Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1345: Assassination in the small village

Li San was frightened by Xie Jin’s tone, his eyes turned, and he said, “Old man, let me tell you that the people of Shuntian Mansion are wrong here to collect food taxes? What is your intention to protect him? If it’s not right, I am willing to go to Shuntian Mansion to argue with you!"

So courageous! Good eloquence!


Fang Xing applauded gently, and Xie Jin's embarrassment was relieved.

Yu Qian over there was brutally stuffed two sterile cotton **** with a knife in his nostrils, looking a little weird, he arched his hands, and said with an urn: "Uncle, the officer really can't stand it anymore. If you are reasonable, go down. The officer is not afraid even in front of your majesty!"

With a dark face and blood all over his body, such Yu Qian made Fang Xing a little sigh.


Li San's brain finally calmed down, Dui smiled and said, "Dare to ask the adults..."

Fang Xing's gaze turned, and he said coldly: "You are worthy of knowing Ben's identity because you are such a cool official? Ben Bo will definitely go to Shuntian Mansion to ask, these cool officials are from Shuntian Mansion!"

Li San was a violent spirit, and was about to go to the suit, but Huang Zhong came out and said: "You wait and go back and apologize by yourself. Don't wait for your uncle to take action. Even Fu Yin will have no good results by then!"


Li San felt his head burst in an instant, he staggered back a few steps, and finally remembered the rumors.

According to rumors, Yu Qian was once appreciated by Xinghe Bo Fangxing and stayed in his house for a long time.

Needless to say, the person in front of you must be...

Fang Xing did not go to see the situation of the family. He was afraid that he would be angry after seeing it, and then went back to the city to find trouble with Shuntian Mansion.


There was a thunder explosion in the sky, Fang Xing looked up, the sky had become a little gloomy, and the faint dark clouds seemed to condense.

"It's going to rain, Ting Yi and let me go back."

Fang Xing saw that Fang Wu was opposite, nodded at himself, and ordered: "Shuntian Mansion must give me an explanation tomorrow, otherwise Ben will give you an explanation."

If Fang Xingxihan asks Nuan is fine, but it is a taboo-what do you want to buy from people?

So he could only use threats to make this family and even this village no longer be tossed by these greedy little officials.

Yu Qian shook his head and said, "Uncle, there are donkeys under the government, but it's not easy to go with him."

Fang Xing stared at the Li San and said, "Go take the initiative to confess, and Ben will not pursue it privately, otherwise you know, don't even want to go to Jiaozhi, then go to Myanmar."

"let's go."

Fang Xing turned around, Xin Laoqi and Xiao Dao guarding him from left to right, looking at the pomp.

Xie Jin and Huang Zhonggang wanted to keep up, but Xiaodao said: "Mr. Xie, Mr. Huang, you are a little behind for now."

Xie Jin's heart stunned, and immediately looked around without showing his sensuality, but Huang Zhong said: "Mr. Xie, we can't see it, otherwise it would have been picked out by the family members."

"Master, raincoat!"

The knife took out the raincoat from the big bag on his back, gave Fang Xing first, and then each one had one.

The dark-green raincoat was thin and light, and with a pocket of hat, the whole person only had his face exposed. Under the gradually dimming sky, he looked a little bit solemn.

The three of them went first, but their steps were surprisingly consistent. The villagers wanted to go home to take shelter from the rain, but faintly felt that the atmosphere was not right, so they looked more.

Yu Qian ran to bring his own donkey, and then shouted to the family: "Zhang Dou, this is a good thing, and it will be good for farming in the future. If anyone dares to use their hands and feet, you can go to Shuntianfu Yamen to find me... , I don’t know if I can go on, if not, you go to find Xing and Uncle’s outside the city, I don’t believe these little officials still dare to run rampant!"

Zhang Dou knelt on the ground while sobbing, then looked at Li San fearfully, and hurriedly took his family into the house, closing the door with a bang.

Yu Qian shook his head, but knew that he was afraid of retaliation afterwards, so he didn't care, leading the donkey and walked out of the village.

And Li San discussed with his companions, and finally decided to follow Fang Xing to see if it could be restored.

"We have no way to go. That person is a dignified man in the middle of the court. We are a small official, he can make us in a dilemma with just one sentence, let's go."



This year's Spring Lei is ahead of schedule, the sun fades, and the sky looks like a scroll of ink and wash, looking gray and black horizontally and horizontally.

"This... is it because those people are here? The family is missing!"

Xie Jin was a little flustered in the back, always feeling that Fang Xing was careless.

"The carriage is full of women and children. If those people do their work, Dehua would be crazy."

Huang Zhong stretched out his hand, caught a few raindrops, and said: "Their goal is uncle. Once uncle goes, if your grandson will be affected, your majesty will be furious, and then some people will be unlucky. This is a series. "

Xie Jin nodded. At this time, the wind started to blow, and the raindrops hit her face a little painful.

Xie Jin stretched out his hand and wiped his face, but inadvertently saw an arrow rushing out of the rain and fog.

"Dehua, be careful..."

In the wind and rain, Fang Xing did not hear this, nor did he pay attention to this arrow.

Xin Laoqi, who was on his right, drew his sword in an instant, slammed the arrow away with a ding, and then suddenly rushed into the back of the earthen hut under his feet.


Fang Si immediately made up for Xin Laoqi's departure position and continued to guard Fang Xing's right side.


There was the sound of a long knife blocking from the back of the house, and one person jumped up in the rain and fog~www.wuxiaspot.com~ twice on the roof.

As soon as this person got on the roof, he leaped down with a sharp shout, and rushed towards Fang Xing condescendingly.

The blurred figure in the line of sight stretched out as much as possible, this is to accumulate strength.

The knife didn't move, Fang Si shouted, holding the knife in both hands, struggling to split the opponent's attack.


Xin Laoqi's voice came from behind the house again, and it seemed that there was more than one opponent.

Fang Si and his opponent fought in a ball, the long knives of both sides flew, splashing countless drops of water, one of which fell on Fang Xing's indifferent face.

A sneer appeared on Fang Xing's face, "Kill without mercy, no need to take prisoners!"

With a flick of the knife's right hand, the person who was entangled with Fang Si stayed for a while, and immediately was cut from the abdomen by Fang Si, and the colorful internal organs flowed out of the crack.

The man stood blankly, with a throwing knife stuck in his throat, and then staggered to the ground. As soon as the rain passed, many red lines appeared on the ground...

At this time, Xin Laoqi also caught up from behind, and whispered: "Master, that person is good, especially fast. He escaped with a small knife and couldn't catch him."

The three carriages and two figures appeared in Fang Xing's sight.

But he was not in a hurry, he just said indifferently: "It's okay to keep a few, otherwise if the other party knows that my side is very vigilant, and most of them refuse to take risks in the future, then there is no clue."

Xin Laoqi also saw the two men, but didn't panic, "Master, all the Harlems who did this this time show that the other party's attention is attached."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Yes, the guards in the barracks are strict and they can't come close to observe. They want to kill me who caused the changes."

The two people in the distance have rushed to the side of the carriage, both drew their swords and slashed into the carriage...

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