Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1469: Review (thanks to ‘Gary Yao’ for being...

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As an affiliate of the Chinese Army, Shenji Camp has been following Zhu Di's neighbourhood all the time.

Looking at the army ahead, Liu Pu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It really is Huanghuang Daming! It really is an invincible master!"

As the deputy Qianhu of Shenjiying, Liu Pu's age is a flawed one. But anyhow, Liu Sheng's face is here, so everyone treats this ‘major general’ fairly well.

The front was not far from Xinghe Fort. Liu Pu couldn't restrain his temper, but because he was in the army, he didn't dare to be arbitrary.

At this moment, two gallops came from the front and headed towards Zhu Di.

"It's Xinghe Bo!"

Someone shouted.

Liu Pu saw it too, and almost shouted out.

Fang Xing went all the way to Zhu Di of the Chinese Army, and arched his hands on horseback: "Your Majesty, the Harem is more than ten days away from Xinghe Boshang. The ministers have organized the camp, and the army can then move in."

Zhu Di nodded, and saw Fang Xing's face with a look of wind and frost, he approvingly said: "You're good. Can Harleh's scout come?"

Speaking of this, Fang Xing remembered the recent scout battle, and couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, the scouts have been intercepted for several days, and both sides have suffered losses. However, the Harlems were not allowed to approach."

The scout battle between the two big countries was so tragic that Zhu Di could imagine. He nodded and looked into the distance coldly.

"I'm here!"


The cavalry lined up, the infantry lined up, waiting quietly.

Atai took a group of Tatar nobles and waited outside Xinghe Fort, while Chen Mao and Yiqian generals were next to him.

During the war, they can't go too far to welcome, otherwise Zhu Di will let them know how to choose between welcoming the emperor and focusing on war.

"My lord, your majesty... majesty, can we..."

Some people worry that Zhu Di will be moody, and they will be cleaned up at that time.

Atai had the experience of being a leader, and Zhu Di treated the surrendered courtiers well, so he assuredly said: "Be safer, your majesty is kind, and you will surely forgive me, no, there will be rewards!"

After fighting side by side with the Ming army, Atai no longer doubted the future.

While Atai was eagerly looking forward to it, Chen Mao was murmuring over there. He was worried that Zhu Di would be punished, or he would be cut off on the spot.

But Chen De's side was refreshed, and the generals behind him were also full of joy.

As soon as Xuanwuwei turned over, the top and the bottom were exasperated, and the military spirit reached one.

Lin Qun'an and the others just waited quietly. When he saw a scout rushing, he commanded: "Come out!"

"Beep beep!"

The sharp whistle sounded, and there were neat footsteps from the Baonei horse.

Chen Mao's lieutenant has not recovered from his injuries after being beaten, but he has come out today.

He kept moving his legs, and said casually: "Master Hou, the Harem is far away in the sky, this treasure mountain guard is really good at it! He has been guarding the city wall, and only then came out."

Chen Mao shouted in a low voice: "What do you know? This is called a ban! Without this in the army, it is not a strong army!"

The lieutenant mumbled: "But we can do it too!"

"You know what a shit!"

Chen Mao finally couldn't help but scolded: "Let's take a look at their formation!"

The lieutenant turned around and saw the first row of sergeants lined up.

"What pace is this?"

These sergeants were draped all over, looking like they were walking normally, but they lifted their legs and retracted.

At this time, a group of cavalry came from afar, and someone approached and shouted: "Your Majesty, come!"

Everyone immediately held their faces, stood up straight, and looked at the group of cavalry.

Sergeants continued to flow out of Xinghe Fort, and then began to line up on the left side of the fort gate.

"What a neat array!"

Chen Mao's lieutenant could not help whispering when seeing the array of Jubaoshan Guards almost forming a line.

"Your Majesty is here, silence!"

In principle, Zhu Di should have come with the Chinese army, but now he has arrived alone. What does this mean?

Fang Xing followed Zhu Di galloping over, and Zhu Di pulled his horse back and forth.

He did not look at the nobles and generals, but at the array.

"The ministers welcome your majesty!"

Chen Mao took the lead, and everyone bowed and shouted.

Zhu Di's gaze swept over, and he rode out alone, passing in front of the Tatar cavalry.

"Long live your majesty!"

This is the first time these Tatars have received Zhu Di's review. Looking at this emperor who used to make everyone discouraged, a sense of superiority of ‘I have become a subject of this emperor’ emerges spontaneously.

Where Zhu Di's eyes went, these Tatars raised their heads one after another.

Zhu Di slowly passed this period, and the forward was in front.

"Long live your majesty!"

The striker was ashamed this time, and he didn't respond when he was hit by the Harlem, so when Zhu Di came over, most of them looked down, and even bowed their heads.

Under the command of this hero, the defeat is the defeat!

Zhu Di's eyes turned cold, and he speeded up a bit.

After Chen Mao saw it, he couldn't help lowering his head. He felt that he had no face to see the emperor.

After the forward camp is Xuanwuwei, Chen De stood in front with his head held high. When Zhu Di came over, he shouted: "Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

This sound is similar to cheering, representing high morale.

Zhu Di nodded slightly.

Keep going, Jubaoshan Guard is ahead.

The neat array is like drawn with a ruler, looking majestic and pleasing to the eye.

This team has always been the mainstay in this northern expedition. With them, Fang Xing can be relieved, and with them, the enemy will be afraid!

Lin Qun'an in front of him suddenly drew his knife. This was an illegal act.

He swung his knife and chopped it down, shouting: "Your Majesty, all members of Jubaoshan Guard are here, please review!"

Zhu Di nodded slightly, and also drew a long knife to his side.

This is not in the imperial city of Peking. What the battlefield needs is iron and blood!

When the horse walked to the array of the first thousand households, thousand households official Wu Yue drew his sword and shouted: "Long live your majesty!"

More than a thousand people looked at Zhu Di with their heads up, and shouted with all their strength: "Long live your majesty!"

Zhu Di's complexion was slightly red, and his eyes were sharp.

This is Daming Tiger Ben!

These soldiers followed Zhu Di's figure with their gazes, those gazes...

Xuanwuwei's people were also looking at Zhu Di, turning their gazes to the right, and they saw those gazes.


It is not surprising to have a firm look, but when more than a thousand people looked at the emperor with firm eyes, the onlookers couldn't help being shocked.

Zhu Di sat on horseback and looked at these gazes. He felt that blood was rushing in his chest, and he swung his sword fiercely: "All soldiers, bravely kill the enemy!"

Ahead of Shen Hao’s thousands of households, he drew his sword solemnly and shouted: "Da Ming is victorious!"

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The decibel of the shouting depends on the number of people, when the sound will be messy and disorderly.

When thousands of people shouted in unison, the shouts were truly breathtaking!

Atai quickly turned around and took a look, and saw that the nobles were all faceless, and there were even two battles, and he couldn't help but feel fortunate.

"Long live your majesty!"

The cry of the third phalanx in front came ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Atai recalled the battle with the Vala people. He felt that Jubaoshanwei had not done his best!

Terrible army!

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Chen Mao looked down silently, he felt that Fang Xing was not as good as Fang Xing.

But Chen De was thinking about going to Fang Xing's place to ask for advice someday, and stealing a teacher would do, so Xuanwu Guard must be trained.

"Long live your majesty!"

At this time Zhu Di began to return, and Lin Qun'an swung the knife again.

"Qi said Wuyi, the same robe with the son, Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and share the same hatred with the son..."

The low military singing accompanied Zhu Di's return journey, making everyone awe.

Chen De froze for a while, and then sang along.

Gradually, many people began to sing to this tune, their expressions solemn.

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