Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1417: Several parties

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Sha Hei's old face was full of sweat. He forced a smile and said, "Uncle, the little one doesn't understand this!"

From me to young, the speed of this title change is rapid.

Fang Xing held a white child with a smile, and then landed on the position of the single room folder.

"do not you get it?"

Seeing Dong Jian's stunned with satisfaction, Fang Xing said: "Your Daming words are very good. It can be seen that... it has some origins, Shahei, I heard that you had a fight with Alutai more than ten years ago, and We are still weak versus strong, and you can see that your skill in the vertical and horizontal directions is perfect..."

The sweat on Sha Hei's face gradually recovered, and he said respectfully: "The uncle said that it happened many years ago. Then Alutai was acting against him. The little one is too small to see, so he quarreled with some like-minded leaders. After a while, this dispelled his ambition..."

Dong Jian resolutely sought contact with Xiaojian, and if Bai wanted not to be pressed by his move, he had to follow Xiaojian or directly Xiaofei.

Although Xiao Fei's pace is light, but Black can cut the connection at any time.

Fang Xing went straight forward and said, "After that time, you were a little depressed, but are you afraid of Alutai?"

While playing chess while talking to Shahei, Dong Jian felt that Fang Xing was humiliating himself, so he pulled the head forcibly without hesitation.

"Look, you can't be angry in this game of chess! You have a strong momentum, but you are actively seeking a fight, so why should I not be unreasonable?"

Fang Xingluozi cut off Sunspot directly.

Dong Jian was furious in his heart and beat him up!

Fang Xing came to the fore, and then the two sides launched a fierce close fight.


Those herdsmen built camps under the command of the Ming army, which made Atai very disappointed.

After a slight sigh, Atai was ready to go back.

As soon as he turned around, a dark figure rushed over.


There was only time to shout out a tattoo, and Atai was thrown down by the black shadow.

When he hit the ground heavily, Atai hated him and vowed that if he didn't die, he would let the guards who could listen to the scriptures in a daze die.

"There are assassins..."

Atai's eyes were dizzy and his body was numb. Hearing the guards exclaiming, he struggled hard and looked over at the same time.

The dozen or so guards were divided into two waves in a panic. One wave rushed to Atai's side, while the other wave rushed to the right.

At this moment, the man who was holding Atai hugged him and rolled to the side with all his might. During the tumbling, Atai suddenly saw an arrow flying over and plunged into the place where he was lying just now.

In an instant, Atai understood a lot. He relaxed and lay down and shouted, "Grab the assassin! This king wants to live!"

Pressing on Atai, the man stood up abruptly, turned around and said to the guards: "Don't go! Someone is working over there."

This person was Fang Wu, and the guards also reacted at this moment, and immediately rushed to surround the tent.

There was shouting from the tent, and then there was a scream, everything was silent.

After a while, the tent curtain was lifted, and the two Ming troops dragged out a herder like a dead dog, one of whom had a long bow in his hand.

Atai has already sat up, and he panted and said, "Thank you, Uncle, for your care, and Xiao Wang will thank you later."

Fang Wu patted the grass clippings on his body, and said, "My master knew that there would be people making trouble before the war, so he was checked."

Atai slowly came over, and he stood up and said, "Xing He Bo's strategy is unparalleled, Xiao Wang admires it."

After speaking, Li Mang flashed in his eyes, "Master Fang, can this person be handed over to Xiao Wang?"

Fang Wu shook his head and said: "It's impossible, but the prince's people can participate in the torture."

Atai knew that his request had been passed, he walked to the assassin, waved his hand blankly, and said coldly: "Your family will become slaves, the most sordid slaves, and this is all Your own choice, beast!"

Fang Wu's eyes turned, looking at the monk who had stood up and bid farewell to the believers and shouted, "Take him!"

When the guards were still bewildered, more than a dozen Ming troops suddenly rushed out from the side, frightening Atai.

How did these Ming troops get in?

Looking at his guards, he also looked ignorant and dull, and Atai suddenly became discouraged and frustrated.

Those believers saw the Ming army rushing forward fiercely, and suddenly forgot their own safety, and immediately formed a wall of people to stand in front.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The monk took advantage of the time when the human wall was blocked and turned around and ran. Seeing his running posture, he was clearly experienced.

The monk who was running as fast as a horse had just taken more than ten steps, suddenly fell to the ground and screamed. Several Ming troops appeared in front of them, with crossbow arrows in their hands.



Zhang Yu retreated sharply, and at the same time he drew out the knife, but then he saw despair in the eyes of those people.

A Tatar who did not know when he appeared behind him took out a short blade and slammed Zhang Yu's midfielder with a grin.

These changes were only a moment, and Zhang Yu was already in crisis before the Ming troops who were guarding the gate had time to react.

At this time, there was a ride outside, and the man on horseback opened his bow and shot arrows.


Zhang Yu had already felt the contraction of the waist muscles, which was a self-protection response of the human body, and then he heard the muffled sound of the human body falling to the ground.

A line of Ming troops appeared on the head of the city. They had crossbows and muskets in their hands, and the barrels were still in smoke. The gunman yelled triumphantly: "Look, I will kill him with a single shot!"

Zhang Yu's body was a little stiff, he watched the Tatar in front of him had been thrown to the ground, and then slowly turned around.

Behind him was a Tatar with a wound on his chest and blood was pouring out. And there was a long arrow stuck in his neck, running through the entire throat.

The man not far away retracted his bow and got off his horse, then led the horse over and said, "I am a businessman from afar, and I want to go to the city to rest. I don't know if it's accommodating."

Zhang Yu was still in fear. Hearing this, he looked at the man and said, "You are not here, why do you speak Mongolian Yuan dialect?"

The man was tall and thin, with a short beard on his lips. He smiled and said, "My name is Ye Siya. I come from Yili, and I heard that Daming needed a war horse, so he got over a hundred horses."

At this time, six people came not far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They drove more than 30 horses, and they seemed to be the ones who were thinking about their teeth.

"More than a hundred horses...Where is it?"

The six people had already dismounted and walked, led by an old man, his goatee was tangled up and messed up.

The other five are strong, with long swords at their waists.

To do business on the grassland, you must have one hand for goods and the other for a long knife, otherwise you don’t know how to die.

Ye Siya closed his eyes, and said sadly: "I met the Wala robbers after passing Turpan. After a **** battle, there is only this left."

Zhang Yu's mind was a little confused at the moment, but he knew that this person had just saved him by shooting an arrow, so he said, "The city is a reception caravan, but you must have something to prove your identity."

The old man walked over, and he took out a piece of paper from his arms, "My lord, this is our proof of clearance."

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Siya's horse was bought at a low price, and the seven of them were able to enter the city to rest.

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