Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1470: Analyze the situation

When the army entered the camp, the previously empty camp was immediately filled with dangling.

The Tatar nobles looked at each other, only thinking that their tribe in the two camps was like a small fish in the river.

And Daming, of course, is the super school of fish that dominates the entire river.

Seeing Atai talking to Fang Xing with a smile on his face, several nobles leaned over, wanting to hear what it was.

"... Your Majesty should have a banquet in the evening? Since Xiao Wang had eaten it last time, he dreamed of wanting to taste the craftsmanship of the royal cook again. It is unforgettable!"

Atai licked his lips like a glutton, and Fang Xing said regretfully: "I guess it's too bad. In wartime, your Majesty will probably share the joys and sorrows of the soldiers, and a few more meat dishes would be considered good."

"Who is the pioneer?"

Atai asked eagerly.

Although Da Ming wanted to wait for work in Xinghe Fort and lengthen the supply line of Halle Nation, he couldn't hold fast. He must send troops to cover the battlefield, clean the opponent's scouts, and test the opponent's state.

Fang Xing smiled and said: "It's not that I am partial. If the opponent is a Vala, it's okay, but the Harlem...Last time you saw that the striker used more and less, and was actually pressed and beaten by the opponent. That strength should not be underestimated. There are not many people in the Tartar Ministry, so leave some seeds."

Atai's eyes were dim. He remembered that the Tartars had lost more than half of their male counterparts in the past few years. He couldn't help but sighed: "If Alutai does not die, maybe we will be like the current Oalas and we will be extinct."

Those nobles looked at Fang Xing with grateful eyes, and for the first time gave birth to the idea that Daming was not going to settle accounts with us.

"From now on, I will be a family, there is no extinction."

Fang Xing pointed to the distance and said, “Da Ming’s footsteps will not stop. Whether it is in the vast sea and endless islands in the south, or on the land that extends from it, Da Ming will continue to explore. Those fertile lands need people to cultivate. Those grasslands that can’t see the side at a glance also need shepherds.”

Fang Xing turned around and looked at the nobles and said, "So what are you afraid of? Just sprinkle your people in those places. What are you people?"

At this time someone came over and shouted: "Uncle Xinghe, your majesty summoned."

Fang Xing nodded, and finally calmed down: "I feel at ease and work hard to integrate into the Ming Dynasty, so I can live a stable life in the future."

After Fang Xing left, Atai sneered secretly in his heart when seeing the smiling faces of those nobles.

What is a stable day? At best, it's worry-free.

The guy who is swaying from side to side, and is not determined, is destined to be abandoned.


Fang woke up to Zhu Di's place, everyone was there, looking at him in unison.

"Your Majesty, the ministers just soothed the leaders of Tatar. After all, they are familiar with the land here, so it's good to be a scout."

Zhu Di nodded, Fang Xing found a place to stand.

"Tatar is on this matter, and now the key is Halle."

Zhu Di's expression was exhilarating, as if a cold light flashed as his eyes turned.

"The Harlem is not far away, Li Jie."

"His Majesty."

Chen Mao's lieutenant came out. As for Chen Mao, Zhu Di was dragged out and beaten twenty army sticks just now, and he has been carried away.

"You bring 10,000 cavalry forward to investigate, and when you come into contact with the Harits, you immediately withdraw."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Jie was actually intact, which surprised Fang Xing a little.

Although Chen Mao is responsible, it is Li Jie who is most responsible. Did Zhu Di let him go?

Li Jie turned and left, Fang Xing glanced at it and saw some unconcealed pride.

"Strategy and practice."

At this moment Liu Sheng said in a low voice, Fang Xing understood in an instant.

This forward was trained by Chen Mao and commanded on the battlefield. As long as he was killed and fought in accordance with Chen Mao's command, then the responsibility was naturally Chen Mao's.

At the moment of the war, Zhu Di was about to kill a chicken to warn everyone, so Chen Mao, Ning Yanghou, was unlucky.

After Li Jie left, Zhu Di said earnestly: "This battle is about the fortune of the Ming Dynasty. It is unbeatable. If you win, there will be no worries in the north, and it will lay the territory and peace for the Ming. If you lose, your strength will be greatly damaged. The generations will be ready to move around, and they will not be able to recover in twenty years. So the generals should try their best...follow me!"

Zhu Di got up and held the hilt with his left hand-he has been wearing the sword since the beginning of the Xuan Mansion, and at the same time the armor is by his side, ready to go into battle at any time.

Looking across the officials, Zhu Di said faintly: "Follow me closely, let's defeat the Harits."

"Wish to die for your majesty!"

Zhu Di's gaze on the top seemed to be stunned, as if there was nothing in this world that could stop him. If there was, it would surely be cleared by him and the Ming army one by one.

Such an emperor made people feel heartbroken, even Fang Xing showed admiration, and the blood in his chest was surging.


Later, the generals found a large room in Zhu Di's yard to discuss matters. This is Zhu Di's newly established charter.

You first think about it, and then report it to me, and I will decide if it's right or wrong.

Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong were both state lords, and after some moderation, Zhang Fu presided over the seminar.

A big map hung on the wall, and Zhang Fu pointed a branch to the current Harit’s position and said: “The Harit is expected to arrive at Xinghe Fort fifty miles away in the tenth, and Zhang Jie will meet in the five-day. To them, what will the Harits do?"

"Set up camp a hundred miles away, take a rest, and then try!"

Liu Sheng was the first to put forward his opinion, which was recognized by everyone.

Meng Ying said: "The Harits are known as the Million Army, but everyone knows that it is a lie, especially after knowing that your Majesty's personal conquest, even the arrogant guys have to be cautious. So treat it as a small stock temptation~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Then look at our strength, if it doesn’t work, they will definitely dispatch the whole army in the next step to seek a decisive battle with us."

"Baoding Hou is very true." Xinningbo Tan Zhong walked to the front of the map and pointed to Xinghepu and said: "We are just waiting for work. As long as the Harlie people are not stupid, they must only dare to test, otherwise we will not bring a lot of things. Is that grenade? There are still so many artillery pieces. If you can’t hold them out, the Harit’s will be in great trouble.”

Afterwards, everyone expressed their opinions and felt that the Harits would stop and set up camp a hundred miles away, and then began to test.

Zhang Fu kept listening, and finally asked Fang Xing: "Why didn't Xing He uncle speak?"

Fang Xing had been outside the realm of the sacred travels, he was shocked when he heard the words, and then said: "You are all seniors, Fang X will not show ugliness."

Liu Sheng has the best relationship with Fang Xing. Hearing this, he shouted: "Does Xing He Bo dislike our vulgarity? Quickly talk about it, otherwise you can drink alcohol at night!"

Zhu Di had just arrived, but the Hari hadn't arrived, so he was kind enough to drink tonight.

Immediately everyone started to make a fuss, so Fang Xing thought about it, walked to the map and looked at it.

"The Harlem came from a long distance, and it was difficult for us to take care of it. This is something we can take advantage of."

Fang Xing used his finger to pull a line from Xinghe Fort to Halley.

"So they have to fight quickly, the time has been prolonged, we don't need to fight, the food will be cut off, and they will naturally be defeated."

Fang Xing confidently said: "Harems will definitely not follow ordinary tricks, at least not at the beginning."

Zhu Yong was very interested, and at the same time asked a little unconvinced: "What do Xing and Bo think they will do?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said frankly: "No one can guess this, and Sun Wu's rebirth will not work either. So what we need to do is to be prepared and beware of the Harem's raids." 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone to read. hospital

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