Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1373: Yu Shi goes crazy, Shang Shu is in danger

   Returning to the temporary residence, Zhu Zhanji saw Fang Xing.

   Serious Fang wakes up!

   "Zhan Ki, big event!"

  Zhu Zhanji's eyes were revealed in an instant, "Who is it?"

Fang Xing handed him a stack of confessions and introduced: "The principal culprit is Chen Buyan, the servant of the Beiping Ministry of Industry. This good official who has been vigorously praised by your Majesty has hidden more than 200,000 worth of belongings in his home. Zhanji, this is probably a rare case of corruption in Yongle Dynasty, dare you dare to uproot it?"

  Zhu Zhanji didn't hesitate, he asked firmly between his brows: "Where is Liu Guan?"

   Fang Xing said with a satisfied expression: "Liu Guan is still floating on the water with the prisoners, waiting to go ashore at night."

  Zhu Zhanji closed his eyes, stroked the relationship here, and said, "Will Liu Guan tell the news?"

   "I sent someone to stare at him personally. If I dare to leak the secret, I will take it down immediately!"

   Fang Xing was more ruthless and decisive, and directly prepared to win a Zuodu Yushi.

   Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "In extraordinary times, don't neglect, as long as the measures are in place, Liu Guan dare not act rashly."

   Fang Xing thought of Liu Guan's astonishment when he learned of the amount involved in Chen Buyan, and he was a little bit disdainful.

   No matter who it is, it is very rare for civil servants to disregard their own interests when dealing with such big cases.

   Seek your life first, then work, this is a common problem! A common problem that has formed a consensus!

   Zhu Zhanji looked down and asked, "Who else is involved in the case?"

   Zhu Zhanji, a small official and small official, doesn’t ask, what he wants is a big tiger!

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "Chen Buyan’s son Chen Shengduo doesn’t know who the person is, but in previous years that person and Chen Buyan have written letters frequently. This is an important clue. Also, someone in Jinling City specializes To sell them the stolen goods, you must take that gang right away."

   "Chen Buyan used the southern project to search and deduct, do you remember Qian Junhua complaining that the projects in various places are beyond the budget?"

   Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "Could it be Qian Junhua?"

   Fang Xing remembered Qian Junhua’s tanned face, frowning and said, “I’m not sure. Officials these days are too capable of pretending to be judged by appearance.”

   Zhu Zhanji agreed with this statement. He said: "Then you have to keep an eye on the officials above the ministers and order them not to leave the city... This is not good, and you will jump the wall in a hurry."

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "We are not in a hurry. It is a good thing if someone is in a hurry."

   Later, Fei Shi also came, and he reported: "His Royal Highness, the ministers are already outside the city, and the people in the city can only rely on the East Factory."

   An Lun probably cried, Fang Xing gloated and thought.

   If there is an important official who flees, it will immediately cause a sensation in Daming, and then the responsible person will naturally be unlucky.


   Zuo Du Yushi Zheng Duomian of Jinling Duchayuan felt that he was not far from the **** day.

   "You idiots! Your Royal Highness can ask a woman to accompany you to sleep in the Qinhuai River? Is there any?"

   More than a dozen Yushis stood in front of the lobby, listening to Zheng Duomian spitting without expression.

   Seeing the numbness of these people, Zheng Duomian became even more angry.

   "Uncle Xinghe went to Jiangyin, why did His Highness play in Jinling? Wouldn't he ask a woman to go to the residence? Who dares to refuse?"

   Zheng Duo reluctantly said in a hurry: "Fools! Your Royal Highness does not hesitate to cover up Xinghe Bo's actions by smearing himself. How big do you think this case will be? Huh?"

Still no one changed color, Zheng Duomian suddenly became a little discouraged, his shoulders collapsed, and he smiled bitterly: "We are not trusted by His Highness. They are all great, but I don’t know who else is a corrupt official to find out, I only know to attack Your Highness..."

   Someone underneath finally changed color, and he said, "My lord, you mean...we have become accomplices instead?"

   "What do you mean?"

Zheng Duomian said helplessly: "You idiots, this kind of behavior is in the eyes of your majesty. But this official sees that you are still complacent these few days, you are really ashamed of your superiors! This official can't be your superiors. From today onwards, you are free, go ahead, impeach whoever wants to be impeached, and the official does not care!"

   Watching Zheng Duomian walk away, these yushis all looked at each other, and some of them said with a guilty conscience: "Are we too... staring at your Royal Highness?"

"If you don’t stare at Your Majesty, who else can we stare at? Are we going to stare at the Six Books? Then we will be unlucky right away when His Royal Highness walks away. Remember, this is Jinling, not Peking, where His Majesty is present. They It couldn’t be easier for us to think about it, just make any excuses and we’re in a dilemma."

   "Couldn't Your Highness let us be ashamed?"

   "A dusty face, but not bad luck!"

   "His Royal Highness must be concerned about his identity, and haven't heard of it? There is something wrong between the prince and grandson, what are we afraid of?"

   "That's right. The bullets this time will definitely make us famous, even if we lose our official position!"

   "Okay, Brother Wang said this very well. Let's read the sages' books, and we should be brave enough to do things. Whatever we are afraid of, we can stay in history if we go!"


   A group of yushi with different minds is touting each other, but Zheng Duomian has already sent people to hire people.

   Five of the six books came. The Book of Rites said that he couldn't come when he was sick, but in fact he didn't want to mess with the mess, and he just kept himself safe.

After everyone sat down in the main hall, as the convener, Zheng Duomian said solemnly: "Xing He Bo went to Jiangyin, the officer thinks everyone should have guessed who is unlucky? Then let's not say it. But the officer remembers. Then Chen Buyan made a lot of people in Jinling..."

   The atmosphere is stagnant, and everyone guessed that it was Chen Buyan's unlucky luck, so I was bored all the time.

   Zheng Duomian said: "Chen Buyan is the assistant minister of the Beiping Department of Engineering. He has intervened in many projects in the south of us. Among them, Mr. Qian is probably the most suspicious."

  Qian Junhua said in a dazed tone: "The official knew that those projects were corrupted, and he told his Royal Highness, but the official was not corrupt!"

   Zheng Duomian glanced at these five people and sneered: "Then Chen Buyan was involved in the project in the south, who gave him the thread? Who helped him get those benefits?"

Qian Junhua blinked his eyes and said, "This official doesn't know! At that time, the official asked you Mr. Zheng, but you said that this matter should be investigated slowly. Now that the incident has happened, Mr. Zheng, how are you doing the investigation? ?"

Zheng Duomian was almost suffocated by these words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He shook his head and said: "Those historians under the official are not easy to control. They are going to impeach His Royal Highness like a lunatic. There are so few things about officials!"

   Qian Junhua recognized this defense, so he said seriously: "Master Zheng, then you are incompetent. Go back and change the censors."

   Zheng Duomian looked at his serious expression, and said earnestly: "Okay, I will write a memorial when I turn around, and drive these yushis home to farm!"

   Zhou Yingtai sneered: "They don't know how to farm when they go home. There are already fertile fields at home. Naturally, farmers have to contribute."

   These words have opened up the true colors of those yushis, but they are not thorough enough.

   Qu Sheng said with disdain on his face: "When you go home, you can say that you are a family of farming and studying, and you have the reputation of criticizing the dragon scales. In the future, the family will become a local noble family. This transaction is not lost, but it is still a big profit."

Even the official secretary Ding Pu said helplessly: "Who is bad to criticize? Your majesty can be criticized, but they go to criticize His Majesty Taisun. This is not true. Your Majesty will definitely be furious. Master Zheng, hurry up and add more. A memorial, please sin!"

Zheng Duo gratefully bowed his hands at Ding Pu, "It has already been added, but at the moment this officer is worried about... who the Jiangyin person will be implicated. The case is too deep..."


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