing felt like crying without tears.


Wuyou was crying and his cheeks were red. Fang Xing hugged helplessly: "Baby, your mother will be back in a while, can we not cry! Ah?"

But worry-free crying is still there, Fang Xing is gone, and even plans to take the child to find Zhang Shuhui.

At this time, Ping An, who has been on the side, said: "Father, if my sister has something fun in her hand, she won't cry."


Fang Xing hugged Wuyou and ran away. When he came back, Wuyou was already holding a puppy in his hand, which was pinched to flatten and barked.

Finally the world is peaceful!

Fang Xing and Ping An sighed with lingering fears.

Xiaobai came back from the first fresh inspection, and couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"Master, Wuyou wants someone to accompany her to play, just tease and coax."

But when Xiaobai stretched out her hand to hug Wuyou, she was struggling in the swaddle with a groan.

Fang Xingdale, joyfully said: "My daughter still likes Dad!"

"Master, someone is looking for you outside."

Muhua came in to report.

Fang Xing refused to let go of worry-free, so he just hugged it out.

When he arrived in the front hall, Fang Xing was startled when he saw Meng Ying, and said in a carefree and casual way: "Baoding Hou is a rare visitor, welcome."

Meng Ying looked a little haggard, and was not curious about Fang Xing's act of holding her daughter to meet guests.

"Meng San is also a member of the family anyway. I used to be close to my eldest brother, but it was like a fish in Changshanwei. Now that the dream is broken, the whole family is unlucky. People in the clan have complaints against Meng Mouduo. This is something that the man can't do... "

At this time, the family is not as loose as later generations. As Baoding Hou, Meng Ying must be able to protect the entire family and allow everyone to live a good life, otherwise the clan elders will come to him with crutches to teach him.

However, Meng Ying was a little gossiping when she said this. Fang Xing just listened with a smile, and went to remove the rubber puppy from worry-free mouth from time to time.

"Meng is scared. First his eldest brother disappeared, and then his sister-in-law made trouble in the family. But thinking about it now, he is lucky."

Meng Ying laughed at herself: "My eldest brother has been dissatisfied with his origin since he was a child, thinking that he is the eldest son, and Meng Mou just got the right womb. Fortunately! If my eldest brother is here, this treason must be the mastermind, Meng The home will inevitably be uprooted..."

"Yes! Good luck."

Fang Xing agreed casually that Meng Xian was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Fortunately, Fang Xing sent someone to ambushed and killed him, otherwise the scale of this rebellion would not be so small.

"Uncle Xinghe, Meng must go to this battle, I would rather go to the title of Baoding Marquis!"

Fang Xing frowned and looked at Meng Ying, "Baodinghou, this matter depends on your majesty's meaning, Fang can do nothing."

Since Meng San participated in the rebellion, Baoding Houfu has become a horror, and all the people are complaining that there is no outside water, and the family is going to drink the northwest wind.

At this time, Meng Ying only had two solutions.

The second is to make great contributions!

But currently Zhu Di favors Xue Lu, and Zhang Fu is waiting at home for the opportunity!

This is the search for allies!

Thinking of Meng Ying's guard against herself regarding martial arts, Fang Xing couldn't help feeling a little funny.

People are just like this. They were cold-eyed at first, but when I asked for this person, I was able to pull down and put a low posture.

Human heart! Sure enough, it is the most unpredictable!

Fang Xing shook the baby lightly, and when Wuyou was asleep, he smiled and said in a low voice, "Wulue Fang from Baoding Hou naturally believed it, but the war is not visible yet. Daming doesn't It takes a thousand days to guard against thieves, so calm down."

There is no desire if there is no desire, Fang Xing is very calm.

Meng Ying smiled bitterly and said: "If it's just her own, Meng is willing to lie dormant, it's just this person... it's hard to say a word, please forgive me Xing and Bo."

Fang Xing nodded: "Baoding Hou Yiyi is loyal, Fang knows."

After sending off Meng Ying, Fang Xing stood in the door frowning, thinking about his thoughts.

"Uncle, Baoding Hou is afraid that he will fall out of favor."

Huang Zhong stood beside Fang Xing and said leisurely, "These honors will slowly age, and their next generation does not have particularly outstanding children, uncle, at that time, Daming will either re-train a group of martial artists. Hun, you can only use the children of these people..."

Fang Xing sneered: "How can Daming have so many Fuzes to add to these honors, and they are not a single person, they are a huge family, and they will gradually become worms, without exception!"


"Daming's original firearms are not so powerful, they can't stop our heavy ride!"

Harachar looked a little angry when he received the latest news.

"I also claimed to be able to go to the enemy camp to get the head of the general, but these days I haven't even figured out the situation of Jubaoshanwei, a bunch of rubbish!"

"My lord, can't you even spy on the military camp?"

A man asked in disbelief, and others thought it was a little absurd.

Harachar waved a piece of paper in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the people outside the surveillance camera, and whispered: "More than ten people have been lost, all of which have been bought by money. I dare not make any more moves, because Ming's Jin Yiwei and Dong Changzheng are staring at them closely like a mad dog..."

"Jin Yiwei? It's not easy. It is said that all of them went to our place to collect information."

"So they hid temporarily, waiting for the limelight to pass."

"But the latest news tells us that Mingren's original firearms are indeed not excellent, and it doesn't change until a person appears."

Harachar's face was volatile, and his heart was also vacillating.

"It was he who first established the Jubao Mountain Guard, and then created a brand-new firecracker and firearms, and became famous in World War I. Then he participated in the Northern Expedition and destroyed the two countries. This person is a great threat."

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, thinking that no matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult to change a country's army.

"That man was a genius, known as a child prodigy, and later abandoned Wen Chongwu, he made these things, and this man is very wary of us, it is said that he mentioned a goal...cross the world!"

"once a Thief?"


That is our mortal enemy!

After defeating Ottoman, Halle State was ambitious, but it was a pity that Timur went on the expedition to Daming, and then his descendants competed, and finally his strength was reduced.

But now Daming has almost emptied the power on the grassland, and Hallie is also feeling the pressure.

Your lips are dead and your teeth are cold!

His hero, my enemy.

Halachal's gaze turned, and he said in a gloomy voice: "The enemy's hero...Are you afraid of it?"

Wherever he looked, there was perseverance, and Harachar said with satisfaction: "For our king, prepare for it!"

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