Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1364: This is Jinling

   Compared with Beiping, the spring in Jinling is obviously more charming.

  What is spring blossoms? You will know when you come to Jinling to take a look.

   Mochou Lake is still beautiful in spring, this time of year, here is a paradise for tourists.

   A group of scholars dressed in blue shirts, occasionally the wind blows, shaking coldly, but pretending to be chic, opening the folding fan, and then fanning against the chest a few times.

   "I heard that Mr. Yinzhen and Mr. Yancheng have entered the East Palace. They are now close ministers. It seems that His Royal Highness favors my southern talents!"

   A scholar with a double chin said with emotion, his eyes were full of envy.

   "Most of the scholars in the north are vulgar, and they seek a balance between the central and the north. They are just thinking that the gang is pitiful. If it's fair, there must be a fight."

   A scholar Fu Fen hit the palm of his hand with a folding fan, and said proudly: "Let’s wait for the apricot list to reopen, it will be the day I am waiting, and then let’s take a look at the beauty of those northern scholars!"

   A few people wandered slowly along the lake, looking at the girls and wives with serious faces along the way, and then opened the fan to cover most of their faces, pretending to be inadvertent peeping.

   "The woman was quite charming just now, her legs are faintly visible as she walks, her hips are like autumn moons, and her waist is as thin as a willow. Hey! I think it must be a gift on the bed, what a pity!"

   "What a pity, you see that woman is so beautiful! She has a slender waist and walks around... She's looking back! Look... uh! So ugly!"

   A few scholars were reviewing the women they met. After a while, they felt dry and dry, so they found a stall to drink tea.

The owner of   's stall was a peasant woman. Her hands and feet looked rough. Several scholars disliked it for a long time and asked her to wash her hands before making tea.

   turned around, looked at the tourists like weaving, and sighed with his double chin: "I heard a good song last year, but I didn't smell it this year. It's a pity."

"What song is it?"

   "What's the worry about..."

   Double chin looked melancholy at the lake, and said, "Have you heard, His Royal Highness Taisun and that man were sent from the north to prepare to set off a **** storm in the south!"

   "I haven't come yet, who knows if I walked through the scene... The south is a rich place, if it annoys everyone, this..."

   "Shut up! Watch out for trouble!"

   Fu Fen Shusheng gave a low voice, then glanced at the peasant woman who was making tea, and warned his companion with his eyes.

   "Walking by Mochou Lake, spring is full of branches..."

   "Hey! This is the song, this is the song!"

   Double chin heard the faint singing from the lake, and couldn't help but get up and walk over with joy.

   Spring trip is bound to visit the lake.

  The lake water is blue and the spring breeze blows, this is the scenery of the southern country.

   "The flower smiles shyly, and the clear water is gentle..."

   "Good song, good song! The lyrics are straightforward, but lingering, making people listen as if they were on the scene!"

   It is not only the double chin listening, but many people by the lake stopped and listened to the song quietly.

   "I don't know where this song came from, but it is rumored that Xing He Bo was doing it for the girl Mo Chou of Shenxianju. It really is an extraordinary shot."

   "If a man composes such a lingering and euphemistic piece for me, I...what if I commit myself to him!"

   A young woman couldn't help but feel a little silly listening to the singing, and her companion joked: "Then you are not afraid of being abandoned?"

  The young woman has a lingering color on her face, singing gracefully...

   "On a spring trip, the apricot blossoms are blowing all over your head, who is young and romantic on the street, and the concubine plans to marry the body and rest forever, even if you are ruthlessly abandoned, you can't be ashamed..."

   After listening to the song, he couldn't help but look to the left, and saw that although the young woman was plain, she had an air of grace. There was nothing intriguing.

   "Sure enough, he is the most romantic character in the South!"

   The spring breeze is dazzling, the branches are full of spring, and the tourists are all smiling...

   This is Jinling!

   And just as tourists were weaving by the Mochou Lake, Yingtianfu Yin Lixiu and a group of officials were standing outside the shed waiting on the canal pier.

The weather was very comfortable, neither hot nor cold, but Zuo Du Yushi Zheng Duomian of the Jinling Duchayuan was wiping sweat frequently. Zhou Yingtai, Shangshu of the Ministry of War next to him, said after seeing it, "Master Zheng, Your Royal Highness hasn't arrived yet. , Are you panicking?"

   Zhou Yingtai is a famous book in Jinling, and sometimes he speaks harshly.

   Zheng Duo reluctantly smiled and said: "This time His Royal Highness is here, and there is that magnanimity, don't you say that this faculty doesn't wipe sweat?"

   As he said, he took a look at Ding Pu, the official secretary, and when he saw that he was also flushed, he relaxed.

   Among those present, only Hubu Shangshu Qusheng was not afraid. He was transferred from Peiping to Jinling not long after. He wanted to be corrupt and had no time to screen those who gave gifts. He didn't dare to be greedy.

  Wait and wait, everyone slowly calmed down.

   After more than a quarter of an hour, two riders came from a distance. Seeing the speed, it was mostly news.

   approaching, one of the two riders shouted: "My lord, your Royal Highness and Uncle Xinghe have already gone ashore and are already heading towards the city at this moment."

   Li Xiu was shocked, then turned around and said, "Get the horse!"

   Zhou Yingtai sighed: "This is the killer for us! Fortunately, we are not greedy, just sit and watch the situation arise!"

Ding Pu sighed and said: "We are not greedy, but there are people below who are corrupt. That is the responsibility of the official and Master Zheng. Hey! We are also lacking in skills. We can't go to various places to garrison, can we not rely on local supervision? Hey! What can the staff do? Don’t you have to do it according to what is reported in the local newspapers!"

   As soon as Li Xiu got on the horse, he sneered when he heard these words: "Then the existence of this staff is still necessary? How about the test?!"

   The level of his government is much worse than that of Dingpu, but he has been trapped in the six branches of Jinling for a long time, and his work is difficult to carry out. When he gets angry, he doesn't care about any Shangguan.

   In fact, he said he was a high-level official, but Li Xiu also held real power. No matter how high the level of the six books is, what if he doesn't care if he gets angry? See how your so-called Jinling Six Departments are still working!

   Ding Pu flushed with anger, and pointed to Li Xiuyuan's figure and said, "When did Ying Tianfu Fu Yin climb on top of our heads? Outrageous!"

   Zhou Yingtai mounted his horse and frowned, "He is a landlord. His Royal Highness walks by land. Of course he is angry. Let's hurry up and go to Yingtianfu Palace before His Highness."

   Zhu Zhanji will not go to the sixth department, even if it is to work, the most likely possibility is the government office.

   A group of people, as well as the wind musicians prepared for Zhu Zhanji, ran away, riding horses, and running behind without horses. For a while, they looked like a defeated army.

   Smoke and dust are rolling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A cavalryman appeared behind, he put down his binoculars, smiled coldly, and rode his horse back.

   When Li Xiu arrived at Yingtianfu's office, he was immediately dumbfounded.

   "Where is your Royal Highness?"

   "Your Highness? Your lord, I didn't see it!"

   The gatekeeper looked dumbfounded.

   Li Xiu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he ordered: "Go, send people out, find the whereabouts of your Royal Highness, and report back immediately."

   At this time, a large group of troops followed. Seeing what it looked like, Qu Sheng blurted out and said, "Fish and An Lun did not go to the dock today!"

   Li Xiu smiled bitterly: "Master Qu, this matter... It seems that Your Highness does not trust us!"

   Qu Sheng said with a high profile: "Probably not, the palace minister is bold, maybe I can't wait to start the inspection..."

   These words can only coax ghosts, everyone who rushed over didn't believe it, so almost they sent their own people to look for Zhu Zhanji and his party.

   So there are many serious-looking guys in Jinling City. They not only look around, but also ask the shops along the street. For a while, Jinling City knows...

  ——The emperor grandson is here!

  ——And that Xinghe Bo!


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