Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1418: Suddenly, guests from far away

Thanks to the book friend: "Dark Pastry Chef"'s great reward! Thanks for the dessert!


Ye Si Ya entered Xinghe Fort and didn't dare to look around at all. He just followed the sergeant who led the way and followed suit.

As I walked along, the buildings I saw all the way were gray, mostly brick houses.

The soldiers on the street looked good, and there were some Ming soldiers wandering in the street, but they looked good and didn't look domineering.


As soon as Ye Si Ya spoke, the old man shook his head slightly, and then pointed forward.

There were a lot of people in the front, but the middle place was empty, and two people could be seen sitting opposite each other, as if they were studying something.

Siya was more curious, and while the lead Ming Jun was also looking over there, he quietly walked over and walked to the two people's side.

At this moment, Dong Jian was surrounded by two big dragons. He couldn't make two eyes at all. He was racking his brains and paying attention, so he didn't notice that there was one more person beside him.

And Fang Xingben was looking at the sand-black smile with cold sweat on his face. When Yi Sifang came over, he waved to prevent Jia Ding from driving away, and asked with interest: "Where are you from?"

Ye Siya casually said: "I come from Yili Bali."



Ye Siya looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard and curiously said: "I have seen someone play this kind of game. It is said that only wise men can learn it. Unfortunately, I was stubborn and didn't..."

Fang Xing listened to the translation of the knife behind him, and said with a smile: "Interesting, Shahei, what do you think?"

Shahei smiled and said, "That's the case, but the caravans in Yilibao rarely go here, uncle, this thing is really interesting."

Fang Xing dropped a piece, directly breaking the last hope of the black chess dragon, then clapped his hands and said: "You are smart, smarter than Atai."

Sha Hei's body trembled and smiled: "Uncle is absurd. Little ones are clever ones, not worth mentioning."

"Well, clever."

Someone rushed in front, and the leader was Xin Laoqi. Fang Xing smiled: "In fact, cleverness is the most stupid. Just like this game of chess, black moves frequently in the local tejin, but loses its keenness in the overall situation. In the end, everything goes from taking advantage of the small to losing in the overall situation. Feel it. Shahei, so is your little cleverness."

Sha Hei's body stopped trembling miraculously, and smiled: "Uncle, there will be no more tartare in the future, right?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Da Ming is very big, and there are many toasts everywhere, but as long as he lives in peace, Da Ming will not attack them inexplicably, so your provocation is not clever."

Shahei said hesitantly: "If we had fled away at the beginning, instead of listening to the idea of ​​this stupid Atai, we would not be enslaved by others even though it was a bit harder at this moment."

"Who enslaved them? How did they enslaved? You give me an example for Ben."

Sha Hei was stunned, and then said: "The migration of hundreds of miles is just to contain the Oala people and serve as a shield for you. What is this not slavery?"

Fang Xing laughed, and was about to give an order to take down the servant.

"Do it!"

Sha Hei suddenly violent, but instead of rushing towards Fang Xing, he caught Ye Sifang.


Almost at the same time, the door of a house diagonally opposite was pushed open.

The bowstring rang, and two arrows appeared instantly.

Dong Jian has been wandering about the life and death of the dragon, and has no response at all. Fang Xing didn't move, but looked at Sha Hei coldly.

The knife behind Fang Xing suddenly kicked over the table. The table stood up, just blocking Fang Xing's side, and he suddenly made a loud noise.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Without the chessboard, Dong Jian looked up blankly and said: "The student has lost."

Fang Xing nodded and said: "My chess path is different, you are not used to it, so although it is a glorious defeat, go, teach well in the future, and open up branches and leaves here."

Dong Jian nodded blankly, and then walked out slowly.

The knife stepped forward, preparing to hold the suspected fellow, Fang Xing said, "Let him go, people who are so obsessed with winning, don't have the emotion to do this."

The knife stepped back and didn't care about Ye Siya who was controlled by Sha Hei at all.

With a short blade resting on Ye Siya's neck, he panicked and said, "Help..."

The table was lifted aside, Xin Laoqi strode over to report: "Master, the two assassins have been shot dead by random guns."

In the room diagonally opposite, two men were being dragged out, with blood stains all the way.

"Ling Lin Qun'an do it immediately to clear up the rebellion."

Xin Laoqi took the order and left, and the surrounding military households did not panic, they were all looking at Shahei with interest.

"Do it! If you don't do it, you are a concubine!"

"Quickly, cut his neck with one knife!"

"Can you cut it? To find the joints..."


Fang Xing got up, entered the house in defiance, and then closed the door.

Sha Hei looked around, panicked: "He must be a spy, don't you want his confession? Then I will kill him!"

The knife was gone, Xin Laoqi greeted him, and took the people to go to the Tartar Ministry to clean up the people from the Shahei line.

Sha Hei felt that Ming Ren was really too cruel, and turned a blind eye.

"Then... Then I'll do it!"

"Hey! That man just shot your assassin with an arrow outside the fort. You thought he was a woman?"

A soldier who had just witnessed Ye Siya shooting heroic outside the fort said lazily, and then Ye Siya also started to move.

I saw his head suddenly tilted back, if there is a high-speed camera, then you will see that Shahei's face is severely deformed in an instant.

When the pain hit Sha Hei, Si Ya lifted his right hand, grasped Sha Hei's wrist, and twisted it.

In the sound of killing a pig, Shahei had been pushed to the ground.

Ye Siya pressed Sha Hei with one leg, and said to the Ming Jun who looked at him coldly, "Everyone, do you want his life?"

"Huh! You are quite arrogant!"

Siya smiled and said, "No, I just think this old man is vulnerable."

Shahei was taken away, and Ye Siya was also taken away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One was for interrogation, and the other was given preferential treatment because he simultaneously rescued Zhang Yu.


Atai Tieqing sits down and arrests the scene, and all those who have a good relationship with Shahei will be taken, and the rest need to be screened.

The newly settled Tatar tribe ushered in a **** storm, and Atai looked like everyone was rebellious. The nobles tremblingly ushered in the censors, and honestly explained their relationship with Shahei.

In the fort, all the Tatars were arrested by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang people. Then the screams of the interrogation office made the surrounding soldiers intolerable. They went to Zhang Yu to complain, saying that the children at home were scared. broken.

In this hustle and bustle, Si Ya also stayed in Xinghe Fort.

"Bubu, Mingren eats very well."

Even if it was a big pie, Ye Siya and his entourage, who had experienced countless hardships along the way, were sweating profusely with hot sauce. Hearty.

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, I also think about teeth. Ming people enjoy it. This is nothing. It is said that in their south, the luxury there makes people who have been there want to stay there forever. There is a world of flowers."

He also thoughtfully said thoughtfully: "Yes, the Eastern Expedition back then, in addition to wanting to conquer this ancient country, I am afraid that I also want to occupy the colorful world."

"Boob, do you think we can win?"

Siya asked melancholy.

The old man swallowed the pie, and said, "It's difficult, and I am thinking about teeth. Today, you also saw Ming Ren's firecrackers. It is very accurate! It was actually hit by one shot. If the two armies are fighting, as Ming's opponent, How much does it cost to meet in short order?"

Siya nodded and said, "Well, good luck today, and just saved one of their generals. Let's take a good look at it for a while."

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