Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1344: Master Yu Shaobao

As if overnight, the spring breeze came to Beiping City.

There is the sun in the sky, spores on the branches, and green grass on the ground. The old man in the village said that the weather is evil, and it will probably be better within a few days, and then it will continue to be cold.

Early in the morning, Xiao Bai shouted that he was going to Tachun, and the two children looked at Fang Wake with eagerness.

"It's best to worry-free baby!"

Fang Xing hugged Wuyou and sighed: "Go, go, go now."


Xie Jin and Huang Zhong also joined Tachun's team, but did not bring their family members, which made Zhang Shuhui feel a little guilty.

All the way out of Beiping City, the family members began to disperse, leaving only Xin Laoqi and the knife for protection.

Xie Jin and Huang Zhong had already begun to compose poems, and Fang Xing didn't like to listen, so he fell behind.

Tudou and Ping'an were looking outside and pointing, and they were overjoyed.

Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai were whispering, not knowing what to say.

Fang Xing looked at Grandma Deng. Grandma Deng touched the rapier on her waist and nodded slightly.

A group of three carriages went all the way towards Tongzhou.


It is difficult to travel, but the road is bumpy, but the road from Peiping to Tongzhou has been overhauled because of the water transport, and it is spacious and smooth.

All the way slowly, I stopped when I encountered a beautiful scenery, and the whole family strolled around.

After one village, there was a small river, so Fang Xing had lunch here on the strong suggestion of his family.

The small stove set the pot, Zhang Shuhui started cooking by herself, Fang Xing smiled, and did not intervene.

Fang Wu came out of the previous village, and said with a tangled expression: "Master, that Yu Qian was fighting inside."


Fang Xing became speechless, so he greeted him and brought Xin Laoqi and the knife into the village, while Xie Jin and Huang Zhong were also going.

Xie Jin said helplessly: "Why Yu Qian is so irritable, you must be cautious when you are an official, let alone quarreling, you should think about it in words."

Fang Xing smiled: "Yu Qian has a strong temperament, otherwise I won't pay attention to him. Let's go, let's see what this guy who takes Wen Shan Gong as an example is doing."

When you get to the village, you don't have to look for it, just follow the voice.

The village is in tatters, and the ground is uneven, and it seems that there is not much cohesion.

Cohesive villages will at least organize to build roads.

Right in front, a group of people were surrounding, and there was a humming sound from inside.

"Yu Qian, let me tell you, don't think that you are a Jinshi. What's the matter with Jinshi? In the end, didn't you mix with us little officials? What are you proud of? What do you mean?"

"Taxes and grains are to be collected from the above. You stop them, and you still say nonsense. When will you go to blame?"

"Fart! This family is all around, and they don’t have enough food. Taxes and grains, where did the tax and grains come from? Are you at ease if you want to kill this family? Besides, Yu has heard that this family has offended you. Waiting for food. At that time, I was tricked by you, telling you that if Yu is here, you don't want to collect taxes and grains from his family. As for the crime, if Yu is here, then it is mine!"

"Fuck you/mother! Yu Qian, catch thieves and stolen goods, dare you to slander us if there is no evidence?"

"Your house is quite spacious, two maids, and a servant at work, Li San, dare to ask where you got the money?"

Yu Qian stood in the middle of the crowd, facing the two evil yamen alone, but did not let go.

A government official sneered and said: "Yu Qian, you have a kind, and you dare to investigate us privately, good! Good! You are very good!"

"Yu Qian, tell you, you have committed a big taboo, and no one will pay attention to you from now on, go! Go and sue, quickly sue our brothers for corruption, go!"

Yu Qian looked at these two brazen servants, and then looked at the people on the side who concealed anger, but did not dare to support him....

"The situation in the world is really like what the uncle said, it's not about yourself, it's hanging up high..."

Yu Qian looked like a fool, stupidly trying to hollow out the mountain in front of him, but he had no help.

"Hahahaha! Fool!"

The servant named Li San couldn't help laughing when he saw Yu Qian's appearance.

As long as it is not a big corruption, people from above and below will not interfere, at best it will only open one's eyes and close one's eyes.

And Yu Qian is like a stunned boy, but he wants to break this unspoken rule. In Li San's eyes, he is self-inflicted and does not care.

As for Yu Qian's future, in Li San's view, everyone will definitely be squeezed out after knowing the personality of this person. In the end, Yu Qian couldn't get a foothold... and naturally disappeared in the eunuch's way.

"Zhang Doujia's, pay the grain, otherwise I will take away your pots and pans today! Let you eat with your hands and eat raw!"

Li San turned around, and the villagers panicked out of their way.

At the end of this ‘road’, there is a family looking at someone who has nothing of value, and a family of four who bends down in fear at the door.

The leading man had a withered face. He knelt on the ground and said, "Sir, there is only half a bag of miscellaneous grains in the small house. If you don't want to starve to death, you have to wait for the spring to go into the mountain to find food. I beg your sir... to be kind."

"Benefit? I gave you a gratitude, who would give me a gratitude? Shangguan blamed it, can you Zhang Dou still pay for me? Get out of the way! Today, Li San, I will let you see what a human heart is like iron and an official law is like iron. Furnace! Flash...Ouch!"

Li San felt that he was kicking someone behind him. He was proud and caught off guard, so he threw himself forward and a dog gnawed shit.

"Who kicked me?"

Li San turned over, turned around and saw that Yu Qian was fighting with his companion.

According to reason, Yu Qian couldn't beat the man, but he shot out first in anger, sealing the man's eyes with a punch, and then taking advantage of the situation, the man who punched him stalked his head.

Great effort!

Li San gritted his teeth and rushed over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a shout, and the moment Yu Qian turned his head, he was punched in the nose by Li Sanyi, and his nose was splashed.

"Grass mud horse!"

Yu Qian was beaten with red eyes, and when his brain heated up, he rushed to get entangled with Li San.

Fist swapping, grabbing with both hands, this is the style of play that has never been practiced, but Yu Qian is really not an opponent, and he will be knocked to the ground when he sees it.

"Separate them!"

With this voice, a man rushed in, and immediately Li San was thrown and Yu Qian was held by his hand.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Yu Qian had red eyes and was struggling desperately.

"Stop it."

Hearing this familiar voice, Yu Qian was stunned for a moment, and immediately said sideways: "Uncle, Xiaguan is out of state."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "The knife will stop the bleeding first."

Li San got up and scolded: "Ma De! Which village are you from? Lao Tzu..."

The voice stopped abruptly. Under Fang Xing's sardonic gaze, Li Sandui smiled and said, "Dare to ask..."

Xie Jin kept shook his head and looked at Yu Qian, who was covered in nosebleeds, but was angry at this time, and shouted with his hand under his hand, "Where are you from? Which Yamen of Shuntian Palace?"

Although it has been a long time since he left officialdom, Jie Jin's aura many years ago was only slightly released, and Li San's heart was trembling immediately.

"Dare to ask your lord..."

Fang Xing smiled, thinking that this little official was really courageous enough to ask Xie Jin's identity.

Even if it is unbearable, even if there is no help from Fang Xing, if Jie Jin wants to win two small officials who have made mistakes, no one will embarrass him, it is just a letter.

Xie Jin was angry and pointed at Li San and shouted: "Dare to ask the origin of the old man? You are interesting, so the old man went to Shuntian Mansion to ask and see who belongs to this world."

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