Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1372: Hiding the evidence, the hornets of the Superintendent

   This is a chair made of precious wood. Fang Xing sat on it and felt it, and said in surprise: "It's nothing special!"

   The chair Liu Guan sits on is cluttered, and when he hears that, he smiles: "No matter how good the chair is, it is for people to sit on. People are disturbed, and it is not comfortable to sit on any chair."

   Chen Shengduo only felt that his mind was empty, his body seemed to be out of control, and the only feeling left was fear, fear of the future.

   "Uncle, I have searched it, and there is no evidence involved in the case."

   Fei Shi came from behind to report, but he was not depressed.

   Fang Xing glanced at Chen Shengduo whose body gradually stopped trembling, and said, "You Jin Yiwei are good at finding hidden things. Use your skills."

When Fei Shi went, Fang Xing smiled and said, "From your highness to Jinling, it is estimated that the Chen family has been hiding something. There is enough time, of course you can't find it. But... Mr. Chen, Ben Bo sees you as a delicate body. Yes, it must be powerless to restrain the chicken, then let's see how strict the mouths of the servants of the Chen family are!"

   Liu Guan watched Chen Shengduo's body tremble again with interest, but he was thinking of Fang Xing's methods in his heart.

The Chen family’s method of hiding evidence is not clever. It is a child’s play in Liu Guan’s eyes. He laughed and said, “How does a guy who grow up spoiled knows that people’s hearts are unpredictable? If he is smart, he will immediately confess. Tell everyone's things thoroughly, so that you can get lenient. If your mouth is stiff..."

   Chen Shengduo's body was trembling violently. He was lying on the ground before slowly crawling to his knees and looking up at Liu Guan.

   "The official Du Cha Yuan Zuo Du Yu Shi Liu Guan."

   Liu Guan said lightly.

   "My lord, in..."

"found it!"

   Chen Shengduo’s explanation was interrupted. Fei Shi walked over quickly and said with joy, “There is a large slab on the side of the latrine, and there are traces of burial under it.”

   Liu Guan ignored Chen Shengduo's despair and stood up and said, "Okay, it seems that this matter is settled."

   Fang Xing's expression remained unchanged, but he was amazed by Liu Guan's series of words just now.

   First used Chen Shengduo's unsuffering threats, and then used the lenient treatment as a temptation, and finally declared himself an official position. This is stress. This series of words directly destroyed Chen Shengduo's defense.

   But even if he confessed, he would not be forgiving, because Zhu Di hated this kind of guy who betrayed his father even more.

   Fortunately, Fei Shi found a place, otherwise Chen Shengduo's fate would be even worse.

   From hope to despair, Chen Shengduo, who had not experienced any grind, collapsed.

   "The adults, uncle, and the young are willing to confess, they are all done by others. Those people have made a lot of benefits, and then they are brought back by water, let the young take care of them, and the young ones are also responsible for giving money to those people..."


   Fang Xing shook his head, got up and went inside, and immediately someone from Jin Yiwei came to record a confession to Chen Shengduo.

   The inner courtyard looked no different from ordinary people, and the room was also like that, but Fang Xing saw that most of the furniture was new.

   Fang Xing touched a chair and said, "This is probably the replacement after learning that His Royal Highness arrived in Jinling. How about the original one?"

   The housekeeper of the Chen family came out and said with a bruised face: "Uncle, the original things and valuables have been buried, and the worthless ones are burned."

   The latrine was in the back. Fang woke up, listening to the sound of digging over there, and slowly looked at the room.

   There were a few characters hanging on the wall. Looking at the jerky strokes, Fang Xing asked, "Whose characters?"

   The butler replied: "Uncle, this is the character of the young master when he was a child."


   Fang Xing asked with interest: "Who linked it?"

   The butler thought for a while and said: "It was the young master who was admitted that he was a child student, and the master asked the young master to write those poems. Then he called some friends to the party, and finally laughed and let the young one hang up here."


   Fang Xing smiled slightly, thinking that this is what people are all about.

   "Everyone has two sides. A guy who is cold outside is very likely to be driven by his own wife when he returns home."

   "I found something!"

   Hearing this shout, Fang Xing walked over and took down the few words, and handed them to the housekeeper: "Leave them to Chen Shengduo."

   Chen Shengduo's so-called explanation is purely vague, and Fang Xing feels that it is necessary to use this childhood memory to remind him.


   Jinling, Zhu Zhanji has been very chic these few days, taking advantage of the good weather to go around everywhere, every day the folks at Shenxianju will deliver meals to him, which can be called a tour of mountains and water.

   Someone also tried to test when he would return to Beijing, but Zhu Zhanji sent him out.

   This is a bohemian grandson!

   Ke Fang Xing but disappeared, and the five hundred cavalry.

   People who are interested will naturally investigate, and it turns out that the five hundred cavalry have gone to Jiangyin.

   What's in Jiangyin?

   This is the hottest topic in Jinling City in recent days, and it is far more popular than the candidates who opened the gambling village test.

   On the Qinhuai River, Zhu Zhanji was on a painting boat, listening to the small tune leisurely, as if he did not know that the memorial to impeach him was already on his way to Peiping.

  ——His Royal Highness Taisun travels around the mountains and rivers all day, playing with things and losing his ambitions!

   Zhou Yingtai was on the shore, slowly following Huafang, and An Lun was behind him.

   "Why does Your Highness travel the Qinhuai River? Didn't you get tired of being in Jinling before?"

   Zhou Yingtai sighed, and An Lun said with disdain: "His Royal Highness is just swimming in the lake, and those yushis are going crazy. Let's see this is venting! Vent their dissatisfaction."

This time, the historians of the Jinling Duchayuan were completely obsessed with this. Zhu Zhanji’s distrustful practices were considered to have angered the group of hornets, so when Zhu Zhanji was playing around, the bullets were already written. NS.

   Teams of sergeants are patrolling the shore, and people come to report to Zhou Yingtai from time to time.

   From midday to noon, Zhou Yingtai's feet were also sore, and his head was hurt by the wind. When he saw Huafang anchored and stopped the boat, he said comfortably: "Hey! It's finally gone, Mr. An, let's have a light meal together?"

   An Lun refused: "Our family will get on the boat now, so I can persuade your Royal Highness to go back this afternoon."

   Zhou Yingtai agreed upon hearing this: "This is the best way. To be honest, your Highness is wandering around the Qinhuai River, and the official's heart has been hanging. Duke An, please, please."

   If Zhu Zhanji had an accident in Jinling, Fei Shi, An Lun, and Zhou Yingtai would not be able to run, all of them would be the first to blame.

Zhou Yingtai smiled, and then someone brought a food box, and he sat on the shore to eat alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just halfway through the meal, the boat was anchored, Zhou Yingtai smiled bitterly: "I have to let people finish the meal. !"

   Ke Huafang began to approach the shore, Zhou Yingtai immediately said with joy: "His Royal Highness, this is about to go back, send the order, let them stare at the people around."

   An Lun was the most depressed. He had just leaned on the boat, but Zhu Zhanji suddenly decided to go back and let him run for nothing.

  Wait for the ship to land, Zhu Zhanji disembarked and said: "Xing He Bo is back, and this errand is almost over. You have worked hard."

   An Lun Dui smiled and said: "His Royal Highness praised it, the servants are not hard."

   What he was most afraid of was that Zhu Zhanji went back and said in front of Zhu Di: "Grandpa Emperor, that An Lun in Jinling is a bit domineering!" Then he could prepare to die.

   Dongchang is not afraid of ministers or even honors, but he is afraid of Zhu Zhanji, whom Zhu Di likes, and there is also a Wanwan.

   Zhou Yingtai also smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, the minister used to be lazy and frustrated. In the past few days, he has regained his previous spirit and even walked much faster."

   Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "It's good to change the past, but don't let it pass by a gust of wind, and always reflect on it."

   Zhou Yingtai and An Lun hurriedly agreed, and then protected Zhu Zhanji back to the mansion.


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