Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1365: Spring, branches, Mochou Lake

Encountered something annoying, mood swings are relatively large. It's a bit difficult to write a chapter of this southern country scenery. I took a leave of absence and ran for an afternoon, and there is still no result so far, so the release time is a bit late, sorry for the big guy.


"Miss, you are Mo Chou who came to Mo Chou Lake!"

"Um... brother, you always make fun of me."

"Miss, I heard that Uncle is coming."


At noon, there were a lot less people on the shore of Mochou Lake, and most of the people who were left were brought to eat with picnics.

Therefore, people sitting on the ground can be seen everywhere by Mochou Lake, eating lunch in twos and threes.

Mo Chou took his important brother and found an open space by the lake. He asked him to take out oil paper and spread it. Then Mo Chou sat down with his elbows on his knees, his hands supporting his cheeks, and he looked at the cruise ship in the lake in a trance.

After the brother sat down, he took out a few oil paper bags from the basket. After opening it was a roast chicken, steamed buns and a few side dishes.

Asked my brother to tear off a chicken leg and hand it to Mo Chou: "Miss, eat some."

Mo Chou shook his head and asked his brother to mumble: "Miss, men like fat women! You have to eat more uncle to like."

Blushing instantly covered Mo Chou's face, and she groaned: "My brother, if you say it like this, I...I just..."

I want my brother to know that Mo worry is soft, and he said: "Miss, when I was in the village, those men liked to fart, only those who read books, fan in the big winter, and learn from those who are sick. She frowned and coughed twice from time to time. What they like most is the woman who is waiting to walk, preferably the one that can be blown away by a gust of wind..."


"It's not hot enough to use a fan, right?"

On a cruise ship in the lake, Fang Xing frowned and looked at the bow of an adjacent ship. Several scholars were shaking their folding fans and smiling reservedly.

Zhu Zhanji, who was sitting side by side with him, looked around and smiled: "This is just a pretentious demeanor. The younger brother liked this before, but now he finds it boring and boring."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "You thought you were chic and extraordinary, you fanned your fan, and walked along with you, hahahaha!"

Zhu Zhanji laughed and said: "Anyone has had such frivolousness when he was young, but he has not experienced it but is missing."

The two were laughing and talking very casually, but Fei Shi and An Lun, who sat opposite, were on pins and needles, and the smiles on their faces could no longer be maintained.

Now, the whole city is looking for Taisun, but who would have thought that he would come to Mochou Lake with Fang Xing.

In the early morning, Fei Shi and An Lun were blocked outside the bedroom. The visitor showed Fang Xing's handwriting and asked them to come to Mochou Lake.

The two waited for a long time by the lake before seeing Zhu Zhanji, and they were so scared that they lost half of their souls. Then Fang Xing waved and immediately a cruise ship approached the shore, which shows that it was premeditated.

Zhu Zhanji finished laughing, and then said casually: "The southern officialdom's testimony is in the Jinling official department, and Beiping can't interfere. How have you been in the past few years?"

That's coming!

An Lun and Fei Shi looked at each other, and then each took out a booklet and handed it over.

It was Fang Xing who received the booklet. As he looked through it carefully, Zhu Zhanji touched the teacup and slowly said: "Repetitions below 50% indicate that you are not lazy. If more than 50% is above, it is a waste of time."

It is not easy to find evidence of corruption from officials. If you want to be lazy, you must go to the people who are most suspected.

If half of the people found by Jinyiwei and Dongchang are duplicates, it means that they are lazy.

Zhu Zhanji's thesis made Fei Shi and An Lun a little frightened.

This one does not have the mercy of the prince!

Zhu Zhanji looked down to drink tea and stopped talking.

Fang Xing gradually speeded up his degree. After reading both books, he closed his eyes and thought, and then said, "40%, it's hard work."

Fu Shi and An Lun breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. An Lun, who was a little dissatisfied when the other party woke up, was filled with gratitude at this moment, and only wished that he could get drunk with Fang Xing.

Zhu Zhanji didn't look at this at the moment. He said, "How about the various ministries in Jinling?"

To fight a wolf, you have to head the wolf first, so as to deter the wolves.

An Lun's eyes rolled, Dui smiled and said, "His Majesty, it has not been long for the servants and maids to arrive in Jinling, and the brain conditions of the various parts have not been detected yet."

Although the six books of Jinling are far away from the political center, their ranks are there. Once they turn over, they are the important ministers in the court, and they cannot be ignored! If you make a mistake, it is a big mistake.

Fang Xing said lightly: "Nothing wrong is incompetence."

These words were like thunder on the top of An Lun's head, his expression remained unchanged, and he hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the slave and maidservant are guilty..."

It is not that you are capable of being wrong, but that you are cautious and unwilling to do things.

And this corresponds to Fei Shi...

"His Royal Highness, among the various ministries in Jinling, the Ministry of Rites is the laziest, almost doing nothing."

The Ministry of Ritual is fine, as long as Zhu Di does not visit Jinling, the Ministry of Ritual of Jinling is almost a yamen with nothing to do.

"Ding Pu of the official department is a bit timid. I heard that he has let it go during the exams, but it seems that he has gone to the capital."

This is an old fried dough stick that is not guilty of both ends!

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji exchanged glances, thinking that such a person should be placed in the external department of the Ministry of Rites. In the department of officials, they can only be used to make mud, and it is useless.

"Qian Junhua from the Ministry of Engineering is okay. He often goes to various places to check, and when he comes back, his face is not tanned."

"The Hube's Qu Sheng is a bit ambitious, but he has also been a bit listless recently."

"There is nothing wrong with the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Zhou Yingtai of the Ministry of War is a bit lazy... Zheng Duomian, who is in the investigation court, is a little bit stuck in the mud, and the situation cannot be started in the south."

Zhu Zhanji got up and went out, and Fang Xing slowly said: "Humanistic Jinling is a place of wealth and prosperity. He controls the south, but Fang does not take it seriously. He thinks that this place is mostly peaceful. Whether it is Sun Quan or the garb of going south, this place is more like a survivor. land."

Fang Xing had never felt anything about the so-called ancient capitals of the Six Dynasties. He only felt the laziness here, just as the spring breeze on Mochou Lake at this time made people drunk.

"There is no righteous spirit, nor can there be people with generosity and tragedy, and the same is true in officialdom!"

Fang Xing's gaze swept across the frightened An Lun, and said lightly: "Do you have such ideas?"

Without waiting for the two to express their opinions, Fang Xing said: "You can see a person's true color in the ordinary. If you are willing to be mediocre and not enterprising, let alone you don't give you a chance. Remember, the opportunity will always be reserved for those moments to prepare. The person who wants to."

After the beating, Fang Xing said with a stern face: "You know the purpose of your Highness's trip. Ben is here to talk about the points of attention. First, you must not communicate with outsiders. Once this occurs, you will undoubtedly die! Second, Intensify the investigation of various places. If your Royal Highness is a stunned Spring Lei, then there should be some bugs crawling around below, you have to keep an eye on it!"

On the deck, Zhu Zhan's base station, who was on a lot of boats, was very stable, and Shen Shishi said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness, there are many people on the shore looking for you, maybe they are looking for you."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "Let's get on the shore, let Fei Shi and An Lun change boats and go back, let's go ashore by ourselves."

After a while, Fei Shi and An Lun secretly boarded a small boat and left. Fang woke up, looked at the shore and said, "There are mostly old fried dough sticks here, especially Liu Bu. Most of them feel hopeless to rise. At the time of officialdom, you have to be beaten, beaten hard, to knock down this decadent limelight!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rubbed his eyes and said: "The key is grade. These people think that they are of high grade, so they shouldn't be aged in Jinling."

Daming was too big, and Jinling was originally the capital, so a team was left here. I will keep it in the future, and it has become a weird place.

When the north was trampled by the iron hooves of the foreign race, the officials here suddenly realized that they could actually call the shots, so everyone was celebrating, and then arguing over who should be the emperor.

This is a weird phenomenon: the foreign enemy is in the north worrying that he will not be able to stand in the Central Plains and is ready to return to the customs at any time, but the officials in the south are arguing...

And everything is just right, but selfishness...


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