Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1368: Water bandit village, grab the tail

Thanks: Three great rewards of "Su Nam tsunamI"!


Zhou Yingtai's smile remained unchanged. After Zhu Zhanji showed a tired face and said that he would go back to rest after eating, he went to checkout just right, and then left privately.

"It's a personal spirit."

Fang Xing casually commented on Zhou Yingtai, and then whispered: "We will go to the second floor later."

There is a utility room on the second floor. Because it was newly moved, there was just a pile of useless tables and benches, and there was still room.

After eating, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji went up to the second floor, and asked his brother to take them outside the utility room, and then went to the distance to stare, but they didn’t know that Shen Shishi had been armed, so they waited to see. Which dare to follow.

Fang Xing opened the door, and Fei Shi and An Lun hurriedly stood up.

After Zhu Zhanji came in, Fang Xing closed the door and asked, "Can you find the place for the water pirate?"

An Lun's lips moved, and finally looked at Feishi angrily.

"His Royal Highness, the water pirates were cleaned up by the navy once last year, and the rest were scattered everywhere. Unwilling to reconcile, a few people gathered in the Longtan area, robbing a few merchants from time to time, and their lives were rather unsatisfactory."

Zhu Zhanji thought for a while and asked, "How many people are there?"

"About fifty people, all in a village in Longtan, usually farm the land in a fake way. When there are fat sheep, they will take action."


Zhu Zhanji nodded, Fang Xing opened the door, and the two went out.

An Lun snorted coldly: "Master Fei is very alert, and he can find the source of those water bandits. It seems that our family is absolutely inferior!"

Fei Shi did not see joy or reservation between his eyebrows, and said faintly: "This official has been in Jinling for many years. If you can't find such news, what else can you do?"


Fai Shi slammed the door when he went out, and An Lun was the only one left in the utility room. He stood in place, his complexion changed, and finally sneered: "This is a long time! Let's just wait and see!"

An Lun went out and quietly walked away from the back door, so Shenxianju became a pure restaurant again. Those customers kept coming in and out, but they were curious why Mo Chou didn't settle the accounts today, just put his hands on his cheeks and stared blankly. Outside.


Five hundred cavalry were galloping along the avenue, all carriages, horses and pedestrians hiding aside, watching the direction of the cavalry, guessing what happened.

In the afternoon, the cavalry with two horses arrived outside a village in Longtan.

Despite the dust all over his body, Sun Yue was not tired at all. He looked at the panicked crowd in the village and said coldly: "Circle, those who dare to escape, kill!"

With horseshoes, the cavalry wielded long knives and drove back the villagers who were about to escape.

"My lord, someone ran away!"

Sun Yue squinted his eyes and saw Shi Duoqi running away from the end of the village, sneered: "Is this the official a fool? A dead end."

After the more than a dozen people rushed out, they couldn't help but ecstatic, but when they saw the oncoming cavalry, they were all desperate.

This is not a navy division, but a Ming cavalry, which can be stopped without a water bandit.

When the cavalry drew their long knives while galloping, there was no more suspense in this contact battle.

Sun Yue took people into the village and looked at the men and women and children kneeling on both sides. He coldly said: "This is a water bandit village. Those who have no lives in their hands can be tolerated, but they must take the initiative to confess, otherwise they will be dealt with... "

"My lord, all the people who escaped have been killed!"

The cavalry who intercepted the fleeing enemy came, and a dozen heads were thrown on the ground amidst the thumping sound, blood and water splashed slightly.

Sun Yue nodded, then looked at the villagers, no one dared to look up.

"Let's talk about it, who are you all in contact with..."



Fang Xing had just arrived in Jinling, sleeping very alert, he opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

After speaking, he was taken aback by his dry voice, and then quickly got up to drink water.

Opening the door, Shen Shitou outside the door said: "Uncle, Sun Yue begs to see you, Your Highness is resting..."

Fang Xing rubbed his eyes, "Don't wake him up, I'll take a look."

But when it was up to the front, Zhu Zhanji was already there.

Sun Yue rushed back overnight, his face was dusty and his body was a little stiff.

"His Royal Highness, Uncle, those people have explained that the accent of the people who contacted them is from the Jiangyin generation."


Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji looked at each other, and Zhu Zhanji said: "You have worked hard, go to rest first, pay attention recently, maybe there will be actions."

Only then did Sun Yue appear tired and retired.

"Such a general is Daming's future."

Fang Xing always believed that the military didn't need the kind of routines in the officialdom. Once the generals learned the civil service, any iron-blooded spirit would be a coax, so let's figure out how to get promoted.

Among them, Qi Jiguang is the most embarrassed!

A dignified general, he has made great achievements, but he has to cheat his feet. When Fang Xing saw this record in his previous life, he only felt that it was really unreasonable for this Ming to not perish.

Zhu Zhanji didn't think about this. He tapped his fingers on the desk and suddenly ordered: "Let me check the officials from his hometown in Jiangyin."

Jia Quan appeared outside the door. He just agreed, and Zhu Zhanji told him: "Remember not to disclose the news, and... as long as the information is above the fifth grade official, there is no need to interrogate the following."

Jia Quan left, and Fang Xing thought thoughtfully: "If it's really from Jiangyin, it's not that big, but...it also means that the other party is in a hurry, otherwise it's time to stop talking."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Where did they have time, and the water bandits are desperadoes. If they are disturbed, this is not a confession, so they are probably thinking...that's not right..."

Zhu Zhanji was completely drowsy, and said: "Go catch up with Sun Yue and ask him if he can keep someone in the village."

Jia Quan chased it out, and Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly: "I forgot the truth about not to underestimate the enemy. I almost made a mistake."

Fang Xing comforted: "Sun Yue is not a fool. I must have left someone there. Besides, I forgot about it... Besides, we thought that the village hadn't gained much, so who knows the origins? I just want to make up for it, hahahaha!"

When Jia Quan came back, he brought news about Sun Yue's release of the village where a hundred households were located, Fang Xing drove Zhu Zhanji to sleep, but he was energetic and called someone to find Feishi.

When Fei Shi arrived, Fang Xing had already eaten a meal that he didn't know if it was a supper or breakfast.


Fang Xing drank tea and looked at him and said, "Fei Shi, can your Highness trust you?"

Fei Shi did not hesitate to kneel down and said, "If the official deceives the slightest bit, Tianzhuzhi!"

Fang Xing looked at him with a cup of tea, and said slowly, "I have something to do here, uncle, maybe it can be done?"

Fei Shi said without hesitation: "If you mess up the pot, the official will apologize."

Fang Xing said indifferently: "Your Majesty and I know whether you are doing your best or not. You don't need to apologize. It's just a trivial matter. But if the news leaks, you don't need to judge yourself. Run with your family. How far to run~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fei Shi listened, his body trembling slightly.

The feeling of the two emotions intertwined with fear and excitement is wonderful. It feels like a chicken blood that I can stay awake for three days and three nights and still be full of energy.

"You immediately send someone to Jiangyin to find out... Be careful, but if the existing person communicates with the suspect, then immediately control it... If things change, no matter who it is, if you dare to stop it, Ben will authorize you to do it. , The consequences are borne by Ben Bo."

Fei Shi raised his head and said, "Uncle, he dares to fight for his life when he is in office!"

Fang Xing smiled: "His Royal Highness will not be involved in such trivial matters, and I don't need you to fight for your life. Wealth is dying to gain, but as long as you do it steadily, no one will bury your talents, go! "


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