Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1363: Underestimated scout

Five arrows passed through the porthole accurately, and a scream was heard later inside.

At this time, another small boat also came, and it was full of strong men.

As soon as the boat leaned up, those strong men climbed up with a special hook ladder, and at a glance, they knew that they were thugs who were begging for life on the water.

In the cabin, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji were sitting drinking together.

The wine is a brewed wine with a low degree and a good taste.

The food that goes with the wine is a pile of peanuts. The two of them sat in the back of the porthole, slowly peeling the peanuts and drinking.


At this time, an arrow came in through the porthole and nailed it to the compartment partition with a dumb sound.


Shen Shitou sat in the corner. As the arrow was nailed to the hatch, he swallowed the peanut in his mouth and let out a scream.

"The voice is short, too long."

Fang Xing drank a sip, adjusting Shen Shitou's acting skills.


"Well, it's almost there. In the future, I have to try to figure out the screaming. It is the product of pain and panic. If you try to figure it out, your acting skills will rise to the next level."

The ship was shaking, Shen Shishi nodded, really trying to figure out how the screams can be realistic.

"It's time to do it!"

Fang Xing felt the ship's body shake by a large margin, which was a sign that the enemy was about to move and attack.

Shen Shishi drew his knife, opened the door of the cabin, and glanced left and right.


Fang Wu's shout came, followed by a burst of sound.


The crossbow arrow is equivalent to a pistol with only one bullet in close combat.

Can gather Baoshan Guards not only crossbow arrows, but also...


"Boom boom boom boom!"

A short burst of flame illuminated the deck, and the strong men fell to the ground one after another by crossbow arrows and platoon guns. The rest of the people saw that there were weapons such as muskets on the ship. Don't say anything, run away!

"Beep beep!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The remaining three brawny men ran to the side of the ship, but the stern whistle sounded, and the second round of volley of firearms arrived as scheduled...

The enemies on the deck were swept away, and the two small boats had already begun to retreat.

Penny braced on the big boat, and the boat slowly separated.

The five sharpshooters on the ship stared nervously at the deck, bows and arrows drooping, ready to...

The scattered fog caused by the fight began to gradually close, and seeing that the visibility would decrease again, someone on the boat suddenly shouted: "Grenade!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Ten musketeers rushed to the deck, and when the sharpshooters had just opened their bows and arrows, there was a volley of fire.


This time the salvo was a bit hasty, but still knocked down one person.

The fear of death caused the remaining four people to dodge involuntarily.

That's it, leaving the scouts behind with time to throw the grenade.

"The scouts must accurately throw the grenade into a pit from forty steps away."

Fang Xing introduced the situation to Zhu Zhanji.

"Forty steps, that's not bad."

"That's just the minimum standard..."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The explosion sound from outside did not affect Fang Xing's appetite in the least. He touched his stomach and said, "I'm a little hungry. Get a bowl of noodles. Do you want to?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "Yes, put more chili peppers so that you can sleep warmly at night."

When Fang woke up, the battle was over outside.

Several scouts tied the lanterns with bamboo poles and stretched out, with muzzles lined up beside them.

There were no people standing on the two small boats on the river. Several men lay on the boat and convulsed. On the side, there was a dead one, swimming desperately to the shore in the river.

"Bring the hook!"

Someone jumped into the water, then hooked the surviving guy with a long rod hook, and slowly dragged it over.

When he got close, he first stunned with a punch, then tied the rope and dragged it up.

"It's cold! Ahhhhhhhh!"

It was a knife that went into the water. After he got ashore, Xin Laoqi quickly threw a large towel over.

"Warm up your body, then drink some wine."

Several scouts awakened the captive, and then began the interrogation.

After Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji finished eating the noodles, they confessed.

"His Royal Highness, it's water bandits. Since the canal was run through, these water bandits have been beaten into peasants by the navy. It's just that someone found them a few days ago and paid a big price to ask them to come and kill people on the canal..."

"There are five **** archers on the boat, all of whom are aliens. They don't speak all day, just keep rubbing their bows and arrows. Each arrow has been checked countless times..."

"Four of those five died, and one of them was seriously injured and committed suicide. Most of the other gangsters died, but it is estimated that someone behind the fleet has escaped."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, patted the peanut crumbs on his hands and said: "That's it. Just pay attention to it and go to rest."

When the person left, Zhu Zhanji's eyes suddenly became cold and severe, "Who would it be?"

"Most of those five people are assassins from Halle Nation, but they can actually mix with these water bandits. This is interesting. The energy of the person behind them is not small."

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "It's definitely not going to work with the royal family, but I don't know if the main target is me or you. If it were me, it would probably be..."

Zhu Zhanji suddenly sneered: "No, the intention of this assassination must be to worry that we will go to the south to purge the officialdom, but after mixing with the Harits, that person must be crazy, probably thinking of muddying the water, and then he To get out of the business."

"You think too much, the Harlem must be someone who will lead him, otherwise neither of them can trust anyone."

Fang Xing was a little depressed. The assassination was not dangerous. The opponent underestimated the combat effectiveness of the scouts, leading to a complete defeat.

But there is such a guy in the DPRK who dared to collude with the water bandits and ended up having a hand-tail with the Harit, which is shocking!

Fang Xing looked up and saw that Zhu Zhanji was also worried, and he knew that he was also worried about it.

"We came out three days late, which gave them time to lay out calmly, but that man was obviously not proficient in battlefield matters, so he used water bandits. In fact, his best thing is to use those five archers to attack. kill."


Zhu Zhanji disdainfully said: "That person is afraid that he is already panicked, and he just wants to take action as soon as possible to eliminate hidden dangers, he is not a person who can achieve great things."

People who can achieve great things have one characteristic-patience and tolerance!

Just who is this person?

Zhu Zhanji wanted to return to Beijing immediately, and then suggested that Zhu Di look for this person among the hundred officials.

"Well, there will be no more problems for the next section..."


Not far from the shore ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a middle-aged man saw the fires and explosions on his horse, and then he waited until there was no more movement, then slowly drove the horse away.

After he had gone far, a group of cavalry came and searched the shore carefully.

"My lord, there are horseshoe prints. It should have not been long since I left."

"Go after it, within ten miles, and come back if you can't catch it."


A cavalry from a small flag department immediately flew away, but it was too difficult to chase the enemy at night, so the leader limited the distance of ten miles.


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