Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1342: Out of the palace

Thanks to the book friends in the book city: "Feng か Shang" is a great reward!


Zhu Di finally met Harachar, but only met once, in a hurry.

"Your Majesty Daming, I have been ordered to come here to meet you just for the friendship between the two countries."

Harachar felt that his opening remarks were good, neither soft nor hard.

But Zhu Di looked impatient, and said: "Back then, Hallie detained the envoy of the Ming Dynasty and humiliated him. Can those people be punished?"

Harachar was dumbfounded, that was something in the Hongwu period, okay! What does it mean to mention it at this time?

Etherimur's ambitions at the time, what was the messenger who humiliated the Mingren, he wanted to knock down the rumored kingdom of riches and become his own territory.


Zhu Di said in disgust: "I was so sorry but couldn't wait for Timur. I have always thought it was a pity. If you waited today, then wait for it. As for the friend or the enemy, you don't count it. The army only counts, retreat!"

Harachar was led out in a muddled manner. After thinking for a long time, he came back to the meeting hall to understand Zhu Di's meaning.

"The Emperor Ming means that only if the Ming army can suppress us, the two sides will be friends, otherwise they will be enemies!"


In the past few days, the **** of mercy has actually released the sun, and Zhu Di was urged to go out of the palace to play, not even Fang Xing was summoned.

In the early spring, everything on the earth revived, and there was a faint smell in the air. I can't tell, but I don't know the way, but it feels like the smell of life.

Zhu Di rode a horse, Wanwan sat in the carriage, protected by the guards all the way.

Yang Rong followed Zhu Di, and when he saw that the car curtain was raised, he poked his head out and looked around. He couldn't help but smile.

"Fang Xing, why didn't you bring potatoes out?"

Fang Xing was on Zhu Di's left, and laughed when he heard the shout: "They have homework at home, next time."

Wanwan said unhappily: "No one plays with me."

Girls are always afraid of loneliness, Fang Xing smiled and said, "Why don't you go someday, I will let them rest for a day."


Hearing Wanwan's voice, Zhu Di looked at the avenue ahead and said: "Are you willing to let your children waste their studies?"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "Children at this age will play first, and then learn after they have played well, otherwise they will be depressive in nature, and there will not be too many benefits."

"You have a big heart, you are thinking about having two titles, can you enjoy it?"

"Your Majesty, the minister would never dare to think like this."

Fang Xing sternly said: "The prodigal son will only waste food, and those who do nothing can't bear the heavy responsibility. The children of the ministers dare not say that they are the leaders, but they can at least benefit Daming, otherwise it will be the failure of the father of the minister."

"You have some meaning, but... if you were born a thousand years ago and were a close minister of Chong Er, what would you do?"

"Surely it won't be so embarrassing..."

Fang Xing and Zhu Di were traveling, but they were relaxed, so they blurted out after hearing the words, and then glanced at Zhu Di with regret.

"Why, dare not to tell the truth in front of me?"

"Dare, Your Majesty!"

Fang Xing saw that there was a looming man and horse on the right, and he knew that it was a guard who was protecting all the way. He smiled and said: "The minister will first protect the heavy ear and kill him, and then find a place to wait for the opportunity."

Zhu Di said noncommittal: "Can you also take him to kill?"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "The minister once said that if things are not in harmony, I will take him out and kill him. Well, this is a promise, a promise that will never change."

Zhu Di's eyes were dim, and he nodded and said, "Well, you are good."

Neither of them said who Chong'er represented, but they fulfilled their entrustment and promise.

And Fang Xing suddenly realized that Zhu Di used the child in Hu Shanxiang's stomach to kill him, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad for a while.

Zhu Di felt his emotions and snorted coldly: "I'm still here, Halley is still watching, and it's not your turn to worry about these things."

This is Zhu Di, domineering. Fang Xing felt that the people he had seen in his previous life and the protagonists in the novel, no matter who they were, no matter how strong they were, they were scumbags in front of Zhu Di.

Eliminating foreign troubles for children and grandchildren is the reason why Zhu Di persists in the North.

At this time, a rider rushed forward, and he reported back and forth: "Your Majesty, someone is spying, and the ministers can't pursue it."

Zhu Di waved his hand, and Yang Rong, who had been silent after the man left, said, "Your Majesty, or... let's go back."

Fang Xing felt that Yang Rong still didn't understand Zhu Di's temperament.

"Some thieves, no need to be afraid."

There was a lot less people here, Zhu Di simply asked Wanwan to open the curtain and take a good look outside.

Yang Rong saw that Zhu Di was tough, so he analyzed: "Your Majesty, these people are definitely not coming to you, the minister thought..."

"Well, Master Yang is right. Most of them came for the ministers, but the ministers have been keeping themselves safe recently..."

Fang Xing was a little aggrieved, Zhu Di interrupted: "I heard that you hurt your heart, how come you are alive and kicking again? Is there a genius doctor hidden in your home?"


Yang Rong looked at Fang Xing happily, thinking that you are going to be crippled now.

Fang Xing said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, minister...chen..."

Such things are hard to say!

Zhu Di snorted coldly, even if the matter was rounded off.

Fang Xing was unwilling to mix up the imperial affairs. This was a courtier's measure, and it was what made Zhu Di satisfied.

"Next time for another good reason~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If your heart is broken, then wait for your life to be lost!"

"Thank your Majesty for his innocence."

Fang Xing felt that Lao Zhu was still good, at least good to himself.

Along the way, when she saw a green meadow, Wanwan clamored to go play in the car.

"Then go over."

So a group of people entered the trail on the left, and there was grass all the way. The green grass is green, just showing up, but it makes people feel that it is full of vitality.

Ruts can be seen on this road, and after a small slope, the front is bright and cheerful.

"It's really a prosperous time to hear the chickens and dogs, and the traffic on the rice paddies!"

The front is full of fields, and at the end of the field is the village. At this time, early spring is not the time of spring plowing, but there are already people in the fields.

"The plan for a year lies in spring!"

Yang Rong stroked his beard with emotion, and Zhu Di couldn't help but shook his head slightly as she watched Wanwan jump out of the car without assistance.

After getting out of the car, Wanwan looked at the fields and people in front of her. She couldn't help but raised her head and raised her hands and shouted, "Grandpa Emperor, it's better to be outside. The inside of the palace is like a cage, panicking."

The little girl yelled unintentionally, Yang Rong looked at Zhu Di anxiously, but didn't see the irritation.

A group of people followed the trail, and there were still stubbles from last year in the fields, and occasionally there was a sporadic piece of white snow remaining.

There was no snow in the palace long ago, so Wanwan ran to the ground from time to time to grab a handful of remnant snow, but it was all particles, and she was immediately disappointed.

All the way into the village, the villagers all came out to watch the nobles.

For them, officials are all nobles, and those with fame are nobles, and Zhu Di and his party look at their extraordinary temperament, so they must be more respectful.

"Dare to ask where the nobleman came from?"

The villagers trembled, and finally an old man came forward to greet them.

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