Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1369: Group treat

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   On the third day of Zhu Zhanji's arrival in Jinling, the Shangshu of Jinling Six Departments invited guests together, and Zhu Zhanji actually agreed.

   "It's okay to go and have a look, otherwise the people will be nervous and up and down."

   Five hundred cavalrymen went down to Longtan under the leadership of Sun Yue. There were too many people who saw this, and they couldn't hide it.

   Then a certain village in Longtan was taken in a pot, and this incident also spread to Jinling City, so everyone in Jinling City was in danger.

   The two lived in the courtyard of the mansion quite at ease, and wandered around in the courtyard after eating all day long.

   Fang wakes up to get two fishing rods, and the two of them sit by the pool to fish early in the morning.

   Crucian carp is greedy, but the mouth is light and frequent. So after fishing for a while, after several empty offers, Zhu Zhanji had no patience. He threw the fishing rod aside, holding the latest words and watching with relish.

   Fang Xing likes this the most, he can see the fish biting the hook, and he lifts the rod five times out of ten times.

   "There are fat mud and lotus in the water. This fish has to be three or two. Make a pot of soup and drink at noon."

   There were more than a dozen crucian carp in the small bucket beside Fang Xing, but the other fish were fed once yesterday and refused to eat the hook.

"what story?"

   Fang Xing also lost his energy, and let him float a little bit.

  Zhu Zhanji raised his eyebrows and said: "It is about the scholars going to Beijing to rush for the exam. He was hungry and cold. Fortunately, he met a father and daughter who offered a helping hand, and then..."

   "Then the scholar promised to marry the daughter of that family, and finally went to high school in Beijing, and then changed his mind?"

   Zhu Zhanji nodded, and said boringly, "It's all routines!"

   Fang Xing sternly said: "Yes, this is the same as in officialdom. Since ancient times, affection can't be kept, only the routine is popular."


  Zhu Zhanji is speechless, because most of Korea and China are routines, so young officials have to sharpen them. You can get promoted only after you are familiar with these routines.

   "But there is no routine, everyone is new, brother Dehua, this Daming will be messed up."

   Zhu Zhanji fought back, but Fang Xing gave up.

   "Yes, any country that retains the good side and becomes a routine, this is the structure. Only when the structure is stable can the country be stable."

   "Brother Dehua, what kind of banquet did you say today?" Zhu Zhanji put aside the script that he didn't know where to find, and asked casually.

   "Anyway, it won't be a Hongmen Banquet, even if it is, then I am not afraid..."


   At this time, Mo Chou was arguing with Zhou Yingtai.

   Zhou Yingtai kept smiling: "Not only will your Highness come this time, but also Xing He Bo will come. Girl Mo Chou, let's vacate the Shenxianju, those businessmen will not have any opinions."

   Mo worry lowered his eyes and said: "Master Zhou, the second floor is safe. The most is when your Highness comes and goes, let some sergeants block both sides, otherwise the little girl will feel uneasy."

   Zhou Yingtai was a little helpless. If it was someone else, he had already scolded him at the moment, but Mo Chou couldn't help. He scolded on the front foot to ensure that the uncle Xinghe on the back foot would give him eye drops.

   "Hey! Girl Moshou, you make people..."

   Mo Chou raised his head, with a little more surprise in his eyes, which blocked Zhou Yingtai's words.

   So until noon, the first floor of Shenxianju was still full of people, but they were eating very slowly, watching the row of officials standing outside.

   All six books were waiting respectfully at the door, and the guest was self-evident, and naturally it could only be Zhu Zhanji.

   can receive a banquet of this scale, people in the entire big market are all admiring Shenxianju.

   "I didn't go to the first freshman, but came to Shenxianju, tusk! This Mo Chou seems to be very popular with Uncle Xinghe!"

   Some people associate the two together in a nasty way, which leads to colorful ridicule and topics.

"I'm coming!"

   A few government officials rushed all the way and said breathlessly.

   Among the six Shangshu, Shangshu of the Ritual Department was listless and didn't want to take care of things. The remaining five looked at each other, then all walked down the steps and stood in the direction of Zhu Zhanji.

   Rows of yamen came over and filled up both sides of the street.

   When Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing showed up, there was a sudden noisy, and some people even called for His Royal Highness Taisun.

   Zhu Zhanji arched his hands towards both sides, smiling, very close to the people.

   "His Royal Highness, have you caught a corrupt official?"

   A man appeared on the second floor, he leaned out of the window half of his body, looking shaky, a little distressing.


   The servant underneath immediately pointed at this boy, but was so frightened that he almost fell off.

   Zhu Zhanji's eyelids twitched, but he couldn't answer these questions.

   The work of the superior is different from the petty people's gratitude and enmity, and it is necessary to make overall planning and deal with affairs from the height of the whole country.

   The man upstairs didn't get a response, so he was disappointed and prepared to go back, but accidentally slipped his hand, and the whole person fell down, and suddenly he was in chaos.

   After Zhu Zhanji entered the lobby, Mo Chou personally greeted him, and Jia Quan leaned in and said in a low voice: "The man fell on the shelf below, but there were a few more cuts on his back, no problem."

   Zhu Zhanji nodded, and then went up to the second floor under the attention of the diners in the lobby.

   Mo Chou led him up, stood outside the largest private room, asked his brother to open the door, and then walked away.

   There are two tables inside. There are some calligraphy and paintings on the walls. Look at the old and new. Most of them were purchased recently.

   Zhu Zhanji entered, and then everyone filed in, but they made a joke when they were seated.

   Six Shangshu, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette probably feels that he has no bright future, so he simply doesn't fight.

   Because Fang Xing sat on the left, the position on the right became a high seat. So for the remaining five people, Ding Pu, Shangshu, was just thinking about passing, but Qian Junhua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, was even faster.

   The old guy always pretends to be honest!

   Ding Pu stopped fighting at this time, but slandered Qian Junhua, who usually appeared in the image of a doer.

   Qian Junhua’s skin is a bit dark and rough, and as soon as he sits down, he ignores it and says: "His Royal Highness, there are a lot of large and small projects in various places, but after all, they are not supervised, and the money is not enough! Maybe there will be more money in Peking?"

Uh! The old guy used to grab a seat for this!

   Ding Pu lowered his head in disdain, thinking that he was asking himself for boring.

   Zhu Zhanji looked at Qian Junhua earnestly, and said earnestly: “First clarify the government officials, then clean up the old accounts, and find the source of the difference, and then you will write the memorial.”

   "Thank you, Your Highness!"

   Qian Junhua was overjoyed when he heard it. He moved a little bit when he handed over, but he accidentally gave him the guy who was pouring tea.

   How does it feel to be hit by an elbow in the ribs?

   The man snorted with a blue complexion, but stabilized the teapot in his hand.

   "Ah! I'm sorry! I'll come, I'll come!"

   Qian Junhua apologized to get up and took the teapot, and then poured tea for everyone, moving naturally.

   Zhu Zhanji looked down, seemingly unhappy, but calmly looked at Qian Junhua.

   The dishes were served immediately, and the Shangshu people toasted together. Zhu Zhanji drank them one by one because they could not save their face.

   There is only Qian Junhua, this person is actually thinking, his eyes blinking quickly, his mouth is muttering words, but he forgot to toast Zhu Zhanji.

   Fang Xing nodded to the knife inside the door, and the knife pretended to go to the window to observe, and walked behind Qian Junhua.

   "Xing He Bo, Zhou Mou offers you a glass."

   Fang Xing was observing these officials, but Zhou Yingtai got up to toast with a wine glass.

   Fang woke up, Zhou Yingtai looked around and said: "This time His Royal Highness He Xing He Bo Nan went to Lichong for treatment, and he feels deeply distressed, why?"

   This topic is a bit heavy, Zhu Zhanji also put down his chopsticks and listened.

Zhou Yingtai frowned and said: "The southern officialdom has been away from Beiping for a long time, and your majesty has been a little lazy. Of course, this includes the subordinates. Laziness will inevitably lead to malpractices. Corruption follows closely. Your Majesty, this time Greed, the Jinling Military Department should do their best. If there is any falsehood, the minister should resign from office!"

Zhou Yingtai's decisive remarks made Zhu Zhanji feel his palm: "Okay! Grandpa Emperor always remembers Jinling here in Peking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Laziness was before, and I hope you will remember Master Zhou's remarks in the future. Well, diligent courtier... Grandpa Emperor won't fail to see it!"

   Zhou Yingtai's face turned red, and he said excitedly: "Thank you for your affirmation. From now on, the minister should change his past and take care of the Jinling War Department."

   Qu Sheng saw that the atmosphere was great, and said, "Your Highness, Lord Zhou is in agitated mood. I think it takes three glasses of wine to calm down!"


   Qian Junhua was taken aback, and he looked up and said, "Yes, it's more than 30,000 points."

   Everyone looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

The laughter spread outside, and Mo Chou lightly breathed a sigh of relief, and then confessed: "You pay attention, and remember that your uncle will not eat after drinking, and will bring the rice in later, just say...this rice is good. Please taste it."

   asked my brother to wink his eyebrows and said, "Miss, go, I'm watching it here!"

   Mo Chou glared at her, and then went downstairs.

This look frightened the important brother. This was the first time she saw Mo Chou's children's gestures, and she only felt like... in the middle of the beautiful red, the fragrance was tangy, but there was only an orchid in the middle, which was tall and graceful. Hundred flowers are different.


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