Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1370: Arrest, containment, wait

   Since the banquet that day, Zhu Zhanji has ordered Dongchang and Jinyiwei to start arrests according to the list.

   There was the emperor grandson sitting in Jinling, and he was still arresting corrupt officials. Those who had different minds and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fuss disappeared.

  The hearts of the people are like water, and at this time the water is on Zhu Zhanji's side.

   Fang Xing was also very busy. As Zhu Zhanji's representative, he was stationed at the joint case office of Jinyiwei and Dongchang all day, staring at them for interrogation.

   There are five rooms in a courtyard. Except for the main hall, there are horrible howls and the gasps of the executioners from time to time in the four rooms.

   Fang Xing sat in the main hall, holding the interrogation record that had just come out in his hand.

Fei Shi stood on the side and introduced: "Uncle, this person has served as a small official in Suzhou Mansion for many years, and he didn't have the chance to be promoted many times. When he came to Jinling, he felt strange when he heard about it. This person has high morals. Later, it turned out that this person was in collusion with 30% of the grain chief of Suzhou Prefecture. Every year, the income is... Uh! Corruption. The least amounted to more than 3,000 in a year."

   "This person is in collusion, and there are a lot of benefits to be sent out every year. There are more than 100 people involved in the case of Suzhou Prefecture, uncle..."

   Feishi's expression was melancholy, and he hesitated for a while and said, "Uncle, this is a big case!"

   "Are you having trouble walking in the south after worrying about yourself?"

   Fang Xing put down his confession, frowned and said: "This is not a big case, just go ahead and handle it."

   Fei Shi let out a sigh of relief, wondering if this is a big case? This is not only a big case, but also a case!

   Fang Xing waved his hand, then leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

   I don't know how long it took, when a sound of footsteps came, Fang Xing opened his eyes, and the cold eyes startled An Lun who came in.

   After a trembling in his heart, An Lun said: "Xing He Bo, the Ministry of War had a sudden attack earlier. Master Zhou took more than 30 people in one fell swoop and showed evidence on the spot to scold them. Our family is going to pick up the criminals."

   Fang Xing's eyes were slightly warmer, and he nodded and said, "Master Zhou is good, and the Ministry of War has started, and the other ministries have to behave. This will form a situation of grabbing up and down. Um, the situation is good, go ahead."

   After An Lun went out, remembering the coldness in Fang Xing's eyes when Fang Xing opened his eyes just now, he couldn't help muttering: "Did our family do a little bit before?"

   All the way to the Ministry of War, the official who knelt down outside the main hall, Zhou Yingtai stood on the steps with his arms folded, and when he saw An Lun, he said, "Gong An, the evidence is here."

   Zhou Yingtai feels like he is reborn, his whole person has a lot of sharpness, and he is not angry.

  Before An Lun left the Ministry of War, people everywhere came to report, saying that after a lot of bone scraping and difficult self-correction and self-examination, many corrupt elements were caught in the department.

   When An Lun returned to the case office, the team leader behind him couldn't see the end at a glance.

   Fang Xing had learned of this, but was not happy, just continued to wait.

   Regardless of whether they are arrested or self-corrected and self-examined suspects, everyone has to go to court, and if a lie or concealment is discovered, they will be sentenced immediately.

   An Lun found out that Fei Shi was missing, but he dared not ask.

   Fang Xing has explained that once someone is inquiring about the news, no matter who it is, take it down first.

   Depressed An Lun entered the interrogation room and stared at the person to be tortured.

   The smell of sweat, blood, urine, urine... and the sour smell of vomit are all in the room.

   Ke An Lun made an exception and personally started, waving the whip and beating the suspect.

   When he heard that scream, An Lun suddenly found... that he was a little wavy.

   An Lun felt that his soul floated out of his body, this kind of feeling... never before.

   As the **** who was cut clean and sent to the palace since he was a child, this feeling made him obsessed and couldn't help himself.


   Fang Xing's hands kept gathering various confessions, and he was too lazy to make it at last, so Zhu Zhan's keynote came and followed a few yushis on this trip to screen them, and finally he judged.

   With the collection of information, more and more people were arrested, and the atmosphere of Jinling City can be described as suffocating.

   "Ho **** ho!"

   An Lun flushed, his body shuddered and his eyes were still a little dull.

   "Xing He Bo, it's almost done."

   Fang Xing frowned and looked at An Lun, whose body was still twitching slightly, "Is it all squeezed out?"

   An Lun nodded, and gasped: "Everything is clear. There are more than 300 people involved in the case this time."

   Fang woke up, and then continued to read the news.

   An Lun returned to the temporary residence disappointedly, and fell asleep to death.


   While in Jiangyin, Fei Shi did not feel sleepy at all.

   The Chen family in Jiangyin occupies a small area. Looking at it, the village of more than 100 acres, excluding the place of the villager, is a yard with three entrances.

   Putting down the telescope, Fei Shi turned and sat on the ground.

   There are more than ten big trees here, and there are no roads around, all are wasteland, so there are few people.

   The three men were dozing lazily against the tree, and Fei Shi did not scold him, because they touched into the Zhuangzi and squatted all night. Fortunately, it was not summer, otherwise it would be shameful at the moment, and he would have been bitten by mosquitoes and became fat.

   Fei Shi also took a short rest, and then continued to stare at the Chen family.

   When the sky gradually darkened, Feishi had a dry cake in his mouth, holding a telescope in his hand, and wanted to use the last sky to observe it.

   And his three subordinates have already cultivated enough energy, ready to sneak into Zhuangzi again.

   Fei Shi's mouth suddenly loosened, and the dry cake fell on the ground, and then whispered: "Attention, send the signal, someone is coming, staring at him, if you find something wrong, immediately arrest him when he comes out."

   Immediately behind him, there was a man bending a bow and shooting an arrow, and the arrow lifted into the sky, making a sharp sound, just like a night owl.

   The night falls gradually, which adds a lot of difficulty to the observation, but it is bothersome but not happy.

   "My lord, my brothers have identified it. The person here is not from the Chen family. It was the first time I appeared and was questioned at the gate."

   Bother squinting his eyes at Chen Jiazhuang in the night, and sneered: "Whether it is or not, if the order goes on, as soon as the person comes out, he takes it immediately, and then immediately asks for a confession...very moments, this official only needs to confess, understand?"

   At this moment, the trouble was exuding a dark aura, the amiable face in front of Mo Chou, and the capable appearance in front of Fang Xing were gone, just like the Night Stalker, one mouth would kill.

   "Yes, my lord!"

   In the dark night, Lijiazhuang seemed particularly peaceful. But just outside the village, some dark shadows are interacting, and people are walking around to deliver news from time to time.

   Fei Shi stood on the periphery of Lijiazhuang, watching quietly, motionless.

   "How long is it?"

   "My lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's been half an hour since the man entered."

   Fei Shi sneered: "Sure enough, there is a problem. Since I don't know him, it is impossible to come in the dark. This person must have a ghost!"

   I don’t know how long it took, someone came over and whispered: "My lord, someone from the Chen family has come out."

   "Don't light up the lantern?"

   "No, it came out in the dark, and the door was opened and closed very carefully, the sound was very small."

   A smile appeared on Fei Shi’s face, “This is outside the city. If you don’t do anything wrong, what are you afraid of? Are the Chen family still afraid of the inspector? Take him!”

   There were crowds of people in the dark night, and soon, a man who was gagged was brought to Feishi's body.

   Fei Shi looked at this person and smiled and said: "My official Jin Yiwei Fei Shi, I have been ordered to investigate the Chen family. Are you willing to cooperate?"

   The man was trembling all over, and he didn't nod his head for a while.

   Fei Shi shook his head.

   Two Jinyi Guards dragged the man into the distance, and Fei Shi waited in place.

   In the dark night, the harmony of Chenjiazhuang has a different kind of atmosphere, as if it is a monster...


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