Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1371: Jiangyin hands-on

  Thanks to the book friend: "Xiaoyanjia"'s great reward!

  Thanks to the book friend: "Floating in the sky" for the great reward!


   Jin Yiwei and Dongchang people went to various places to arrest people, and the city of Jinling finally cleared up.

   Well, the officials all think it's clearing up.

   Zhu Zhanji began to convene officials for admonishment talks, and then listened to the prospects for future work and encouraged him a lot.

   Six Shangshu came out of the mansion, they all looked at each other, and then they laughed.

  Qian Junhua said gratifiedly: "The memorial has been given to His Royal Highness, and I must be approved soon by the capital. The officer is satisfied! Hahahaha!"

   The other five people frowned and looked at him. After Qian Junhua finished smiling, he was surprised when he saw their appearance: "What are you looking at? The officer is leaving first."


Ding Pu smiled relaxedly and said comfortably: "The official's staff has arrested seven people, which is the least in each department. But his money-junhua engineering department has arrested more than ten people, and he is so happy. It really is only suitable to go. Repair the river embankment!"

Qu Sheng also felt a lot more relaxed. He smiled and said: "His Royal Highness has high expectations for the Jinling Household Department. The officer will reorganize it when he returns. This year, the grain requisition has to stare at the small officials and grain chiefs. Please help me. I thanked you here."

   Zhou Yingtai said: "If you want to transfer some people, you can talk to the official in advance."

   Zheng Duomian frowned and said, "It is a big crime to transfer troops privately. Master Zhou is Meng Lang. When that happens, I will check the court's Yushi Dui and urge all places to stare at the grain chiefs and young officials."

   "Oh oh oh! The official is confused, hahahaha!"

   Zhou Yingtai arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for telling me. When I turn around, I will invite Mr. Zheng to show his face."

   Zheng Duomian has been invisible, because Zhu Zhanji doesn't need to check the royal history of Jinlingdu, which is equivalent to distrusting him, so his complexion is not good.

   "The officer may not be free in the near future, sirs, the officer will leave first."

   "Hey! Master Zheng... The corruption in the southern officialdom has nothing to do with Duchayuan!"

   Zhou Yingtai sighed, and then went back separately.


  The wind is beautiful and sunny, a few people came to the mansion that day.

   "Fei Shi dare not do it?"

   Zhu Zhanji was a little annoyed, but the small banner officer Jin Yiwei who came to report the letter could only plead guilty.

   "His Royal Highness, our Jin Yiwei has been somewhat..."

After the Ji Gangmou case broke out, Jin Yiwei was a little embarrassed. Later, the Dongchang gradually got up, and Jin Yiwei's status became more and more low.

   Fang Xing admires Fei Shi very much, and feels that he can send someone to report the letter under the temptation of doing a great job on his own, which shows that he is cautious.

   Zhu Zhanji exhaled heavily, and then said: "Since Fei Shi is cautious, let Xing He Bo do it."

   Zhu Zhanji needs to sit in Jinling to suppress all parties. Once he personally rushes to Jiangyin, something will happen if he fails.

   Fang woke up and said, "I'll go with Sun Yue and come back soon."

   Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "If there is a block in the place, you can take it down together."

   That person's identity is a bit high, and it's a lot involved, and there will be resistance if it doesn't.

   Fang Xing said: "I'll go, you are staring at them in Jinling. If anyone changes, then control them first. If not, let the three thousand cavalry outside the city enter the city and take over the defense of Jinling."

  Zhu Zhanji knows that it is very relevant. If he takes over the city defense decisively and spreads to Beiping, many people will probably slander him, but Zhu Di will be happy.

   When the ruler is the ruler, he will break, this is the kingly way.

   So Fang Xing drove out of the city quietly, and after meeting with Sun Yue, he rushed to Jiangyin with five hundred cavalry.


   In Chenjiazhuang outside Jiangyin City, Chen Shengduo was a little restless, urging the butler from time to time to see if anyone sent news from outside.

The housekeeper was a little impatient after running a few times, so he persuaded: "Master, your Highness is finished in Jinling. What's going to happen to our family! Besides, the master can make friends in Beijing. If we want to move our house, someone will definitely give it. News, otherwise everyone will be unlucky!"

   Chen Shengduo frowned and said, "But last time the person sent news that it was... His Royal Highness sent someone to clean up the village. Wouldn't it be bad if someone revealed something?"

   The butler smiled and said, "Master, don't those water bandits know anything! Besides, the person who approached him was not... uh! The old slave was bluffing."

   "Well, that's true, but after the matter subsides, I will send a letter to my father, let's stop it! This money is hot!"

   The butler smiled and said: "Master, you haven't slept well for two days, or you should go to rest first. The old slave will naturally stare outside and report to you if he has news."

   Chen Shengduo nodded, yawned, rubbed his blue eyes and went to the backyard.

   The butler couldn't hold it anymore, so he sat in the front hall and took a nap.

  At this moment, a group of cavalry had quietly surrounded Chenjiazhuang.

   "Uncle, in the past few days, Chen Shengduo frequently sent people to the city to inquire about news, and even sent people to Jinling."

  Fei Shi is also very tired and has dark circles under her eyes.

   Fang Xing sat on horseback, looked at Chen Jiazhuang in the distance and asked, "Is something brought out?"

   Fei Shi said, "No, the subordinates have been staring at them. Maybe Chen Shengduo thinks that the problem is not big."

   Fang Xing nodded and looked at Sun Yue.

   "Uncle, it's already in place."

   Sun Yue drew his knife and waited for the order.

   Fang Xing sighed and said, "There is no end to greed! What the **** is this... do it!"

   Sun Yue rushed out first, and then five hundred cavalry slowly moved towards Chenjiazhuang from all sides.

   Liu Guan's face was full of dust, and his face looked tired: "Uncle Xinghe, do you have a good grasp?"

   Fang Xing gently clamped his horse's belly, and said, "That person has already confessed. Even if it's a fake, we have to check it once and go!"

   Liu Guan sighed, then followed Fang Xing out.

   Looking down from the air, the encircling circle formed by five hundred cavalry is like a circular black line, and some black spots in the encircling circle suddenly began to run wild!

   "According to His Royal Highness's orders, everyone will kneel on the spot, otherwise there will be no mercy!"

   Sun Yue saw the men rushing toward the main house, and he warned, but it was useless.

   His eyes were cold, and Sun Yue shouted: "Kill!"

   A group of cavalry rushed up quickly, waving their long knives lightly, blood raging wildly.

   Sun Yue drove a horse from the side of the corpse, and saw someone peeping on the wall of the main house, and shouted: "Shoot him down!"

   Two cavalrymen went forward and opened their bows to shoot arrows, and then there was a scream from the main house.

   "Rush in! Blockers will not be spared!"

   Fang Xing had already caught up. He was worried that the evidence would be destroyed inside, so he decisively issued the order.

   A cavalry rushed to the gate, kicked open the unclosed gate sideways, and then shouted: "According to the order of His Royal Highness, everyone will kneel on the spot! Kill those who violate the order!"

   The butler and several servants were stunned by this change. When the cavalry rushed in, they knelt on the ground involuntarily.

   "Rush in and control the backyard!"

  Sun Yue shouted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon the cavalry dismounted and rushed into the backyard with a long knife. There was a scream from the horse.

   Fang woke up and got off his horse, and went into the backyard with Liu Guan.

   In the backyard, Chen Shengduo knelt on the ground, a woman slipping behind him, and two children.

   Fang Xing walked to him, looked down at him and asked, "Chen Shengduo, Chen Buyan's son?"

   After Chen Shengduo heard his father's name, his heart had fallen to the bottom, and he said in sweat: "Yes, my lord, it's a student."

   "The children are so old, you are still a student!"

   Fang Xing's gaze was swept away, and then he ordered: "Check out everything immediately and interrogate related people."

Chen Shengduo’s body was almost completely wet with sweat. He walked a few steps on his knees to Fang Xing’s body, and said in mournful words: “My lord, my father is the Zuo minister of the Ministry of Engineering. If there is any misunderstanding, the students are willing to write in immediately. Jing, I promise to satisfy you..."

   Fang Xing and Liu Guan smiled at each other, and then said: "Based on your remarks, Ben will conclude that Chen Buyan is not clean!"

   "Ben Bo?"

   As soon as Chen Shengduo's brain turned, he immediately collapsed on the ground.

   Xing and Bo Fang Xing go out in person, this is a plant!


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